Save Button

edited October 2013 in Campaign Portal Building
I was wondering if someone can figure out a way to get that "SAVE" button on the Edit page to float like a sidebar to the left of the edit page. My HTML/CSS-FU is not up to it yet, I cant seem to figure out how to target it. I noticed alot of people complaining about scrolling for it, and I thought that would be a novel solution.


  • Strahd42
    Posts: 13
    Ok I found it.. took a bit to puzzle it out...

    input[value=Save] { position:fixed ;left:100px;top:100px;}

    that added to your CSS will make the Save button stay in the corner, always on the screen..

    Wish i had that figured out 2000 wiki page edits ago
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    I have to say, this has proven handy. It's also inspired me to make a few other edit page changes (still need to figure out how, but that will come).

    This may not matter come the 27th (reforge), but then again it's possible the edit pages won't change.

    Thanks for posting this.
  • Strahd42
    Posts: 13
    Yeah I know, I cant wait. I am on the verge of rolling out some major changes on my campaign page, and I'm holding off to see what goodies I get. Today I figured out how to make Index tabs, so as you hover over the tab, it opens it up for you without clicking it. (imagine being able to roll over the tabs at the top, without having to click on them to see whats on them, until you want to. But I'm not going to go for the full monty on it until the changes come.

    btw: here is my full code block for the buttons

    input[value=Save] { position:fixed ;left:100px;top:100px;Height:100px;width:100px;}
    input[value=Create] { position:fixed ;left:100px;top:100px;Height:100px;width:100px;}
    input[value=Update] { position:fixed ;left:100px;top:100px;Height:100px;width:100px;}

    that takes care of all of them i believe, as well as gives you a Much bigger button to hit.
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited October 2013
    In the interest of sharing, here are the changes that I made, which I think help make the edit page more usable in a quicker fashion.

    @input[value=Save] {position:fixed ;left:70px;top:114px;}
    .preview-body {position:fixed ;left:45px;top:136px;}
    .notification-controls {position:fixed ;left:50px;top:-15px;background-color:white;}
    #wiki_page_body {height:550px;}@

    These changes produce the following results:
    * Moves the Save button up and over to the left a bit more
    * Places the Preview button (for the main body, not the GM-only section) just below the Save button
    * Places the email notifications above both buttons indicated above (I like to deselect all the email notifications while doing rampant changes, waiting until the final changes to send notifications thereby not spamming the group every time I make a change)
    * Lengthens the main body quite a bit so I can see more of the text. Admittedly, this does cover up the header, but folks generally aren't interested in the header while in the middle of editing a page. I figure as long as the header is visible when viewing pages, it's all good.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
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