DST Issue - List elements not copying properly

edited March 2014 in DST Development
I'm currently working on a style-sheet for Rogue Trader (https://obsidianportal.com/dynamic_sheet_templates/54); it's mostly complete, but at some point in my editing of the code an odd bug has cropped up; I'm borrowing ChainsawXIV's dynamic list code, and when on the Armory tab and clicking the add weapon button, only the special qualities field remains in its' proper position, with the rest of the absolutely positioned elements staying in their original positions, effectively doubling up. I'm assuming I need to handle everything with floats and margins instead of absolute positioning, but I remember that being awkward to achieve for some reason. Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • Errant
    Posts: 4
    Yup, hurped when I should have durped. Stripping out the absolutes and rejiggering it fixed things.
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