Imbedding an image in a wiki from an external source


  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    How is this done? The Textile Quick Reference is of no help - I've tried every syntax suggested exactly as shown, nothing works - either nothing is shown on the page, or the code and link appears as text (if I don't end the string with another "!") Actually the Quick Ref has been rather misleading in syntax in a number of cases (where I've had to insert spaces where none are shown) and is becoming quite frustrating. Is there any better documentation available?
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    This works for me: !{float:right;}! You can see what that looks like "here":
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    The {float:right} can be tricky. I would suggest the following. It's a little more complex, but gives you a lot more flexibility.


    If this makes sense, think of !{float:right}....! as placing a small bowl of fruit on your page, always on the right. The only thing that can go in the bowl is fruit, and there isn't any other room for anything else. Now think of a DIV as a small plate, that can have fruit, a salad, turkey, or all three! This is more for complex page formatting.

    The other nice thing about DIV is that you can add padding to the image or whatever you put in there.

    If you are _just_ looking to include an image. Use the following tag:


    ex: !!

    Hope that helps!
  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    Well, that's just it, the string: ! ! is invisible on the page, and so is the image. Is it something about how the file is called (by ID) on the Yuntaa server?
    NB the spaces between ! and the start/end of the string aren't included in the wiki page, I just had to add them here because when I saved this msg the entire string was invisible! I'm really starting to hate the editors on this site - things do NOT work as the examples in the sidebars show them and I can't find any further documentation to clarify syntax.
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    Yeah i think it's because it's being called with an ID and not to the actual file. Look for something that says "direct link" on your host, or when you are viewing the image, right-click and go to "view image". The URL at the top should be the direct link. What you are looking for is something that ends in ".jpg" or ".gif"

    On the side: have you checked out "photobucket": it's a free service, and lets you host quite a few files with a modest amount of bandwidth. Unless you plan on hosting for 100K+ visitors, you should be fine...
  • Snargash_Moonclaw
    Posts: 40
    Thanks. The Copy Link button on the host generated the original ID lookup I was using. Right clicking + View Image still shows an address with an ID# rather than FileName.type, but it's a different address which works after Rt Click + Copy Image Location to paste it into the page.
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    No problem! Glad to hear it worked. Now on to linking to external files ;)
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