How to get Players interested in writing on OP?

edited January 2014 in Campaign Portal Building
It seems like a chore to get my players to put their character sheets up, let alone biographies or campaign journals.
Any good incentives to give?


  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275
    It is not easy - I have found that a combination of stated expectation and in game rewards work well for my group. (Killervp's guys really set the gold standard on player participation, I think a deal with a dark power involved but his guys each write a log for every session!)

    I came up with a pretty good "Player Reward Point System": that you are free to use if you wish.

    I also have clearly defined expectations of group members - "Group Procedures":

    This works well for my group but we are more of a serious group, we have a great deal of fun but with the real life constraints that are placed on all of us; we feel having things spelled out is definitely the way to go.

    "A Manifestation of Chaos":
    COTM - Sept. 2012
  • The_Compass_Rose
    Posts: 10 edited January 2014
    I'm GMing several campaigns and the truth is, I can rarely get any of my players to make any effort in adding to the wikis. I'm very interested in Leonidas's reward system, though unfortunately the only way my particular group's been able to hold themselves together is "everyone is always the same level." (It was the only way to get folks to agree to play at all, since we're older and lots of us have kids and such...things that can randomly stop participation of any given night.) Of course the answer to that might just mean that we have to find new and like-minded players, but long story short, I can't get half of them to even *look* at OP...and none of them are usually willing to type anything into it. So I wish you good luck Soul! :D

    Update: Leon's approach is quite snazzy indeed, and I see now there's a lot of other rewards besides the XP (though making it a multiplier of their level was a good call). I'm definitely going to try it on them!
    Post edited by The_Compass_Rose on
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Please refer to the thread "How to Get Your Players More Involved":
    There are lots of great ideas there!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

  • bluesguy
    Posts: 127
    I am using the Hero Game system so players usually get anywhere from 1 to 3 experience per adventure (3 XP can go a long way in Hero). I spell out to my players that they will get extra experience points for doing certain things. Here is "my experience point rules":
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    Hi Soulgeared

    All of the above advice is good and whatever techniques you can employ to get players involved are usually excellent but I would also just like to say that even if some of them still do not take the bait, don't get TOO down about it. Many players (including some of my own) just DO NOT get involved, and I would caution against any punitive measures against those. Remember, the most important part of the game is AT THE TABLE (or wherever else you play) and not all players want to get too involved outside of that. But that is where your stories COME TO LIFE!

    CURRENT CAMPAIGN: "Mysteria": - set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.
    Previous CotM Aug 2012: "Shimring":

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

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