Styling dashboard, settings page, etc

edited February 2014 in Campaign Portal Building
Post-Reforge, I find I mentally separate my campaign wiki into 'public' (wiki pages, adventure logs, maps, etc) and 'private' (dashboard, forums, settings, etc) sections. I'm able to do what I want with my public pages, with (almost) no problems. However, I'm having a terrible time dealing with the private pages.

On one of my heavily-styled wikis, I pretty much just threw a grey background on the whole thing and called it a day. (Campaign "here":, screenshot of dashboard "here":

However, on my newest experiment, I'd really like to take the get the private sections looking as much as possible like the public ones. I'm still messing around with it, but "this is the look I'm going for": Unfortunately, things are way too wide in my private sections ("screenshot here": This seems to be because #content goes to the very edge of the screen in the private sections, while it does not on the public sections. I'm also finding that the left sidebar behaves quite differently on private pages than public pages.

In conclusion, I'm wondering if a) anyone has any suggestions for my situation with the second campaign, and b) what other people with extensive formatting have done with their private sections (since my usual tactic of snooping on people's campaigns is obviously not working...).


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