Altering horizontal line width

edited October 2013 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm facing a slight formatting issue, and was wondering if you folks might be able to advise how I should move forward.

As you can see "here":, my horizontal lines (I use the "" tag) conflict with my index bar, and create a huge page gap that I'm not sure how to get rid of. It would be handy if I could adjust the width of the line, but I'd wager that there's probably a simpler workaround that I'm just not aware of.

Any suggestions?


  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    It looks fine on Chrome.

    By the way, how did you get it so wide and taking up nearly all my screen? Thats wonderful.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Hey, that is nice, Arikiba!

    As for the , it doesn't really look bad, and that's actually exactly what they're supposed to do. But if you don't like it, you can get rid of it easily enough.

    This is apparently what the 'clear:both' css tag does, so to toss it just stick this in your CSS:

    hr { clear:none; }
  • SharkTwain
    Posts: 3
    Hey thanks for the compliments, guys. I used the CSS code that Basilius posted in his 'quick-n-dirty' fix thread, and modified it a bit. I'm on my phone right now, but I'll share my version of the code when I get home tonight.

    Also, thanks for that, Langy. I'll try that tonight and see how it works.
  • SharkTwain
    Posts: 3
    Alrighty, thank you Langy, that was exactly the fix I needed. As for the CSS of my campaign, this is what I use.

    .campaign-public-layout #content {max-width:1500px}
    .campaign-public-layout .highlight-container {display:none;}
    .campaign-public-layout #campaign-summary-row .row {opacity: 0.0; height: 30px}
    .campaign-public-layout .main-content-container {width:1100px; padding: 0px;}
    .campaign-public-layout .campaign-landing-page-container {width:1100px; padding: 0px;}
    .campaign-public-layout .section {width:1100px;}
    .campaign-public-layout .post-main {width:1100px;}
    .campaign-public-layout .front-nav-container {position:relative; z-index:5; width: 185px}
    .campaign-public-layout .sidebar {position:relative; z-index:5; width: 185px}
    hr { clear:none; }
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