My best campaign ever....



  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Grover froze for a did everyone else in the shop.
    His Religex dulled reflexes finally allowed him to move his hand towards the gun in his belt but The Jumper took aim and advised:

    "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

    This action caused everyone in the store to either take whatever cover they could find as fast as possible or flee the establishment outright rather than get in the middle of a random firefight between to very beat up and unfriendly looking individuals.
    Although he had initially followed Mee-Chan's advice, the emptying of the Starbucks had filled the giant with trepidation and his hand began to slowly creep towards his pistol once more.


    The giant hesitated and then grabbed a girl still sitting at the table beside him and held her by the throat...

    Gadbois: "'Rop th' guh o' ah breah hur neh'!"
    North: "Uhhh....what?"

    Grover repeated his ultimatum just as unintelligibly as he had the first time.
    Still trying to stall for time, he feverishly searched for a solution when waitress who had been hiding beside him spoke up:

    "I believe he said drop the gun or he'll break her neck."

    The implied facepalm The Jumper gave her made her realize he wasn't interested in playing a game of "charades", causing her to become silent once more.
    The giant tried to impart the severity of his threat by shaking his captive by the throat, slowly squeezing the life from her.

    North: "Alright, win!"

    He turned the trenchgun around and stepped slowly towards Grover with the stock extended to him but handed it to him in such a way that he would need to grab it with the hand Grover used to hold his hostage.
    The Religex clouded goon smiled and after a moment threw the girl aside to take the shotgun only to have Knowledge fast draw his .660 Nitro-Express into the giants bulbous gut.

    The round went clear through Grover and two sets of bullet-proofed plexiglass doors before penetrating a parked car and embedding in the building across the street.
    The impact sent Grover flying 3 yards before he hit the ground, causing him to careen into a coffee display that shattered, sending bloodied dry roasted beans and glass fragments all over the floor.

    North: "So much for the element of suprise."


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Stone was still shadowing Stevenson since first making contact and had managed to infiltrate a another section of the plant that had much tighter security than the outer sections.
    His superior skill in the "art of shush" coupled with the Chameleon Suit made even these measures little more than a temporary distraction.
    Eventually he located The Pastor again and found him extracting his latest viral cocktail for the new shipment of nine BU-37 Combat Boomers in the warehouse.
    Stevenson was eager to see if these new models would be able to finally do what the others could never reach the KC-1 Broadcast Power Array.
    Gary had theorized if a "Rogue" ever manages to link with one, it could concievably transmit "Voomer Madness" to EVERY Boomer within range of the Array....which is just short of 50 miles.
    There are literally THOUSANDS being used in and around the fortress city at present and an area-wide Boomer pandemic could destroy the ENTIRE city.
    KC-1 would be wiped from the face of the Earth.
    Stevenson would finally have revenge on the R.N.C. executives who had betrayed him in Louisiana with Leision.
    The last of his electronic transfers from his flock were being finalized with the complicity of certain Bank Executives who had worked at the establishment Catherine had intended to "rob"...

    Mike: "SLICE!!!!"
    GM: "Hush you, you're CAPTURED, remember?"
    Mike: "Oh, I STILL get the point?"
    GM: "Uhhhh, WAS funny though!"
    Phil: "And isn't that reward enough?"
    Mike: "Not really."
    GM: "Alright, you GET the point but only CATHERINE can use it....kewl?"
    Mike: "He77 yeah!"
    Greg: "Mike, did you eat ALL the chips again?"
    Greg: "Mike?"

    He wasn't certain due to the difficulty of lip reading at such a distance but Stone was almost positive he instructed his lackeys to be certain only the to transport the "blue" containers to the southern base of operations. The "red" containers were to remain on site.
    It would be unlikely Stone could get a direct sample but access to a computer terminal may yield some answers if he could enter a few container in the right places.
    Stone had only recently learned to use computers since enlisting with the Mayhem (more out of nessessity than anything else) but he wanted some answers.
    He texted his latest discoveries and tried informed the Mayhem that they should get into position without realizing his latest transmitters could not penetrate the surrounding structure, nor were any of his current texts being recieved.
    His choices at the time....uncover more about the blue and red containers or follow Gary back to Catherine.
    Stone quickly placed the transmitter on the transport vehicle that would move the blue shipment instead of the labs wall and followed The Pastor instead.
    The Hunter also uncovered another vital detail.
    Gary detoured to his shack before going back to Catherine and it would be in his residence that Stone would find a veritable arsenal under The Pastors floor.
    Everything he needed to eliminate his objectives were there.
    It was taking a gamble with Catherine's life but Stone chose to locate where she was being held first then went to plant the explosives.
    Once completed, he would call for the cavelry and backtrack to bust Catherine out of stir.


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Knowledge ran across the street and into the hotel lobby only to see the panicked excitement of the patrons and staff that had been piqued by watching the exterior entrance almost explode from his single 660NE round from the shop across the street.
    The staff was overwhelmed but they easily caught up to The Jumper after he had triggered the lobbies weapon detectors.

    "Sir, you can't come in here with'll have to turn them in or leave them in your vehicle."

    North tried to shrug it off as if like: "Guns, WHAT guns?" and continued inside until he heard the conserted chorus of multiple weapons being readied.
    He stopped and slowly raised his hands, tossing the trenchgun to a sofa as he stood beside the lobbies waiting area.
    Patrons instantly moved as far from him as they could and he was about to turn around as instructed...when he spotted Brewster standing at the top of the stairs in front of him...

    North: "Y-you're ALIVE!?!"
    Brewster replied in a drall slower than usual: "Never felt better."

    Then without further adieu, drew on Mee-Chan.
    Even under the influence of Religex, she was still faster than anyone in the room and had managed to pop off four rounds before anyone present could react.
    One round nicked Mee-Chan in the upper left shoulder as he stood there in complete suprise.
    Two others wounded a pair of the hotel security guards that stood behind Knowledge leaving only one.
    The fourth harmlessly struck plexiglass which it failed to penetrate.

    Knowledge snapped out of suprise faster than the others and dove for cover.
    Brewster saw this and tried to stop him but all four shots she fired somehow missed him.
    The same could not be said for the security guards behind Knowledge.
    One of them managed to get off a "dying shot" after being struck twice more but Brewster concentrated her attention on Mee-Chan and put down four last rounds on his position as he cowered behind his "flimsy" cover before her Matsucorp caseless heavy pistol ran dry.
    This prompted Mee-Chan to sit up and draw her own Gong.
    Her Religex dulled relexes fouled her fast draw/ammo attempt and she heard the sound of her OWN Gong chambering a round before she had even inserted the casette into the pistol.

    Brewster: "I was JUST wondering where I had put that?"

    The Jumper cautiously emerged from his cover but kept the Norinco trained on the ex-state trooper...

    North: "What the F'K has GOTTEN into you!?!"
    Brewster: "Nothing but the Light of God, Chief."

    Knowing of her hatred for religion, this prompted North to cock the weapon as he aimed it at her, activating the laser targeting scope attachment.
    She dropped the empty Matsucorp sidearm and began to slowly walk towards him with her arms outstretched as if on a cruxifix...

    Brewster: "There's someone who would like to meet you...."
    North: "NOT-ONE-MORE-STEP!!!"

    But this only caused Beulla's smile to grow wider...

    Brewster: "No....I don't believe you will."

    Unfortunately for Knowledge, she was right.
    Beulla had almost murdered him but he still couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger on her and she KNEW it!


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    North: "You....B1TCH!!"

    The smile instantly left the ex-cops face as if she had suddenly been afflicted by an "ice cream headache"...

    Brewster: "Now THAT wasn't very nice of you-"

    Despite being drugged, she was on him before he could blink.
    As the two struggled with the Gong it discharged causing remaining patrons and staff to run for cover screaming.

    (Those who hadn't ALREADY that is!)

    Brewster was stronger than Knowledge but he happened to know she has a rib that never healed properly on her right side so as they struggle, he manages to land a knee to the sensitive area that winds her but unfortunately not enough for her to lose her grip on the Gong.
    Just then, Mee-Chan takes notice that Gains has limped to the top of the stairs and is now seeing him struggling with Brewster for the first time.
    Miraculously, Brewster remains stunned into the next turn so, instead of trying to wrestle the weapon from her, he attempts an arm lock on the stunned and drugged Beulla and manages to get the weapon pointed towards Gains as he fumbles for his own pistol, while immobilizing Beulla's arm behind her back.
    The action of the Gong firing is enough to send Brewster falling to the ground holding her ears and the near miss makes Gains panic and drop his pistol down the stairs.
    Seeing Brewster is no longer a threat he takes aim at Brody as the cripple tries to awkwardly bend over to pick up his pistol without falling over when Knowledge fires a shot into the stairwell causing him to lose balence and fall down the stairs, re-shattering his kneecap in the process.
    Mee-chan could swear he heard the crunching from where he stood across the room.
    Instead of a scream, this time there was a loud gasp followed by the sound of a slumping body.
    He had to think fast....loads of trigger-happy Judges would be arriving shortly and there's no possibility of talking his way out of THIS one.

    - Should he get the ammo....the reason he went there in the first place....possibly triggering another ambush.
    - Should he get out of Dodge with Brewster as fast as he can and try and find out what she was doing with a scumbag like Brody and oh, yeah....FIGURE OUT WHY SHE WAS SHOOTING AT HIM!?!?!"
    - Or should he go and ensure that Brody Gains will never bother anyone ever again....something he vowed to do if something FAR LESS even took place.

    Greg: "C, C....PICK C!!!"
    Mike: "I gotta go with the crazy guy on this one."
    Phil: "Too BAD....I'M using him so kiss off!"
    GM: "So what's the plan, Phil?"

    Knowledge removes a pair of cuffs from the back of Brewsters belt and binds her while shes temporarily deafened.
    He is just coming out of the hotel lobby as the distant sound of the approaching sirens can be heard coming into range.
    He tosses her into the backseat face first (as he was rushed for time) and jumped into the front and sped off into the night.
    She hadn't said a word after being cuffed until she managed to get a good look at the scummed up backseat of her beloved "Boat"...

    Brewster: "W-what happened to MY car!?!"
    North: "I can not tell a was Rebecca."
    Brewster: "THAT C@NT!!!"

    Knowledge did his best to conseal his relief at not taking the blame for the dogs directly as he had agreed to.


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    North: "Relax, I'm taking you to her can TELL her yourself."

    Beulla attempted to lean towards the front seat...

    Brewster: "No, we have to go and see The Pastor-"

    The Jumper knew she wasn't to be trifled with so he quickly elbowed her directly in the forehead (while he was driving....a LOT harder than it seems in the movies) and sent her back into the seat behind her...

    North: "I-said-relax!"

    It was at this exact moment that his cell went off and scared the living crap out of him.

    North: "Go."
    Brewster slurred: "Is THAT her?"
    Knowledge: "Actually I have good news and bad news. The good news is I've found Brewster. No, you CAN'T talk to her now...."
    Brewster: "Hey, is THAT her?"

    Still ignoring his captive audience...

    Brewster: "Seriously, is THAT Rebecca?"
    North: "Now WHY on Earth would I make something like THAT up?"

    Knowledge proceeded to hold the phone towards Beulla with exasperation in his voice...

    North: "Am I lying?"
    Brewster: "Yup, guilty as charged...Ayers, is that YOU?!"

    The Jumper brought the phone back and threatened another elbow causing Beulla to sit back down but giving him the evil eye...

    North: "NO, I DON'T KNOW WHY!?!"
    North: "Girl, don't MAKE me TASER your @$$!"
    Brewster: "I don't own a taser."
    North: "True, but the one guards in the hotel did....SO, SHADDUP!!!"

    After a moment of awkward silence he continued...

    North: "Oh, the bad news? Y-yeah...I uhhh, I-I sorta shot up the hotel....well, it wasn't REALLY me...Brewster did all the shooting....somebodies PROBABLY dead."

    The ex-cop snorts indignantly at the remark thinking she's a good enough shot that someone had BETTER be dead after all that lead was exchanged.

    North: "O-okay....I DID shoot up the Starbucks across the street from the hotel-"

    (Knowledge immediately pulls the reciever away from his ear in discomfort as someone yells unintelligibly through the phone)

    North: "L-look, I'll be there shortly, we can continue this then....copy that."

    Beulla then became menacing...

    Brewster: "You know....I just can't LET you take me there-"

    The Grand National came to a screeching halt in the middle of the road, sending her skull into the back of the head rest and bouncing Beulla right back into the rear seat.

    North: "Hold on a second, please?"

    The Jumper then tasered Brewster then turned back in his seat and picked up the phone again.

    North: "Hello....Hello?....yeah so, any minute now....OH, what was so important anyhow?"

    The Jumper simply closed up the phone upon recieving the answer and accelerated into the night as he sped towards the Brotherhood compound.
    The time to launch the attack had come...


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Knowledge was certain that the vehicular sensors in the older sections of KC-1 weren't functional or were in a state of ill-repair and was confident that the Peaceforcers wouldn't trace him to the Brotherhood compound despite having a good description of Brewster's "Boat" after the incident at Starbucks and the hotel.
    He was at a loss to explain what had made Beulla "flip out" earlier but the result had now left them both wanted fugitives by the KC-1 constabulary.
    She was still unconcious as he pulled up alongside the The Mayhem.

    Gus would keep Brewster out of trouble, secured in the compound infirmary while the others staged the rescue but her sudden "betrayal" weighed heavily upon Mee-Chan. How could he have misjudged her so badly?
    He tried to push it to the back of his mind as he steeled his thoughts for the battle to come.
    It was a signifigant blow to his confidence at a time when he could least afford to second guess himself.
    Many lives were at stake and in the heat of battle, hesitation would bring certain death.

    The Electric Mayhem sped onto the plains and made its way to Stevenson's transport corridor.
    Lisa alerted Stone that the team was inbound and would be within striking distance in 30 minutes to which the Hunter Supreme designated his coordinates for retrieval with Miss Calaveri, once he had (hopefully) liberated her from A.S.P.'s clutches.
    Maim, Lisa and Rebecca all donned their underarmor bodysheaths as The Jumper began to move the Motoroids into the deployment cradles.

    Erica would have the MG-442 35mm Chaingun mounted to her Motoslave but Rebecca had decided to go with a prototype 8.8 cm Rocket Cannon (that Gi-San had cobbled together as an afterthought) on her Motoslave.
    Furthermore, Erica also chose to sport a pair of "wing-like" heavy railgun launchers on her Hard Suit.
    She had grown to appreciate Gi-San's expiramental work more than the true "tried & tested" equipment.
    Even Mee-Chan would supplement the J-Types already formidable weapons selection with a pair of hip mounted 25mm Metalstorm grenade launchers in addition to an extra magazine of anti-tank SABOT munitions for his 85mm Recoiless.
    Whoever was responsible for this would pay for what they had done and THIS time, the gloves were off!

    Jeremiah configured the Mayhems weapon systems for artillary support and switched the system over to the new fully automated "driver's little helper" mode that would take its firing cues from the combatants in the field, leaving the driver free to consentrate on his immediate surroundings without fear of distraction.
    With Bobby to back him up on the cannons, The Electric Mayhem was a veritable fortress.
    Gi-San had really outdone himself.
    There wasn't a single weak component in the assault team even though they were operating with a skeleton crew.
    The biggest problem would be if the Peaceforcers decided to take notice and come out to play.
    Stormfront would still have the "firepower" advantage against them but firing upon innocents isn't a part of the plan and the Peaceforcers would not share the groups sence of consideration.
    They had no way of knowing at the time but the Peaceforcers would be kept quite busy with problems of their OWN.

    Stone had just finished planting the last of the explosives and was moving back towards the prisoner cells when he noticed the transport with the BU-37's leaving the base.
    Finding a secure location, he texted news of the event to the incoming Mayhem and they recieved prompt confirmation of reception of the possible inbound threat.
    It was only by habit that Stone took refuge to send his message, and it was fortunate that he did for it was at THAT exact moment that the power supply on his Chameleon Suit ran out!
    This would complicate matters and would slow his return to rescue Catherine...the main problem being he had unforunately set his explosives to coinside with a speedier rescue timetable.
    He DIDN'T text news of that development and instead just did what you're supposed to do when you're neck deep in it....just take a deep breath and hope for the best!


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    With a pair that could ONLY be made of Stone, he simply WALKS out and acts as if he's SUPPOSED to be there as he beelines for the cells!
    Fortunately, the guard towers are watching the exterior of the compound and it's still 4 am....dark enough that as long as he didn't stray to close to anyone, nobody would notice.
    So brazen and ballsy a ploy that he ACTUALLY pulls it off!
    Well...until he reached the pair of guards that stood watch by the prisoners cubicles but Stone had already knew they would be waiting for him.

    The shadow shrouded Stone calmly walked up to them humming the tune to: "You can't rollerskate in a buffalo herd".
    Thanks to a critically failed perception check on the part of the sentry closest to him, the guard begins to hum the tune as well!


    This causes the second guard to begin to join in and SING THE LYRICS!!!

    (The GM rules that he overheard them singing the melody earlier.)

    Stone emerges from the shadows just as the chorus came up....bringing both guards to an immediate, stunned silence.
    The first guard has his throat cut by Stone's Bowie before he can react but the second sentry snaps out and tries to take a bead on the Indian Scout.
    Before he can yell out, Stone simply steps forward and puts his thumb under the trigger of the sentries rifle, preventing it from discharge, quickly followed by a head butt that knocks the guard unconcious with a single blow.
    He then flips the fallen sentries rifle around and contines to walk to the cells, humming the same tune at exactly the point where he had left off!!!

    (I should have awarded TWO points for that one, but good rping only gets one point per "deed"....but D@MN that was good!)

    (Phil stands up and takes a bow.)
    Greg: "Suck up...."
    Mike: "You're just jealous you didn't think of it first!"
    Greg: "I STILL think he should have SHOT his way in there."
    Phil: "What, with a bow and arrow?"
    Greg: "SHADDAP!!!"

    Catherine was not looking too good.
    She was barely able to hold herself up in the chair against the veritable cornucopia of pharmaceuticals coursing through her veins.
    Rex took note that her condition had reached the point that Stevenson had deemed desired for optimal interrogation but before he fetched his master, he wanted to be sure.
    He walked up to her slowly, swaggering deliberately in a "pimp" fashion as he did.
    It wasn't until he had come with a foot of her that she took notice and recoiled in a sluggish, terrified fashion from his approach.
    Rex began to giggle uncontrollably...

    Radisson: "Not so tough now, are ya?"
    Cathy: "You jus'wayt til' my b'yfriend getz here....heesh gunna f'kin' kick y'r s'ry @$$ inta th' afterl'fe."

    A knock came from the cell door.


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Rex held a hand to his ear...

    Radisson: "You hear that Princess....times UP!"

    The grizzled deuler cackled to himself as he strutted to the door and opened it....only to have Stone stick an M-26A4 assault rifle barrel straight up one of his nostrils.

    Cathy: "Thash NOT m' b'yfriend...."

    Stone stepped into the cubicle and looked at the mechanic tied to the chair as he took the P-33 Pereira from Rex's belt and closed the cell door with his foot.
    Cathy squints once more, trying to concentrate as hard as she possibly could, and upon finally recognizing who it was began to giggle at the suprised Rex...

    Cathy: "Yure SSSOOOOO f'ked now....ha-HHAAAAHHHH-HA-hahah!!!"

    Rex begins to close his eyes and makes a depressed moaning sound as his shoulders slump in disappointment.

    Mike: "Uhhh....what exactly would that moan sound like?"

    (The Bruce Willis "Die Hard" tone rings through my impersonation loud and clear)

    Mike: "IT'S A RUSE-"

    Rex is able to knock the rifle aside in a single sweeping motion and the weapon almost strikes Cathy as it flies from the Cherokee's grasp.
    Stone armlocks the limb that knocked the rifle away but Rex counters with a reverse armlock of his own causing Stone to run UP the cubicle wall beside him to backflip to his feet and in the process avoid having his arm broken by the much stronger Rex's armlock.
    He runs up the wall a second time in a near identical fashion but instead of backflipping, locks his calves around Radisson's neck and in doing so, throws him to the ground in the process, breaking Rex's vice-like grip.

    Cathy: "YEAH, KICK HIZ @$$!!!"

    Rex struggles to pry Stone's legs from his throat but as the Autodeuler tries to grab a leg, Stone traps the offending limb and tries to hyperextend it.
    Radission yells out in pain but as his free arm flails, it comes into contact with the Pereira now in the Indian's belt and Rex retrieves the pistol with a flawless "Fastdraw Others Gun" roll.

    (Nice one Greg!)

    Before the gun can fire, Stone releases the locked limb and swats the pistol from his grasp but this enables Rex to break free.
    Both opponents are barely to their knees when Rex lunges at Stone with all the force he can muster sending both crashing to the ground right at Catherine's feet.
    She tries to ineffectually kick his head but instead only distracts Stone from what he's doing as her toes keep tapping him in the temple or face.

    (Phil and Mike are cracking up)

    Rex manages to mount Stone and tries to ground pound the Hunter but he traps the striking limb and prevents the attack.
    In a freakish display of strength, even with arm locked, Rex manages to stand up...lifting Stone up to maximum extension before crashing to the ground on top of him.
    The spectacular display of might breaks the Cherokees lock and but fails to stun Stone and the two put some distance between each other while they scramble to their feet.
    Rex is now showing signs of wear from repeated strong attacks and displays of strength with extra effort.
    Stone is also smarting from that last bodyslam, but true to form, has not even let on that he is injured or slowed in any way shape or form as he vaults to his feet ahead of his adversary.
    Rex pulls out his "Machete Loco"....a superfine quality extra-large kukri.
    Stone takes out his Bowie and Tomahawk.
    Rex shakes his head....being one of the few around Stevenson not under the effects of Religex...

    Radisson: "Please...I HAVE to know...who the f'k ARE you?"

    Stone only adopts a dual-weapon fighting stance as a reply.
    Insulted by the gesture, Rex charges at Stone who awaits the impending attack.
    Crossing the 2 yard distance in the blink of an eye, he swings El-Loco at the Hunter who vaults over the attack and manages to sink his Tomahawk deep into Rex's back before he completes his jump then rolling to his feet once behind him.
    Rex staggers from the blow as Stone rapidly closes the distance between the two.

    Greg: "RIP-OFF!!!"
    Phil: "You all-out don't GET a defence."
    Greg: "@#$% *&#@ @#%&!!!"
    (GM shrugs.)
    (Mike starts eating the Sweet Tarts.)


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    With axe still lodged firmly in his back (just out of reach) Radisson spun around in time to dodge Stone's follow-up attack.
    No sooner had the blade gone passed his eyes that he launched his own counter attack with his much larger machete but Rex's strike hit nothing but air.
    Stone changed his grip from swing to thrust and lunged for his opponents heart, causing Rex to lose ground to the Cherokee.
    He pressed his attack, changing grip once more and nearly opened Rex's throat like a flute but the Autodeuler gave ground once more.
    Unfortunately for Rex, there was no more ground left to give and his back slammed into the far wall....with Stone's Tomahawk STILL lodged in it!
    The shock of impact was worse than the initial wound itself and before Radisson could draw a final laboured gasp, Stone pinned his head to the wall of the cell through his eye with a single powerful thrust from his Bowie.

    Catherine winced at the morbid display and then proceeded to vomit all over herself.

    Stone checked his watch then sent the signal the group had been waiting for:

    "Package One secured....delivering Package Two...."

    The compound lit up like Christmas Day.
    The inclusion of two more charges at the refeuling pumps and Stevenson's armory really did the trick.
    Secondaries were visible from the road as the Mayhem approached in the distance and Jeremiah put the pedal to the metal.

    Hammerdown: "LIGHT 'EM UP!!!"

    Bobby began his fire support mission and a series of cannon launched guided projectiles were scattered over the factory area that homed in on all "surveilled" targets.
    90% of them were struck with the first volley and no target remained to be hit after the second.
    That is...all but two.
    The mysterious transport that went to the south and the transport that held the Boomers which even now headed north towards KC-1.

    As expected....a dozen armored deuling vehicles launched to defend the remains of the factory.
    Unfortunately that's when something most unexpected occured and those vehicles were joined by a flight of mini-attack helo units similar to the "Fire Bee" that would eventually see deployment with AD Police.
    A.S.P. may have been a fledgling organization but Gary had done his homework and he would not go down without a fight.
    That fighting (of course) would been done by OTHERS in his place while he retreated to a safe distance!

    The Pastor had suspected it might've be the work of R.N.C. GHOST operatives until he saw what remained in Miss Calaveri's cell.
    Rex and the cell were an absolute was REAL ugly and it DEFINITELY wasn't the work of R.N.C..
    THIS was personal!
    He comforted himself by thinking at LEAST Radisson hadn't scalped!

    Becca and Maim were the first out the doors as they launched with their Motoroids, remaining in bike configuration only long enough to change modes and take flight as a battloid.
    Lisa stood atop the Mayhem as The J-Type lurched skyward from its launch cradle.
    The exhaust from its flightjets had barely cleared when dust from the approaching defenders could be seen in the distance.
    Lisa sprinted forward along the length of the trailer and leapt into the air, using the suits verniers to gain the altitude she needed to join Mee-Chan's battlemover, already in flight.
    Knowledge checked his tactical display and informed the girls to concentrate on the Locust mini-helos while he and Hammerdown took out the sand cruisers.

    North: "Okay light 'em up....I'll knock 'em down!"

    Bobby-Q: "Copy that K, launching Artillary Drones...NOW!"


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    A series of miniature disc-like UCAV drones began to deploy from the Mayhem's trailer which then accelerated away at high speed in all directions....each with the sole task of designating MLRS CLGP munitions fire.
    The darkness of the dawn sky was suddenly lit up by streams of tracer fire and explosions from the A.S.P. defenders and the Kansas plains lit up like the skies over the city of Bagdad.
    There would be no hiding THIS from the Peaceforcers!

    The Locust pilots were inexperienced at fighting Battlemovers but still well-trained combat operators and paired up against their targets almost immediately.
    Maim chose to lure her pair away but Rebecca instead went head-to-head, matching cannon for cannon.

    The mini-choppers 12.7mm Vulcans put down a wall of fire at the approaching mecha but Rebecca was just moving too fast, closing the distance between them quicker than the pilots could effectively compensate for.
    The combination of her jet exhaust and stray enemy fire detonated mines in her Motoroids wake as she charged up the field at high speed over the roofs of the sand cruisers below.
    In her first pass, she triggers her MG-442 gunpod and turns one of the helos to confetti in a short bust that sees it pancake against the plains below at high speeds, trailing flames as it cavitated out of control to its doom.
    The two remaining fighters then turned into each other as hard as they could.
    Whoever could bring their weapons to bear first would win.
    Rebecca had already began to fire before she had swept the barrel over her target and with a loud war cry, unloaded the remaining 39 rounds into the A.S.P. "Locust" using the tracers to lead her fire.
    The manuver pays off and despite a few glancing hits to her Motoslave, her second helo is downed without incident.

    Maim takes her pair towards what appears to be a series of feul pipelines that extends towards the factory with Locusts hot on her heels, each doing their level best to melt their miniguns barrels.
    The lead helo pilot then switches over to heatseekers he has mounted to his wing pylons and attempts to lock up Erica.
    Just as the A.S.P. pilot recieves positive tone, she separates her Hard Suit from her Motoroid and both begin to fly independantly between the pipelines, fouling the missile lock at the last second.
    As can be expected, one of the A.S.P. pilots zigs when he should have zagged and he pancakes his Locust into the surrounding structure causing a fireball and secondary explosions from the feul laden pipeworks.
    The remaining helo stays hot on the Motoroids tail with its Vulcan blazing but still not able to strike the evading mecha when (from an overhanging pipe) he is ambushed by Maim jumping INTO the exposed pilot's lap and lands a Knuckle Bomber strike directly to his melon.


    Mike: "Dude, that's just COULD have just punched him."
    Phil: "It didn't seem very heroic."
    Greg: "F'k heroic....THAT was AWESOME!!!"
    GM: "Youuuu....need help now you have to jump off before it crashes...."
    Greg: "Pfft....GIMME those dice!"

    Maim: "NOBODY shoots MY Moloslave!"

    GM: "It's Maim, fair enough....but NOW it's a Quirk!"
    Greg: "WAIT....W-what?!"

    Stone led the staggering Catherine for a bit but didn't get very far before hoisting her on his shoulder to carrying on.
    The factory was in chaos as secondaries erupted in the compound as the chorus of the battle outside drew ever closer.
    At one point, a guard had rounded a corner and caught them "red-handed" as it were but the smell from Catherine vomiting on herself earlier provided enough distraction for Stone to knock the sentry out by using Catherine's feet and connecting to his jaw.

    (Improvised Weapons;Brawling B@#$HES!!!)


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    He then carries on as though nothing unusual were happening.
    Reaching the perimetre fence proves to be a bit trickier as at least four A.S.P. Commandos...something not previously encountered...emerge and block the path.
    Leaving Catherine in the shadows, he takes up his bow and faces his foes without hestitation, walking towards them as the raindrops start to fall.

    For a moment they can only look at each other in disbelief and laugh....right up until Stone puts a single arrow clean through two Commandos as they giggle to each other at the sight of a nearly naked, tattooed man in a loin cloth.

    (The arrow pierced the first guards throat and passes straight through the second soldiers sternum dropping both immediately)

    The closest Commando tries to fastdraw but fails the attempt...almost critically.
    Stone deflects the weapon with his Tomahawk into the other remaining Commando so that as it fires, the Commando kills his squadmate....noting that this is not a projectile weapon, but instead, a fully automatic laser carbine!
    Undaunted, Stone yanks the carbine from the Commandos hands with his axe but the A.S.P. fanatic then traps Stone's arm and forces him to drop the Tomahawk.
    Stone vaults out of the way as the Commando fastdraws his tanto and swings wild at the Scout, but coming nowhere near him.
    The A.S.P. Soldier looks at him for a second as he changes from swing to thrusting attack and charges at Stone.

    "I'M the one you should have have killed with the arrow!"

    The Commandos thrust was poorly executed and in a single fluid motion, Stone had turned the blade back upon its owner and drove it into the Commmandos throat while his own hand was still on the hilt, driving it still deeper with his palm.
    Over in the blink of an eye.

    Mike: "I am SO using Stone from now on...."
    Phil: "Pretty cool, dude."
    Greg: "WAIT....he does it and it's all cool....I DO it and it's "excessive" the f'k does THAT figure?!"
    GM: "He took on four fully armed and armored Elite A.S.P. Commandos while butt nekkid with like a "twig" or somethin' and hardly made a sound....THAT'S freakin' kewl!"...."YOU ambushed some poor slob in a flight control helmet with anti-mecha munitions and gave him a close casket's a BIT different."
    Greg: "Tic-Tacs off of mini-choppers are hard work!"
    Mike: "Nobody ever said pimping was easy...."

    Stone returned to gather Catherine and proceeded to the extraction point but traded the "liberated" M-26 for an A.S.P. Beam Carbine.
    He'd never had a laser weapon before.

    Mee-Chan maintained low enough altitude to keep the Scarab Sand Cruisers occupied and off the UCAV's as he awaited positive locks.
    This didn't keep him from getting off a few SABOT rounds at the Scarabs that came too close, to devastating effect....when he actually hit that is.
    The real show began when positive tone came from all four UCAV's each having chosen a different primary, secondary and tertiary target.
    The twin rocket cannisters on the J-Types back then popped open to reveal twin stacks of mini-MLRS warheads primed to fire.
    The "alpha strike" was sufficient to cause the surrounding dust on the plains to completely obscure the battlemover at the moment of the salvos execution.
    Laser-guided cluster munitions scattered over the twelve ground defenders in what was nearly a decapitation strike with three quarters of the A.S.P. Scarabs destroyed outright and the remaining quarter either damaged or disabled.

    Greg: "Whoa...."
    Mike: "Big-Bada-Boom."
    GM: "It wasn't funny in the 5th element and just repeating it here doesn't make it any funnier."
    Mike: "So, no point?"
    Phil: "No."
    Mike: "You're not the GM."
    GM: "That's true but he's STILL right, no point."
    (Greg raspberries Mike.)


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Knowledge thanks BBQ for his assistance as the J-Type battlemover swoops over the Scarabs remains to to ensure that all targets are neutralized.
    Mee-Chan doesn't "officially" find any suvivors and once he done, proceeds towards the factory at flank speed to catch up with the Motoroids.
    Jerimiah then took notice of a distant smoke trail (from the Rig hauling the BU-37's) and called it out.
    BBQ tasked one of the UCAV's to follow it for as long as it could....landing on it if able to ensure a postive lock until interception.
    The remaining three UCAV began to move in towards the extraction point to "secure the perimetre" in advance of its bigger brothers arrival.

    Gary was mystified as to who could have organized an attack of such magnitude against him.
    It couldn't have been Leision.
    Catherine could not possibly have been THAT well contected but WHO exactly WAS her boyfriend?
    It wasn't the Feds and it certainly wasn't the KC-1 Peaceforcers making all THIS ruckus.
    Stevenson had almost reached his personal vehicle (a 1980 "Bandit" Trans-Am Replicar Deuler) when he first heard the unique rumble of Maim and Rebecca's Motoroid variable-geometry hoverjets as the pair streaked across the compound doing high-speed strafing runs with interlocking fields of fire from both 35mm chainguns and 8.8cm rockets.
    Gary even had his very own "Empire of the Sun" bullet-time moment as he watches Rebecca's Motoslave streak passed with a pair of Stingers in tow...."as if time had stood still/as if someone had walked on his grave"....the Motoroid even looks directly at him as it speeds by before deploying countermeasures which fool the pursuing missiles into striking the compound randomly as the flares decended.
    This was when The Pastor began to lose it....

    "WTF GUYS!?!"

    It was at that moment that Gary caught sight of one of the UCAV's moving towards a perimetre wall.
    Acting as if he was seeing things he questioned the New Dawner closest to him:

    "Did you see that?"

    The drugged Cultist looked around aimless for a moment before responding:

    "See what?"

    Gary pulled out his Silenced Luger PO-8 9x19mm Parabellum and put three slugs in the mans chest immediately.
    He then picked up the dead guards M-26 assault rifle and proceeded to see where the UCAV had disappeared to.
    Before he could approach, his cell phone went off and distracted him:


    The screech of steady Boomer "inquiry" tones made unpleasant sensations in his ear through the reciever.
    Gary then input a set of codes that activated the BU-37's in their storage cradles bringing the horrid screeching tones to a stop and the Boomers to full combat readiness.
    The Pastor sighed as if a huge weight had been removed from his shoulders.
    As if on cue, a group of four A.S.P. Elite Commandos emerged from the shadows and took up defensive positions around their leader.
    He smiles and orders the underlings to spread out but no sooner has he given the command that the whisper of rail needler fire begins to fill the air as the UCAV's demonstrate they are far from defenceless.
    Two Commandos are felled immediately and a third is wounded while selflessly blocking shots meant for Stevenson but manages to reach cover regardless.
    The remaining untagged Commando manages to identify and eliminate one UCAV with a single (very lucky) rifled-rocket shot and the Drones remains fall not far from where Stone and Catherine hide.
    Stevenson was about to bark new orders to his remaining minions when the wind carried with it the news that something wicked this way comes.
    As if from out of nowhere, two new A.S.P. Commandos rose from the shadows to take the place of their fallen brethren around "The Black Asp".
    Lightning from the approaching storm flashed behind them when Lisa sprung into action, landing almost directly on top of Gary (sending him to the mud face first) standing directly in the middle of the Commandos and extended her Mono-Molecular Cutter Ribbons.


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416


    GM: "'ll turn them into spaghetti."
    Greg: "That's the point!"
    (Mike shakes his head and has another Sweet Tart.)
    Phil: "It's going to be hard to convince KC-1 we're the really "good guys" if you KEEP doing that."
    Greg: "What do you say Mike?"
    (Mike looks at all of us and then hangs his head as he shows thumbs down.)
    (Phil looks at Mike like a "disillusioned child")
    Mike: "I am a weak, petty man-"

    Gary crawled away and ordered his men to kill her.
    Lashing her neck around in a rhythmic almost dance-like motion, she spins (and much to their suprise) the Ribbon Cutters begin to swirl into a "dna-helix-like" cocoon that severs the barrels of ALL their beam carbines before they can fire.

    Greg: "Ye of little faith...."
    Phil: "I take it all back, REALLY!"
    Phil: "Aawwwww, you suck!"
    GM: " Knuckle Bomber....really?"
    (Mike shakes his head quietly)
    Greg: "Naw, I'll just use the Repulsor....maybe kick one of 'em.")
    GM: "Cool."
    Greg: "But I'm setting the Repulsor to maximum!"
    GM: "Ewwwww."

    Taking advantage of the momentary suprise, she quick sheathes the Cutters and spin kicks the closest one while firing her repulsor point-blank into the next closest Commando.
    Thanks to the expenditure of a character point, Miss Devereuax pulls off the manuver....the Repulsor shot so well that that in addition to disabling the Commando, Gary is also struck and sent flying from the kinetic wave pulse.
    The soldier who had only suffered the kick had his head torn off completely from the force of the impact.
    The next fastest Commando manages to draw his Sanjuro KLYA-9 Magnum Revolver but the .44 magnum hollow point rounds seem to be of no use against a Hard Suit.
    The final Commando tries to ready his UAW but nearly fumbles the weapon in the failed fastdraw attempt.
    Lisa then (still spinning from the spin kick she delivered the previous round) executes a spinning back flip and delivers a jump jet enhanced "flying" jump kick to the Commandos noodle (reducing it to a pink mist) before landing beside and spoiling the aim of the final Commando with his UAW.
    The weapon chatters harmlessly into the ground but the volume of fire proves too much and the Commando ends up accidently shooting himself critically in the leg.
    Lisa administers a head butt "coups-de-gras" on the Commando before letting him fall....shattering his visor and driving his nose into his skull.
    One of the merely "wounded" soldiers was just beginning to get to his feet again when Lisa executed a martial arts Kata but finished by launching the Repulsor burst at her target as the martial manuver if striking across a distance without even touching her opponent.
    The "feint" worked like a charm and the A.S.P. soldier was sent flying six yards backwards in the span of a second only to impact a cubicle wall at high velocity.
    The result was, relatively speaking, worse than being kicked by ten horses all at once in the same spot.
    Lisa had aimed for his crotch.
    Even if he survived (by some fluke miracle) he would never have functional swimmers!
    Gary could only watch in stunned silence until the arms of another pair of consealed Commandos took him by the shoulders and ushered him away to safety but Stevenson was still mesmerized by the brutal display that cut down his best soldiers as if they were children.



  • Adenides
    Posts: 416


    Just as Stevenson & Co. rounded the next corner, a Tomahawk hit the Commando closest to The Black ASP, covering his face in blood as it squarely struck unsuspecting soldier in the kisser.
    Emerging suddenly, while bracing the remaining Commandos wildly firing carbine with his arm, Stone sank his Bowie into the final Commandos throat while push kicking Gary into a cubicle wall behind him knocking him unconcious(?).
    Catherine stepped up behind the nearly naked Stone and took a double-take of the helpless Stevenson...

    Cathy: "Yeah, THAT'S him....I NEVER forget an @$$hole."

    In a very "un-Cathy like" action, the Mechanic fastdrew the Hunters liberated P-33 revolver from his belt and splattered a New Dawner as he took aim behind them while they hid behind a tractor/trailer parked beside a building module.
    Before she could gloat, Stone knocked her to the ground as he quick drew, sending an arrow screaming into the dark in front of them.
    Moments later, a Commando staggered out from the shadows with the shaft lodged in his skull only to die at her feet.
    Cathy and Stone went back to back and began to fire down the length of the vehicle, but in the ensuing comotion, Gary has managed to somehow weasel away!

    (Guess he was just "playin' possum afterall...sorry Mike!)

    Just as it seems the pair is out of ammunition and they are on the verge of being overwhelmed, the ground begins to rumble as more MLRS launched cluster munitions detonate on the A.S.P. attackers.
    Stone's pager begins to vibrate as the Mayhem sounds its airhorn....seconds before crashing through the perimeter walls and coming to a stop in front of them....depositing a detachable explosives-ladden ram prow as a parting gift.
    Cathy wears a confused look on her face as she stares at Lisa in the green armor:

    Cathy: "Excuse me....h-hello....WHO is that?"

    The Mayhem then unbuttoned and allowed Lisa, Stone and Catherine to climb onboard.
    With the objective secured and UCAV's retrieved the only thing that remained was to withdraw.
    The Motoroids and J-Type closed ranks and provided air cover for the retreating Mayhem as it made its way back onto the transport corridor, bound for KC-1.

    Knowledge began to worry that something was terribly wrong.
    The only casualty suffered throughout the entire attack was a single UCAV.
    Things had gone WAY too smooth.

    Maim: " call THAT easy?!"
    Rebecca: "THAT was better than sex...."

    Becca stammered, still a bit light headed from all the high-G manuvering.
    Devereaux was still catching her breath but wrinkled her nose at the comparision:

    Lisa "I dunno 'bout THAT....but is WAS pretty freakin' mind-blowing."

    The Paladin removed her helmet and sat for a moment, trying to centre herself:

    Rebecca: "I STILL can't believe you want to PAY me to do that."
    North: "Is that a problem?"
    Rebecca: "He77 no...but if you'd only showed 'em to me first...I'd have done it for free!"

    Erica was also likewise troubled despite the groups apparent stunning success:

    Maim: "What happened to all the Peaceforcers....they MUST'VE heard all the racket we made by now?"

    Stormfront would soon have its answer and they wouldn't like it one bit...


  • Adenides
    Posts: 416


    The Mayhem had not gotten very far from the compound when the UCAV sent to intercept the tractor/trailer headed for KC-1 began to transmit some "troubling" data.
    Somehow remaining intact throughout a signifigant portion of a battle with Peaceforcers at the cargo entrance, the truck seemed to be stopped by one of the transport tunnels inner-blastdoors.
    The team watched the live-streaming video in shock as the Boomer Squad began to fuse to the remains of the truck and various damaged cars on the roadway.
    Before the UCAV becomes compromised, it transmits images of a giant metal fist punching the blast door with tremendous force....enough to suggest the door will not withstand a much more.
    The group looks to each other in stunned silence as Bobby pauses the image on the Giant Boomer limb that appears to be made from 2-3 full automobiles!
    Knowledge simply shook his head...

    North: "D@mnit, I HATE being right all the time...."
    Lisa: "It might not even get into the city-"

    The sound of KC-1's breech alarm was a noise that no resident had ever heard outside of a test but this was no drill.
    The siren was so loud that it could be heard inside of the Mayhem with the windows down, even though the city was not yet visible on the horizon.
    KC-1 was only 20 minutes away but three Battlemovers AND Hard Suits had to be rearmed, feuled and if need

    The suits had first arrived ready for combat but now needed to be quickly and safely prepped for a second sortie.
    This would normally be where Gi-San or Cathy would come in but Mee-Chan is all there was.
    He was novice (at best) in such matters but still knew more about it than anyone else on the subject.
    Motoslaves are easy enough to rearm and simple as filling a gas tank and changing a clip or two.
    The J-Type proved to be somewhat more of a challenge but seeing as it was his personal Battlemover, he knew more about it than he did the others.
    Hard Suits simply required the replacement of an "awkward" mounted feul cell.

    In Maim's case, she simply traded her Heavy Spike Caster back-attachment for an Enhanced Energy Rifle mount.
    Cathy tried to volunteer her services but was declined, after which she quickly fell asleep.
    Lisa seemed to become partial to an expiramental Ion Projector Gi-San had been working on to provide her with the "extra bang" she was looking for.
    Rebecca felt she hadn't even used a third of her armors weapons systems yet and had faith in Old Man Calaveri's designs. Some extra 35mm ammo for her Motoslaves gunpod however would suit her just fine.
    Maim comments that the 8.8cm rocket cannon is great but it doesn't hold enough munitions and the reload rate is slow and awkward. When asked if Erica would prefer an MG-442 instead, she replies...

    Maim: "These guns won't be big enough...."
    North: "We still have the MSX-01's Particle Cannon...if we can locate the Fusion Boomers main core that weapon would SURELY take it out."
    Maim: "I am smelling a lotta "if" on this plan."
    North: "Plan?....Flush y'r head out you're a newbie...."
    Rebecca: "Naw, I GOT it....try not to get shot by the Peaceforcers, try not to let that thing kill us long enough to find its one weak spot so we can shoot it with a really big laser....right?"

    Both Maim and Lisa slowly look at The Paladin in disbelief.

    Rebecca: "Nothin' to it....we'll be done for breakfast."

    Knowledge looked at her with a sheepish smile...

    North: "Marry me?"

    From the front of the command module, seemingly from under a pile of coats (as she was nearly naked now to avoid a mess with all the vomit she was covered in) came Miss Calaveri's responce:

    Cathy: "I-HEARD-THAT!"

    The Knight taunted him with feigned disappointment: "Maybe later then...."

    Cathy: "B@#&H, I HEARD THAT TOO!!!"

    GM: "Alright, you get the point for that one Mike."
    Mike: "YES!!!....FINALLY!!!"
    Greg: "Pffft."
    Mike: "IN-YO-FACE!!!"


  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Catherine begins to act as if she has JUST seen Mee-Chan for the first time since her capture (because she's higher than a kite) much to everyones mirth:

    Cathy: "YOU!?!....(she hugs him, more to keep from falling over than relief)....WHERE have YOU been!?!....I missed you so MUCH!!!....I wuz SO scared!....(she then slaps him across the face pretty hard)....Yure F'KING LATE!!!"
    Knowledge tries to shrug off the incident but but Catherine continues...

    Cathy: "You look different now put clothes on or something?"

    Stone shakes his head slowly as Catherine's legs give out from under her (fortunately in a chair) and she slumps forward asleep and snoring loudly, almost instantly from impact.

    North: "As you can see....Catherine's gone bye-bye and hasn't left a forwarding address....she was our best chance at locating the Rogues Core so were gonna have to improvise a bit."
    Maim: "Improvise Top Secret Boomer Security Codes....Really?"
    North: "Yeah, I figured that would be your part...."

    Maim began to giggle (still uncertain if he was joking with her or not) but continued to protest: "Nuh-uhh."
    Mee-Chan put his hand on her shoulder and this gesture alone brought the laughing to an abrupt end: "Did I stutter?"

    Both Lisa and Rebecca now took notice.

    Maim: "How exactly?"

    Inquired Erica, now curious to see what would come first....her congratulating him on a good plan or her breaking his hand for touching her.

    North: "Not how....Hoo." came the reply as he began to massage her shoulders (sensing her tense up) "Hammerdown will know how to expodite the call....send it to VivianBTTF from JerimiahSYSOP via Route 66....tag it urgent."
    Maim: "What, like: GIANT BOOMER EATING CITY, HOW DO WE FIND IT'S MAIN CORE?....WISH YOU WERE HERE....all in caps or something like that."

    Knowledge looks to Stone, Lisa and Bobby for a moment as they all nod slightly to him in approval...

    North: "Yeah....that sounds about right."
    Maim: "You sure she'll answer?"

    Knowledge still wore a look that made it difficult to tell if he was joking or not: "She'd BETTER!"
    Cathy: "OOOOOH....LEMME DO IT!!!"

    Rebecca simply pushed the Mechanics head back down to snooze-position with only the mildest and slightest of bumps to her forehead as an indicator that she had indeed reached the tabletop.
    After a moment of silence, Cathy lifted her head to reveal a tiny tear:

    Cathy: "That hurt...."

    Lisa puts her arms around Catherine as she goes "fetal", causing Erica to almost break her composure:

    Maim: "Yeah, you big bully...."

    Becca isn't amused.
    Catherine perks up but wheels towards Erica instead...

    Cathy: "Yeah....cause you're mean and a bully and....F'KIN' big....where'd he find a ape-woman like you anyhow? th' f'k does a b@#$h as big as you ALSO come in blonde?. It's JUST not fair!!!"
    North: "Anyhoooo....the only Hard Suit calibrated to synchronize with the MSX is Lisa's."

    The Cajun Trucker took notice.


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416


    North: "Becca, Maim will have to keep it distracted while I try and scan for its main need to take the Mayhem to a place for optimal deployment and get the MSX on the field. Once there, the particle beam cannon only holds enough juice for one shot....we have to make sure that shot counts."

    The Paladin held up her hand with a puzzled look on her face...

    Rebecca: "Uhhhh, question here?"

    Mee-Chan sat down beside her.

    Rebecca: "Can we go back to the part were I have to distract it again?"
    North: "You won't be alone."
    Rebecca: "I'm pretty sure Maim won't like it when she gets back either...."

    Catherine tries to sit up and interject but Knowledge muffles her by putting his hand over her mouth.

    Rebecca: "So....lemme see if get this straight, we're just going to pretty much blindly ride headlong into a complete cluster-f'k of a sh1tstorm between the Peaceforcers and a King Kong-sized Fusion Boomer?"

    Mee-Chan nodded his head.

    Rebecca: "And if were caught or captured....we'll probably be shot by either side."

    Mee-Chan nodded his head again.

    Rebecca: "We're not getting paid for this one are we?"

    The Jumper pouted his lip and shook his head.

    Rebecca: "F'k talked me into it!"

    Bobby shook his head at the team as they thought about what needed to be done for the upcoming battle...

    Bobby-Q: "There could literally be HUNDREDS of Judges in there...."
    North: "Look on the bright side....most of them are probably injured by now anyways."
    Lisa sat down in Knowledges lap: "I see you still haven't forgotten how to show a gal a good time."
    North: "It's a gift."


  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Judge Booker had only just arrived on the scene with his new partner (a woman named Ironwood) but he could already see the situation had spiraled out of control.
    Peaceforcer armor and helos had been attacking the Fusion Boomer non-stop since it bashed its way into the city but had been unable to slow the monster-boomers advance.
    Just when it seemed that the Judges would make some progress with respect to destroying the giant fused would grab a few nearby vehicles and repair itself almost instantly....emerging larger, more powerful and more aggressive than before.
    As with all the other incidents, the Boomer immediately began to make a beeline for the cities broadcast power array.
    The closer it came to its target....the larger it would become as it kept adding metallic objects to its mass.
    The Boomers size (in this specific case) worked against it. The greater its mass became, the faster it drained its internal power supplies.
    It armed itself with whatever its body could make contact with.
    In most cases, the Judges would arrive with heavy armored units only to have it turned against them by the Fusion Boomer in short order.
    It's elbows and knees had spinning helo blades fused to them.
    It body covered in machine guns and autocannons taken from the Peaceforcers themselves.
    Liquid metal tendrils and limbs would tear apart or strike down anything that came within reach of its massive body.
    To make matters worse....the giant monstrosity was now attracting OTHER Boomers to it. At first luring them in to be used as fodder against the KC-1 Judges and then to be absorbed by its body when they were damaged beyond repair.
    R.N.C. did its best to ensure the citizens that the matter would be resolved in short order but even they and the Feds were already bracing for the "unknown" eventuality that might result once the Fusion Boomer had reached the cities main broadcast power array.
    In otherwords....they began to evacuate high ranking personal and corperate officials only leaving the rest of the population on their own to essentially rot.

    (Gee, that doesn't sound like any government WE know of does it?)

    With the main city guns only capable of firing at exterior targets, there didn't seem to be anything left in the KC-1 arsenal that could possibly stop the marauding Giant Rogue.
    The remaining Judges gathered what troops and weapons they could muster and set up a defensive perimetre around the Broadcast Tower.
    Few in attendance had any illusions about what lay ahead.
    In less than an hour, the Rogue had eliminated or hospitalized almost half of KC-1's Peaceforcer Corps in very short order and most of that it accomplished with far less body mass than it currently comprised.
    At least one third of the Judges who had turned up to defend the facility, routed shortly after recieving word that the Boomer would arrive within ten minutes.
    Its progress slowed along the way as it paused by various independant power sources to replenish its failing reserves in the hopes of reaching its objective.
    Federalist forces also began to withdraw their support for the city defenders as the government chose discretion to be the more a profitable display of support for KC-1.

    (Afterall, the Feds would simply bid for the contracts to repair what remained once all the smoke had cleared and they would even try and use these new Boomers to do so at a ridiculous profit. As far as the government was concerned, this is a win-win senario)

    Not only would they rebuild what was left but they would use their sway with R.N.C. to erode KC-1's autonomy in favor of the current "totally dependant upon the good graces of the Federalist" mindset that had been infecting the remains of the Republic like a plague.
    Innocent lives lost meant nothing to the Federalist mandate when compared to the possibility of losing an election.
    Unfortunately for the Federalists and R.N.C., things would not progress as smoothly as they had hoped.


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Hoo promptly returned the rather unusual plea for help and KNEW it could only be from one person.
    The information she gave was detailed but not so complicated that Knowledge wasn't able to make the appropriate adjustments to his J-Type.
    She also warned him of the possibility of city-wide Voomer Madness should the Giant Rogue reach the broadcast tower.
    Furthermore Vivian cautioned that the weaponry Gi-San had developed may not be sufficient for the task at hand, particle cannon notwithstanding.

    North: "Do you have any good news for us?"
    Hoo: "Yeah, I just saved a bundle on my car insurance. W-what, too soon?"

    Mee-Chan wasn't the only one in attendance that felt disheartened by the news.

    Hoo: "Straight talk now....the Motoslaves are pretty well protected from fusion-based corruption but they won't survive prolonged contact with something of that size. That goes double for the Hard Suits. If it gets a hold of you, it'll use your own suit to kill you from the inside-out and you won't be able to stop it."
    Maim: "If you had to guess-timate an arbitrary number....of how long we could last?"
    Hoo: "10 seconds for the Hard Suits....20 maybe 25 for a Motoslave or J-Type. If you know your Suit or Exo has been compromised, you'll only have a few seconds to eject before it subverts the technology it finds there to destroy you."
    Rebecca: "What's the best tactic you could suggest?"
    Hoo: "Leave the city while you still can."
    Lisa: "How about something a bit more constructive?"
    Hoo: "I wish there was more to tell you but to be honest, this isn't really my field of expertise and from what I understand, something like this has never happened before....I'm truely sorry."
    North: "I understand Doc and I'm thankful for the software upgrades for "Jackie" sure to give you call if this all works out."
    Hoo: "And if it doesn't?"
    North: "Then I suspect you'll be reading about it in the news."

    The team was silent for a moment as Knowledge collected the software to upload to his battlemover.

    Rebecca: "I REALLY don't like her."

    Catherine immediately popped up and interjected before anyone could stop her...

    Cathy: "WHAT did I tell ya?!"...."Ya just can't trust her."
    North: "Down girl."

    Who then looked over towards Maim who had been unusually quiet.

    Maim: "Don't look at me....I hardly know her but she seems to know what she's talking about."
    Lisa: "You mean about her guess-timations?"
    Maim: "No, I mean the part she mentioned about getting out of here while we still can....I mean C'MON, now....Kansas?....I don't know about you but I REALLY don't wanna die in f'king Kansas....Texas MAYBE-"
    North: "You wanna go, then one's stopping you, th' door's right there."

    He looked to the remaining two...

    North: "Same applies to both of you....nobodies getting paid for this n' nobody said it was gonna be all sunshine and fluffy white kittens and I have to be honest....its not looking good for a "sequel" right about now but I figure it like this: I didn't start it....but I aim to FINISH it."
    Rebecca: "I already SAID I was going...."

    Lisa likewise began to look for the key tools to zip herself back up into her Hard Suit.
    Maim shook her head.

    North: "In or out?"

    He asked of the ex-Wardog but was interupted by Erica as she hummed over his words and shoo'd him away as she likewise went to mount up.

    Cathy: "There in a moment-"

    Knowledge nudged her back to "snoozy-time"...

    Cathy: "See ya la-TER!!!"
    North: "Tell Jeremiah to take a stealth vector approach if he need to draw fire before we absolutely HAVE to....I'll put the Motoroids in the launch cradles, make sure "Jackie" is updated then do my rounds and make sure you gals are buttoned up right."

    Maim: "YES, DAD!!"


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  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Lisa was sure to catch The Jumpers attention before he left. She had noticed that Catherine & Brewster being back had managed to calm him down some (mixed blessing that it was in both cases) but had also astutely picked up on the uncertainty that hid in the corners of his expression.
    Being a leader-type herself, she knew of the hazards of second guessing oneself in battle only too well.
    She wanted to give him some encouragement but knew he would be too proud to accept it in just "any old way".

    Lisa: "Y'know, I've never seen you like this always used to follow in Portney's shadow...."

    North paused by the deployment bay.

    Lisa: "....I always said you should have taken the reins really suits you, K."

    He then continued to the task at hand with ever the slightest of smiles.
    Lisa turned to see Rebecca. Erica & Catherine all looking at her with deadpan/blank expressions on their faces.
    They all break into a chorus of "kissy-face" and smootching noises at the Trucker who simply shakes her head, knowing that her gesture indeed served its purpose despite what her cohorts might think.

    The team had barely finished preparations when The Mayhem reached the outer breech.
    Concern over the heavy presence of Peaceforcers in the Rogues wake were quickly put to rest.
    The only Judges in sight were either dead or dying.
    The task of following the Giant Boomer was likewise simple to accomplish and resolved pretty much without incident as where ever it had gone or was suspected of currently being was the one place you could be sure no one could be found.
    Just watch for the collapsing buildings for the salvos of concentrated autocannon fire....D'UH!?!

    (Thank Goodness for On-Star!)

    Jerimiah and Bobby kept a watchful eye as The Mayhem made its way through the swath of destruction cut by the Fusion Boomer. As the vehicle crested a section of roadway a surreal sight awaited them....

    Etched in the early traces of dawn (hazed by a "sun shower")....backlit by a big ol' motion picture blood red sun....barging its way through city streets, surrounded by tracer fire and missile explosions....clearly visible, even from over a kilometre away (not to mention that its now the combined size of a naval frigate) stood the largest boomer that has ever existed.
    A pair of F-36 fighters streak past and deliver precision ordinace on the nightmarish monstrosity....yet this seems to only have the effect of "spreading" the fusion effect out over a greater area instead of destroying it.
    In responce, the gigantic shape reforms into a massive head which lets forth a ground-shaking wail and with it, a near-quake proportion tremor as the unearthly sound shatters glass and structures for a mile in all directions.
    Jerimiah removed his hat.

    "F'k a duck...."

    Bobby took out Hammerdowns mickey of Jim Beam he hid in the glove compartment (for JUST such occasions) and took a generous swig before passing the half-empty bottle on to the driver.
    Jerimiah didn't normally drink on the job but how often to you see something like THIS!?!
    He took a double....then he almost finished the bottle....and probably would have, if Bobby hadn't intervened.
    Bobby scratched his head for a moment...

    Bobby-Q:"Shouldn't we...y'know...say something?"
    Jeremiah: "Like?"

    Bobby leaned into the radio:

    Bobby-Q: "K, have established contact with the Rogue....also located ideal spot to deploy the MSX....J tells me, ETA to firing position: 15 minutes."

    Mee-Chan was in the middle of rendering assistance to Rebecca mounting her bike but paused to acknowledge the transmission...

    North: "Copy that....don't waste time talking to me then....K, out!"


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  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Rebecca's injured leg, despite healing well was beginning to cause her considerable discomfort and the strain was beginning to show...

    Rebecca: "You're going to be right behind me?"
    North: "45 seconds for me to button in and power up....I'll be airborne 10 seconds later."
    Rebecca: "You better be!"

    The Jumper slid her helmet visor into place and made his way over to the opposing launch cradle where Maim awaited.

    North: "'Bout you....any regrets?"
    Maim: "Never saw Paris."
    North: "WTF for?"
    Maim: "You own me Paris for this one!"
    North began to chuckle: "You're SUCH a romantic."

    Erica looked at the Jumper as her Motoslave roared to life...

    Maim: "Why, because I want to go to Paris someday?!"
    North: "No, because you think we're going to LIVE through this!!!"

    She was in the middle of flipping him the bird when North released the manual deployment mechanism on the cradles, dropping the Motoslaves into the fray.
    He then scrambled to his J-Type battlemover and began the ignition sequence.

    The massive Fusion Boomer was now standing at 100 yards in height and was nearly half its height in diametre although its appearance suggested everything below its "waist" was if it were a massive torso tearing its way up the main causeway.
    It's pondrous bulk supported by two massive oversized arms and scores of "living" liquid-metal tendrils that clung to any crumbling surface they could in a desperate bid to balance the giant monstrocity and prevent it from toppling over.
    The Boomer was now too close to the broadcast towers to risk an air strike.
    R.N.C. still foolishly clung to the notion that the financial loss of the tower would be "too great to bear"....especially in light of all the Boomer contracts it would take to stage a reconstruction....all of which would be needed if this tower was to function "properly". (re: profitably)
    Their cover story was that the tower held and transmitted such power that the Boomer would most likely fry itself upon making contact with the direct stream and neutralize itself in the process.
    All the Judges had to do was "keep it contained" to the Tower Complexe and let it "kill itself".
    Most of the remaining defenders however didn't believe a single word that was coming down from the R.N.C./P.A. division.
    Only 25 Private Security Personel, 25 Normal Police in SWAT gear and 100 Judges remained to hold the line with some 15 civilians volunteering in reservist fashion.
    The Judges last stand had seen over 200 Peaceforcers killed or wounded and their opponent had only grown stronger since their last encounter.

    All of the Judges available air cover had been pulled down to street level.
    The only heavy vehicles that remained to hold the line were lightly armed APC's and a small group Peaceforcer Pursuit Cruisers, each sporting only "light" vehicular weaponry.
    Ironwood thinks Booker is insane for not routing with the rest of their Division and tending to their families.

    Booker: "I do my family more good out here."
    Ironwood: "This is nuts....would you JUST look at the SIZE of that thing?!"

    A civilian "reservist" by the name of Billy Adamson made his way up to where Booker and Ironwood had been standing...

    William: "He keeps coming like that and we're not going to have to do much."
    Booker: "Come again?"

    Billy pointed out that a series of pipes had been exposed in the last shockwave released by the Boomer that lay in the highway ahead of it...

    William: "We wait for him to get over those pipes and it's "good night, ladies" if you catch my meaning."


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  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Ironwood seemed insulted by the idea but Booker seemed truely inspired by it...

    Booker: "Are you positive those are gas mains?"
    William: "I'm in construction....hadda stop work for a whole month last year because of damage to pipes just like those."

    Booker hustled to the APC closest to him and took out an RPG with three warheads:

    Booker: "He won't just be where we need him to be unless their bait."
    Ironwood: "Uhhh....w-what's happening here?"

    Booker put the weaponry in the backseat of a cruiser and ran to the passengers seat...

    Booker: "YOU'RE driving!"
    Ironwood: "Da fuq I am!"
    William: "I'll do it."
    Booker: "Y'know....We're PROBABLY going to die here."
    William: "Uh-huh."

    The Peaceforcer then looked back towards his partner:

    Booker: "Give him you're back-up piece."
    Booker: "Cadet, your back-up piece....that's a direct order, I will NOT say it again."

    Requesting that the Judge beside him bear witness he informed Miss Ironwood of the regulation she was in violation of and in times of "High Emergency" (as this situation CLEARLY was) that senior Judges have the full authority to execute Officers who disobey direct orders.
    He then drew his "Lawgiver" primed the propellant chambre and took aim at her head as he began to countdown from five.
    The Cadet realized he was being serious as the surrounding Peaceforcers (and Billy) all began to step away from her.
    He had reached "one" when Stella Ironwood's Black Sun 8mm caseless Medium Pistol was tossed haphazardly to the ground at Bookers feet.

    Ironwood: "Choke on it."

    Booker picked up the pistol, brushed it off and handed it to Billy handle first...

    Booker: "By the power vested in me, you have hereby been "Deputized" by the KC-1 Peaceforcers for the duration of this emergency."

    Billy went to accept the pistol but found that Booker would not release it so easily...

    Booker: "And what have you learned so far?"
    William: "Do whatever you say whenever you say it no matter how crazy it sounds."
    Booker: "Close enough....actually that's a BETTER than my last partner."

    The Pursuit Cruisers lights and siren came to life as Billy did a few celebratory donuts before screeching off to the on-ramp that would take the pair towards the technological abomination on the road ahead.
    Even Stella joined the few Judges brave enough to watch "exposed" to the Boomer as it approached to see how Booker would cash out.
    Bringing the car to a halt in the middle of the highway, it looked as if the Boomer was being attracted to some active powerlines nearby.
    Booker gathered that the RPG would do nothing to the Rogue but it COULD "deactivate" the power source that seemed to attract its attention pretty d@mned good.
    It had almost reached the transformer with its massive metallic mitten when the shockwave from the warhead blew the tower to confetti before the Rogue could make contact with it.
    This really annoys the desperate Rogue and it lets out an unearthly roar of displeasure and anger that shakes the entire area....almost as if the ground had "sagged" with its disappointment.
    Back on the bridge, Jiles is heard to comment...

    Jiles: "Well, that's ONE way to go-"


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  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Billy sticks his head over the roof and stares in disbelief at the sight before his eyes.
    Booker carries on reloading uninterupted by the Boomers approach, taking note that another set of transformers seems to be in the road not 100 yards from their current position. Booker gambles that it is THIS and not him that's currently attracting the Fusion Boomer at present.
    Just as he predicts, the Boomer hesitates by the transformer before deciding to go for it instead of Booker and Billy.
    Once more the transformer is blown to fragments via RPG seconds before the Boomer can reach it to recharge.
    This time the massive bulk of the beast seems to lose cohesion and parts of the Fusion Boomer begin to fall off its body....for the first time, its actually gotten smaller!

    (Nice rolling Mike-San.)

    The Judges on the overpass are now joined by others as their cheering for Booker and Billy has now attracted more attention.
    Booker is already backpedaling to the Cruiser as Billy revs the engine impatiently but the Rogue has had enough of this nonsence and releases a volly of small arms fire from its torso at the source of its displeasure. In this case, a combination of 12.7mm machine guns, 20mm vulcans, 7.62mm GPMG's and 40mm HE grenades.
    Fortunately, its size had reached the point where it would "telescope" its actions a second or two before they would execute and Booker was leaping into the already fishtailing Cruiser as the salvo began to chew up the road behind them.
    Ironwood could only shake her head in disbelief...

    "Lucky b@stard..."

    Billy's defensive driving made it difficult for Booker to load the final RPG round but he managed quite well all things considered.
    The spread of anti-vehicular mines dropped by Deputy Adamson from the Cruiser had little effect on the techno-behemoth aside from delaying it for a second of two.

    Booker: "Nice try, kid."

    Not wanting to be outdone, he pulled a bootleggers reverse and as he kept on driving, triggering the Cruisers twin miniguns as it went.
    At one point, a giant hand had almost managed to grab them, but the concentration of fire on the "automobile" constructed limb yields paydirt as one of the involved cars is a gas-burner!
    The resulting explosion is large enough to cause the Boomer to lose cohesion from the elbow down on its massive, mishappen right arm....sending debris and fragments all over the roadway (and Cruiser).
    Cheers of excitement rise up from the overpass for Booker and Billy, still driving in reverse and now on fire.
    They emerge from the smoke and are now nearing the pipes they needed the Boomer to be lured towards.
    As the Fusion Boomer leans towards the ground for balance, its smoking, flaming stub lands beside a large pick-up truck....which conveniently begins to morph into a new prosthetic for the giant Rogue.
    It then looks towards the fleeing auto and begins to open its massive maw....
    Billy is otherwise distracted by frantically driving in reverse and dodging falling debris but Booker manages to catch sight of the Boomers massive mouth laser beginning to form and start to glow as if from the centre of a star...

    Booker: "Awe, Shi-"


    It is solely Booker wrenching the wheel from Billy's grasp, at the last second and veering them into the divider that results in only the rear half of the cruiser being vaporized and not all of it.
    The front half, miraculously, slides to a complete stop with no one the worse for wear aside from a few bruises and being a little well done.
    Only when Booker and Billy can be seen crawling from the car that the Judges on the overpass begin to cheer again....right up until Stella Ironwood points out that even if they somehow set the gas off, they're way too close to the blasts epicentre and they'll both be killed not seconds after they set it off.
    The Rogue pauses by another transformer and this time manages to siphon enough energy to continue....for the time being.
    It is also a mere 500 yards from the defensive perimetre itself with the broadcast tower lying only some 250 yards beyond that.
    Booker realizes that they aren't going to make it far despite it slowing down to recharge and notices that the gas mains he need to destroy are only about 20 yards away....if he could last another 20-30 more seconds, maybe he wouldn't go out alone....until he realized that he really WAS alone.
    Billy was missing.
    Well, not exactly missing but was currently hot-wiring the car the had just ran past not a few seconds ago.
    Booker was flaberghasted but decided to go with the flow.
    He set his Lawgiver to Stingray ammo and unloaded his clip into the rampaging Boomer to little effect.

    (It DID make Greg feel better!)


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  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    The sudden turn of fate also rekindled enthusiasm on the overpass as now, even the Contractors and SWAT Officers were trying to catch a peek at the valiant spectacle.
    It looked as if Booker might even pull it off but an unrelenting hail of fire originating from the Boomer tore across the area and disabled if not destroyed almost every vehicle within range of the cyber-colossus.
    Booker was miraculously uninjured in the exchange but Billy had taken fragments to the legs, arms and torso from secondaries and he wasn't going anywhere.
    The Rogue let out a triumphant wail as it bore down upon the remains of their "getaway" vehicle, shredding the highway as it approached.
    Booker tried to reach for the RPG but noticed how the last salvo had struck the weapon and it was no longer in any condition to fire.
    Throwing the useless weapon from him, he turned around to face the instrument of his doom and loaded a fresh magazine into his Lawgiver.
    Billy had even managed to crawl from the remains of the commandeered car and took out the Black Ice in a final futile gesture.

    Booker: "'s been a pleasure serving with you."
    William: "We ALMOST did it didn't we?"
    Booker: "Yeah....almost."

    The Fusion Boomers shadow began to fall over them and tiny pieces of its body began to drop upon the area as it towered over them.
    It had just bent down and was in the process of going to flatten them when a series of precision CLGP munitions began to detonate across the entire rear surface of the Boomer's body, tearing its outer layers to shreds and causing debris to to fall like rain.
    The Rogue spun around to identify the source of this new threat.
    Before it could react, a series of delayed fuse 8.8cm rocket warheads imbedded along the Fusion Giants body as a pair of Motoslaves hurtled passed it as a precursor to the chain reaction of secondary explosions that rocked the Rogue in their wake and sent its massive form crashing to the ground.
    All Booker and Billy could do was take cover as best they could.
    The observing Judges could only watch helpless....almost awe-struck by the timely appearance of the Motoroids.
    Bungholes all across the world were puckering up in R.N.C. corperate board rooms when live footage of The Stormfront in action, reached their offices.
    The Federalists (likewise) spontaneously had kittens when news of the extraordianry intervention finally hit their desks.
    Shocked and dismayed as they were, none in attendance were quite so suprised at this sudden turn of events as Officer Booker and Deputy Billy.

    Had it been ANY other Judge....Knowledge might have left him to fend for himself but the sight of Booker and the wounded William was more than enough reason for him to swoop in and scoop the two of them off the roadway, before the Boomer could reconstitute.
    The sudden appearance of his battlemover unnerved the Peaceforcer but Billy was in Hog Heaven.
    Injuries notwithstanding, he was having the best day of his entire life....he'd been a Judge, he'd fought a desperate heroic battle against all odds and had even been rescued from the verge of death by "Ninja Robots".
    If he survived he doubted anyone would believe him!
    Booker had lost his helmet in the excitement and with face flushed with suprise, looked into the inhuman cyclopian face of his savior...

    Booker: "Who are you?!"
    North: "If you don't appreciate the irony of asking a man in a suit of illegal powered armor who he is, allow me to point it out for you."

    (By now the trio had reached the halfway point of the J-Suits jet jump)

    North: "We CAN'T let that thing reach the broadcast could spread the Voomer Plague to every single Boomer within range of the array."
    Billy: "T-there are hundreds of heavy construction Boomer all over the city....big enough to make these service models that keep showing up here look like cupcakes in comparison."

    He landed them on the final remaining overpass between the Peaceforcers and the behemoth Rogue, 250 yards away from the barricade.
    Booker looked into the single glowing sensor eye and asked...

    Booker: "How do I know I can trust you?"

    Knowledge then turned his battlemover around so he could witness the view from behind.
    The Rogue, now back up to 75 yards and growing, is trying to swat the girls as the pair of Motoroids fly circles around the pondrously slow giant and fire into its centre mass at will, tearing large pieces from its torso only to have it lean upon other vehicles or structures which reinforce damaged sections heavier than before.
    The massive collective begins to show signs that its about to reform and fire its laser mouth cannon again.
    Knowledge holds up a hand...

    North: "Hold that thought please...."


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  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Just as it seems the mouth cannon is pulsing to fire at Maim (in particular, her 8.8cm rocket cannon was really cheesing the Boomer off!), The Jumper releases a well-timed and critically successful volley with his Metalstorm grenade launchers into the rogues head and mouth region, which not only divert the aim of the massive Boomer but cause the huge weapon to become damaged and inoperable after an uncompleted firing sequence. This damages the weapon with secondary explosions and electrical discharge.

    Booker: "The pipes in the road not 10 yards from its base....they're gas mains....good luck."

    The J-Type makes a gesture that would suggest it is tipping a non-existant hat to him before it flies back to the combat in progress....a gesture that Booker is CERTAIN he has seen somewhere else before!
    The Judge immediately takes his first-aid pack from his belt and begins to administer aid to Billy.

    William: "Y-you should leave me here..."
    Booker: "Forget it, kid...I don't leave my partner."
    William: "But I'm not even a judge...."
    Booker: "I guess we'll have to fix that won't we?"

    Every weapon upon every axis of the Rogues body triggered simultaneously in frustration at the Motoslaves.
    This time the volume of fire proved to have more of a positive effect.
    Maim's Motoslave was now trailing smoke from one of its legs and Rebecca's was missing her Motoslaves left arm from the elbow.
    Fortunately, she still retained both her OWN arms as well as her MG-442. It was still usable single handed but the accuracy would suffer greatly. Additionally with only one arm remaining, she could no longer reload and was limited to whatever was left in the current magazine.
    Still, both units remained airborn despite the duration and ferocity of the intense barrage and had even exposed a weakness as the battle raged on.
    It may have had all assortment of weapons on its person but the ammunition it carried was indeed finite....its last massive salvo hinted that it was beginning to run out of ordinance.
    Knowledge frantically scanned the Boomer but its surface was still too thick to permit a scan that would be of any use.
    Wasting no time he alerted Maim and Rebecca to the gas mains and didn't even have to share his intensions with them for the message to get across.

    Maim: "You be the bait....I'll cover you."
    Rebecca: "If you miss....pray it kills me!"

    Mee-Chan took aim with his 85mm recoil rifle gunpod as he hovered 200 yards off the deck in front of the monstrosity.
    A powerful swing from its left arm missed its intended target and slammed down upon the roadway shattering the concrete and asphalt like plywood and styrofoam.
    The dust and debris kicked up from the impact and almost presented a serious problem for Rebecca as she continued her "circle of death" when her Motoroids fanjets became damaged by said debris & dust, causing her to temporarily lose power (more importantly altitude) and a moment when she can least afford to.
    A timely save by Erica sees the Rogue loser another arm, enabling her to escape yet another close-call, but this time it was too close for her liking.
    Mee-Chan fires a primary shot into a transport truck in front of the Rogue, that had been hauling liquid nitrogen....the Boomers right-side becomes flushed with super-cooled liquid....the sudden shift in stability of the brittle metal causes the Giant to compensate or risk toppling face first.
    In this case (as he had hoped) it choose to fall on its hand instead of its face....placing the centre of its torso directly over the gas mains, but still exposed to weapons fire:

    "Smile you sonova-"


    The shockwave was large enough that even with a good enough headstart, both Motoslaves were forced out of the air. Even the J-Type, over 200 yards away, was barely able to recover in time to prevent pancaking into the highway below.
    The primary explosion was large enough to reduce the Fusion Boomer down to little pieces no larger than suitcases.
    Lots and lots and and lots and lots of pieces....and ALL of those pieces were REALLY angry!
    All observing the battle were pretty much rendered speechless by what they had seen.
    Already, the Rogue was rebuilding itself and nothing short of the destruction of its main "collective" core would stop it.
    The Motoslaves wouldn't be able to take much more punishment and the girls themselves were on the verge of exhaustion.
    The KC-1 defenders held their breath as the Boomer began to rise up once more but the positive tone from the target lock on Knowledges battlemover was music to The Stormfronts ears.


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  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    North: "Lisa....girl, I PRAY you be listening out there."

    At the peak high atop the new Halpern Security Concepts arcology, with a birds-eye view of the festivities perches the giant Motoslave MSX-01 with Lisa Devereaux nestled in the control cavity as its particle beam cannon pulses to nominal power.

    Lisa: "Hey wants I should save you now?"

    Maim, Becca and Knowledge all howled out as one:

    Rebecca: "C'MON, BRING IT!!!"
    North: "LAY IT ON ME BABY!!!"

    Then came the words that nobody ever wants to hear at a moment like that.
    The MSX's cockpit went dark, its main engines sputtered to a halt, the targeting HUD in the cabin cavity disappeared and the data-link to the J-Type severed...

    Lisa: "Oh, s#@t...."
    Maim: "What do you MEAN: "Oh, s#@t"?"
    Rebecca: "OH,S#@T!"
    Maim: "Yeah, I got that part- OH, S#@T!!!"

    The Fusion Boomer had reached 50 yards tall again and had launched forth a web of living metal tendrils that bored through steel and conrete alike as though they were sand.
    The trio barely avoided the attack THIS time but the recent failure of their "sunday punch" was a serious game changer.
    Mee-Chan frantically tried to establish contact as he fired SABOT round after SABOT round into the Rogue, sending massive metal chucks of the giant flying from its torso with each hit...

    North: "Lise....TALK to me here!"

    The Cajun looked desperately around the cockpit, still unsure how long the MSX's auto-stabilizers would keep the giant in a standing position with the extra added weight of the weapon in firing position...

    Lisa: "I don't know...I didn't do anything, the whole thing just died on me...I HAVE NO POWER!!!"
    Maim: "F'KING TRUCKERS...I'm GONNA kill her!"

    Mee-Chan's thoughts began to cloud and he started to lose focus.
    The rhythmic beat of controlled weapons fire began to push out every detail of his surroundings until a crystal clear, horribly optimistic cheerful voice cut into the battlefeed...

    Cathy: "The MSX-01 runs on a richer mixture than the standard Hurricanes...."

    Added Catherine as she staggered up behind the MSX in her Hard Suit and began to adjust the feul mixture manually.

    Cathy: " flooded her is all, I tried to warn "Pops" about that but he never listens....I think he's going deaf....there, NOW give her a try!"

    With the single push of a button the engines once more roared to life and power restored to the massive battlemover, much to the teams relief.

    North: "Are we back in the game or what!?!"

    Devereaux smiled as the targeting link re-established much quicker this time due to the enhanced targeting acquisition provided by Catherines Hard Suit...

    Lisa: "Copy that K, Babygurls got the ball...."


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  • Adenides
    Posts: 416


    The Rogue now resumed its advance on the security barricade and as it shatters the "250 yard limit" overpass, the officers all take firing positions upon the line and uneasily await the inevitable slaughter.
    Only Maim has a Motoslave capable of flight but Mee-Chan instructs her to get Rebecca and her Motoslave back to the Mayhem while he distracts the Rogue long enough for Lisa to take the shot.
    Knowledge knows with all the combat flying he has done so far that he couldn't have much fuel remaining and he won't be able to stay aloft for long.
    Loading his final magazine of SAPHE-T rounds, he urges the girls to get as far away from him as they can while the Peaceforcers are still in a good mood.
    The two wounded soldiers jet jumped away from the J-Type as it stood between the Monster Boomer and the barricade.

    North: "What d'ya say's just you and me now?" as he released a salvo into the approaching abomination.

    The Cajun drew a careful bead atop the tower's peak as Catherines suit adjusted for wind, temperature and barometric pressure....adding these variables into her final firing solution and automatically adjusting her aim point.

    Lisa: "You know how long I've waited to hear you say that?" replied Miss Devereaux "And now that were want to explain it to me how some rink rat wannabe scooter-jockey like Maim gets a trip to Paris an all I get is this crummy t-shirt?"

    The Boomer reached the 150 yard mark as The Jumper pumped round after round into the approaching giant...

    North: "This isn't exactly a good time to be discussing job perks!"
    Lisa: "Actually....THIS is the PERFECT time!"

    Knowledge noticed the Judges behind him preparing to fire and it suddenly crosses his mind: "Will they shoot at it or or at him?"
    He then engages his arm mounted miniguns at the behemoth and empties the caisons as it began to lift its hand in anticipation of squashing the J-Type like a bug...


    His responce arrived a split-second later when a beam brighter than the Boomers own massive (currently malfunctioning) mouth cannon struck the massive construct in the upper torso before continuing to put a hole through over 15 buildings directly behind it. Miraculously no one except the Boomer was hurt in the blast.
    The majority of it's bulk remained frozen in air for a moment before the assorted collection of pieces and parts collapsed into a mountain of debris in front of The Jumper.
    He was never more relieved at that moment than at any other time in his entire life.

    At the same time....Gary Stevenson (who sat about 100 miles south of KC-1 at that moment) was swearing and cursing up a storm. Not only had this mysterious group of armored vigilantes destroyed his base but thwarted his master plan.
    He WOULD eventually discover what results from a Rogue that reaches a broadcast tower....but it wouldn't be today.


  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    Mee-Chan felt numb.
    Was this what the purpose vision-quest?
    Was this the end of that quest or just the beginning?
    Would he recieve another?
    He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he utterly forgot about the 100 trigger-happy KC-1 Judges that even now were walking up cautiously behind him.
    North turned around to a massive chorus or weapon chambres being primed and rounds being loaded.
    Catherines voice suddenly broke onto the battlefeed...

    Cathy: "Baby, you okay?....You got real quiet."

    At that moment from behind the J-Type, Judge Booker emerges carrying Billy over his shoulders....much to everyones shock.
    He rests the injured "Deputy" on the ground between his fellow Judges and the J-Suit...

    Booker: "I've got a wounded Judge here who needs immediate assistance."

    The remaining Peaceforcers all look quizically to Booker...

    Nameless Peaceforcer: "Yeah, but what about HIM?"

    Booker looks back towards the J-type battlemover...

    Booker: "I don't know what you're talking about....I only see a wounded man here...."

    The group slowly begin to ease their aim upon the armored trooper when the judge completes his thought:

    Booker: "....THIS time."

    Knowledge took a few cautionary steps backwards before retracting his suits variable geometry hoverjets...

    North: "There's a factory ablaze in the south sector about 30 minutes from here....ya can't miss it....a closer look there might reveal some clues into who sent this bad boy knocking, I'd check it out if I were you....before R.N.C. gets there that is."

    Billy sat up as the medic tried to examine the wounded young man...

    William: "Just who the he77 are you guys anyways?"

    The Jumper paused for a moment and almost as if on cue, the rain that had been falling up till then seemed to abate and allowed the sun to peek through the clouds once more.

    "We're Stormfront."

    The J-Type engaged its fanjets and lurched skyward with a roar like rolling thunder, leaving the group of Peaceforcers to ponder how in the name of Magoo they were going to write this up in the report.


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416 edited August 2013


    It took a while to tell but THAT was The Stormfronts first mission even if it was just part I of a "cliff hanger".
    While it may not have been typical of their exploits it IS however a sterling example of how devious I can be as a GM, the style of play I embrace and what "duties" the players will be expected to perform during the course of the game.
    ALL npc interactions might lead to a plot warping twist and so the action is resolved completely and throughly with respect to the ENTIRE cast.
    You never know when a simple die roll or casual decision will cause the entire adventure to undergo a dramatic change in direction or was the case many times in the course of this campaign.

    Despite the apparent "happy ending" the players situation after the combat had ended actually has taken a signifigant turn for the worse...

    Catherine had still not been able to locate her sister and was now positive that she was in mortal danger while still in the clutches of The Order of The New Dawn. This was only heightened by Beulla detoxing from Religex!
    Despite being given a "pass" by Judge Booker (something which he would have seen him suspended under normal circumstances were it not for his incredibly heroic display against the Giant Rogue on the BTA beltway) the Judge was not disciplined for his part in Stormfronts escape. KC-1 was on 24/7 lockdown for six entire months following the incident in an effort to quell the disorder caused by one night of mayhem.
    The Peaceforcer ranks had been decimated but thanks to the dedication & bravery of citizens like Billy Adamson (newly appointed Judge Cadet and Bookers new partner) its ranks began to swell as enrollment for the Judges began to grow at an unprecedented rate in the wake of the disaster.
    In addition to a juicy promotion, Booker was also given another very troubling task.
    Since it was HE who had let the mysterious J-Suit escape, "The Powers That Be" decided to to assign the task of apprehending the Stormfront to the "Hero of the BTA" and if he didn't suceed...
    Somehow, it always wasn't his fault.

    (Evidently, R.N.C. DOES have a sence of humor!)

    Brewsters sudden "mood swing" lasted for 3-4 days as the Religex left her system.
    In the final stages she was really scary to be near and was in constant danger of hurting herself as she tried to tear herself apart for want of another hit....just one final hit to dull the "pain" and return to "God's Embrace".
    Catherine and Rebecca had no sympathy for the withdrawing ex-cop.
    Miss Calaveri still blamed her for getting her tortured and Rebecca could not get past the innocent security guards she murdered at the hotel.
    Maim knew first hand the danger of such substances (becoming the catalyst that lead her to a life with The Wardogs) and she figured if she was to get over this, Beulla must do it herself.
    Lisa had known Beulla from her cop a time when she was almost as much of a threat to The Swords of Texas as the Judges of KC-1 were to The Stormfront.
    She remained outside the door to her cell with water and juice the entire time should she request it.
    The Trucker even had a pouch of real tobacco she had managed to barter off of Gus....just in case.
    Knoweldge used more of it than Brewster did.
    North on the otherhand felt directly responsible for what had happened to Brewster.
    In his mind....if he hadn't asked her to drive them because of that "stupid bet", all of this might not have taken place at all.
    After 2 days, it wasn't even certain that Beulla COULD recover but he remained in the cell (against her protests) as she began to "self-destruct".
    He had no idea what it was like to be suffering what she was going through but he'd be d@mned if she would do it alone:

    He ignored her insults when she became belligerent.
    He disregarded her threats when she became hostile.
    He dodged her attacks when she became just plain "nasty".
    He held her when she could no longer fight back.
    He dressed her self-inflicted wounds when she stopped resisting.
    He poured liquids down her throat when she lost all strength.

    Somehow, she managed to pull through but Brewster would never be the same again.


    Post edited by Adenides on
  • Adenides
    Posts: 416


    While in KC-1, the Stormfront would break another dozen times but only with respect to Rogue Boomers and only when it seemed the Peaceforcers were ineffective.

    R.N.C. and the Federalists became obsessed with discovering who Stormfront was and if THEY were responsible for the "Mutant Boomer" terrorist attack instead of some "Mysterious Pastor" fellow that there was no trace of.
    Once Stormfront clips began to go viral on the net (with much thanks to the A.R.F.), the group became an overnight sensation.
    No one in the entire city hadn't heard of them by weeks end.
    Martial Law was declared and KC-1 began the death spiral of its autonomy to the Republic.
    At one time it was considered to be as independant as the Distract of Colombia, but now those days have faded to a dim memory.
    Many Judges don't like the way things seem to be going.
    Individual Rogue Boomer incidents begin to rise in the city (from incidental contamination from the Fusion Boomer) and occur frequently enough to push the mostly inexperienced Judge ranks to the breaking point.
    Still needing to get a closer look at the Pastors bank, locate Kirstie Calaveri in addition to a little unfinished "personal" business that Mee-Chan claims to still have with Brody Gains, the Stormfront decide to stay in the most vigilante hostile city in North America (thanks to the city lockdown) and use the Hard Suits to "help out" here and there.
    Also troubling was the fact that the tracer Stone placed on the blue transport heading south disappeared shortly after the group returned to KC-1.
    The signal is too far away to be recieved and will likely run out of power long before the Federalist blockade of KC-1 is lifted.

    60 Seconds Over Kansas City: (The conclusion to their first official mission)

    Gary Stevenson/Liam Neeson is determined to make R.N.C.'s Midwest Division suffer for the sins of their Shareholders.
    The "blue containers", that left the doomed Factory Base in the nick of time, held a new "improved" variant of the monster nerve gas that Bartholomew Leision had almost unwittingly released upon the Gulf States.
    His plan was to have the containers transported by commandeered Airship and flown over the city to be released.
    These plans (unfortunately) relied heavily upon on a group of unsavory roadkillers who ran by the name of The Murphy's...a family (so they said) of violent reprobates and psychopathic malcontents that would frighten the bejeezuz out of Tremor Family on a "good day".
    They customized "feul" transport trucks he required to ship his nerve agent in which required VERY specific premits that for lack of time (as Gary was nervous about being discovered and foiled again by the same Hard Suited mercenary team) could not be faked.
    The Murphy's were FAR down the line on The Pastors "wish list" but they knew the terrain, could avoid the large gangs and would do ANYTHING if the price was right.
    Gary hired them to run the KC-1 blockade (into the city proper) and register for the three transport permits needed to put Stevensons plan into motion.


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