New format leaves lots of blank space

edited October 2013 in General Discussion
In Obsidian Portal Reforged I have noticed there is now a lot of blank space on the sides of my campaign sites. Aside from zooming in, which just makes the text huge, is there a setting somewhere where I can make the page content view wider or something like that? I've tried looking at every setting I have, but I have come up with nothing so far. I run in 1080x1920 resolution and use Chrome. It just seems like there is a huge waste of space and I'd like to be able to make use of that without zooming in. It also seems like the default text is much bigger and my text is taking up far more lines than usual. I skimmed the forums, but didn't see anything like this in the thread titles. If there is a guide which does cover this, I'd appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction. Any other help would be appreciated.


  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    Hi airwalkrr

    If you can change the CSS for your website (that is, if you're an ascendant member), there's lots of help in the various CSS discussions (especially in the ["Quick 'n Dirty Post-Reforge CSS Fix":] discussion).

    If you're a regular member, check out the *advanced tab* on your *settings* page (from the *dashboard*, click on the *settings* icon, then click on the *Advanced* tab).
    There's a new option on this page called *Content Max Width (px)*. Set this value to 1000.

    I hope this helps.
  • airwalkrr
    Posts: 2
    Thank you very much, ketherian! I am only a regular member so I tried the second option and it worked great. I had to set it to 2000 to get it to a nice view. Hopefully it will look okay on the screens of my other players as well. I will ask them to check and give me feedback. Thanks again!
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