Campaign Landing Page thoughts



  • Viehmagnat
    Posts: 24
    Finally had some time to hop on the staging site, and after the initial splash of fun, the first thing I wanted to change was the width of the center column (as mentioned above by Langy and crimsonknave). The downscale worked nicely when I would narrow the window if I wanted to put more than two pages side by side by side, but when viewing only one page at full screen, there seems to be an awful lot of wasted space at the sides. I tried playing around with custom backgrounds (yay), but kept getting all manner of issues, so I figure that might not be quite ready yet.

    In the players window, the thumbnails are a bit staggered due to some of my players using only a single name and others using first/last names. It lends to the window looking a bit messy.

    The where we game window is perhaps useful for public campaigns or those looking for players, but for private and friend only campaigns, it just takes up space, as my players and those we have invited already know that information. I might find it more useful if the map also showed other games within a designated travel radius, perhaps in a second color marker. If I were to pop onto my campaign page and glance at the map and see a second marker nearby, I would be inclined to check out that campaign. Nothing I need, but if the map is going to be on the private campaigns that might be a function it could serve.

    I kept looking for the forum and calendar tabs on the dashboard. I would guess those just are not in staging yet? Or is the intent to leave them off the campaign dashboard? I did stumble upon the calendar and forums eventually, but it wasn't from the campaign dashboard. I tend to use the Adventure Log for adventure summaries, and tie them to the forums for AFT (Away From Table) discussions, as the forums currently have more controls for who gets what post updates.

    Last Updated and Status are good. I would also like to see a line there for Next Game that ties to the calendar, listing when the next scheduled game is. That is information I would almost classify as need for the campaign dashboard. Much more than the Where We Game window. I would rather see a mini-month calendar with shaded boxes for upcoming games that I could click to go to the Calendar for more details. That would be a nice to have.

    As an aside, my wife looked over at my computer screen and was ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the "pretties". She was on the current site updating some things for game day, and was very much jealous of the reforging and can't wait to be able to play on the reforged site as well when it is ready. Great job!
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