and then the orchestra behind the backdrop started playing acid rockestra


  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    My Relations,

    I just started putting (GURPS) setting material (Players Guide) on the wiki: Of Poets, Fools and Madmen, for potential players to review. I'm primarily using OP as a (re)source for players (rather than flooding them with text files) with a view toward table top play in Denver next spring (after we move back from Portland). If there's sufficient interest I'll consider running an online campaign in the setting as well. I've been GMing since the 80's, first "In the Labyrinth," Steve Jackson's alpha prototype of what later became GURPS, and later Shadowrun, D&D 2nd (Forgotten Realms) and 3.5. in this setting. Various influences from these past games/settings are discernible. However, it seems that in a way returning to GURPS is like coming 'round full circle in my gaming evolution with a much greater understanding of the role of storytelling in gaming and developing a setting which reflects that.

    Outside of gaming I play classical piano, trance-dance hand drumming/percussion and Irish penny whistle, as well as draw and paint, write, offer (primarily spiritual counseling) services as a Wiccan Priest, study/practice Zen and commit random acts of (paper crane) origami.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I do believe you win the "most interesting subject line" award for this forum.

    Welcome to OP, and glad you're able to put it to good use!
  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    Thanks. I'm finding this to be a friendly and helpful site even tho' we're all essentially "playing in our own rooms" so to speak, as opposed to hosting on-line games for other members.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Tee-hee! The main reason I'm so into this site is that I'm helping my friend and GM archive his world permanently and PUBLICLY. He wants you to come borrow his toys! =)

    (Mind you, he went and set a lot of his NPCs visible before he put any data in them, so be prepared for a little frustration there, at least for a while. He's figured out how to update them himself now without waiting for me to come over, at least. =)
  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    For that purpose I use the Campaign Builder's Guild wiki. It's a lot more flexible and featured (which also means more potential page hassles). The setting here is a somewhat pared down version of the one there - that being the GM's Guide to Panisadore. The real advantage of the CBG is the site itself, or more precisely, the people there. Since it's focusing on setting/campaign developers there's a lot of excellent input/feedback on material from folks there - and all of it friendly, helpful and constructive. The Fantaseum Alliance also includes (for writers who game/gamers who write) and the Cartographers Guild - both great sites.

  • Wolvyn
    Posts: 26
    im suffering information overload from that campaign builders guild site. too many homebrews how will i ever decide what i want to borrow and put into Larossia.. Let alone the worlds here.

    "AHHHHHHHHHHH" *runs away screaming*
  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    yeah. beautiful ain't it? one of the really cool wiki bits though is a non-setting project - Phoenix has been building the Mythological Resource Pages trying to database world mythology source links (find in upper right of screen when on the CBG Wiki Main Page) and a general resource page that absolutely kicks ass.
  • Wolvyn
    Posts: 26
    Aye it is.. i havnt even made it to the wiki there.. still just trolling forums.. 6 hours later of constant reading.. im only a few pages in on each area.

    Im glad this place here is less frequented at the moment. Or i would be so dumbfounded as to not have a single clue what to toss next at the brothers grim.

    Im supposed to be writting up a paper on buddhism for my eastern religions course..but instead i find myself reading the forums there and looking through the various wiki's here for inspiration for my game tomorrow night.. that probally wont happen as one of the two primary characters is sick.

    Anyway Merry Met traveler and welcome here from another newcommer.
  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    True - I have a hard time managing to work on my campaign and still keep up with (and review) much of the other campaigns and threads.
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