Savage Worlds Deadlands (Play-by-Post) - LOOKING FOR TWO MORE PLAYERS

edited January 2014 in Player Lounge
Steam Dust is Montana’s Dead Lands (Savage Worlds) Campaign.

The date is January 1, 1878. President Lincoln and General Lee are both dead (or are they?).

Both the Union and the Confederate States of America (CSA) are racing to build railroads across the west to gain access to Ghost Rock, found mostly in the Great Maze, formerly the coast of California.

Denver, the mecca of the mid-west, draws you as you are down to your last few gold dollars.

Fame, fortune, woman, booze, legends, rumors, gunfights, shaman, ’injuns, madmen, the allure of freedom and the risk of certain death all co-mingle in the streets of Denver… welcome to the Weird West!

Steam Dust mixes the worlds of cowboys, steampunk, and all manner of evil and the occult — you know, the Weird West!

This campaign has started with three players but we room for 2 more players.

Send me a whisper for an invite.

NOTE: I also a DM on for a number of other RPG games (Pathfinder, D&D Basic, Traveller, Savage Worlds – Pirates, Savage Worlds – Deadlands, Aces and Eights.


  • Teak_Dhara
    Posts: 61
    That's great! I invited you to the Deadlands (which is active), Pathfinder (which is active) and D&D Basic (which is still in planning and recruiting stages).
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