Need 1 or 2 players for a full party. MDR California

edited June 2013 in Player Lounge
We have a Heavily updated version of Iron Heroes and I am working on building a new game system based on this. We have 3 players in the group but one or two more would be perfect.

The System is posted here:

It has a lot of potential and it is heavily aimed for Skill use and Role Playing. The Spell system is still under construction and I am working to make it fun while falling inline with the rest of the system. (the original system punished the players for doing magic. this system just tries to balance it out.)


  • GuedeNimbo
    Posts: 3
    Etz Chaim is a great campaign setting. I am working on the fiction for our campaign. Admittedly I'm three sessions behind, but the first session is up.

    The game is on Saturdays, but we are looking for an opposed party on Tuesday as well.
  • GuedeNimbo
    Posts: 3
    I'm bumping this up because we could use some extra players.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Here is the link to "Etz Chaim":

    Just trying to help out.

  • GothicShark
    Posts: 4
    New more interesting sounding Advertisement.

    Do you like table top RPGs? Have you played D&D, Iron Heroes, pathfinders, Champions, or any similar game? Do you want to find a D&D group?

    Have you ever considered helping create a new system altogether?

    I am a part of a group of players who have been working on developing a new table top d20 game system and campaign setting. Since we moved from the valley the group has become fractured so we need new players who can join and become a part of a great concept in role-play mechanics, the game is loosely based on Monte Cook’s Iron Heroes, although it has been in a constant state of upgrade and rebalancing for the last few years. Recently we added in a whole new Magic System, while deconstructing the core classes into pure classes. (Most of which will not be ready to play for a few more months).

    The game is fun and people become highly passionate about their characters in what we have been developing. And we do need a couple more players to really get things going good. Right now we have three players and a DM, what would be great is 5 players and the DM. So really we are looking for 2 players, who are willing to play something new but feels familiar, and has no issues with Mature gaming and strong language, even though I hardly swore, we are all over 21 years old we do drink beer and sometimes the players do things like pick up pirate prostitutes and... Not my fault really not my fault.

    Sooo, yah oh and the players in the game include a Computer Game Designer, a GM for an online web based Game company who is a published author, and Hearing impaired business professional. We have no issues with any disabilities, origins, gender, or sexual orientation. However we do require everyone to be respectful to each other, and since this game is in a pre-beta format be aware things can be adjusted between sessions to maintain logical game play and fairness. We usually meet on Saturdays at my home in Marina Del Rey two city blocks from the Ocean. Also if you are interested in joining our game, we will have to meet up and exchange information at the nearby Starbucks or Coffee Bean, Partially because I’m a coffee fiend, and partially to get to know a person before letting hang out with the full group.

    P.s. word of warning we have cats.
  • GuedeNimbo
    Posts: 3
    To help get a feel for the party, or at least one of the members here is a blog post about the road to Chaotic Evil. You see I swear I was being Chaotic Neutral, with pangs of Chaotic Good. When you weigh my actions on the scales of Anubis against a feather of Ma'at I just might be Chaotic evil. In fact since I thought I was a good guy the whole time I'm a walking super villain trope... I should have realized when my back story involved being kicked out of a terrorist organization for being too terroristy.

    We have a great group of fun players, and characters. The world GothicShark created is amazing too.

    So join us, and maybe help me not be so evil along the way. :)
  • GothicShark
    Posts: 4
    Actually Neutral Evil... :P

    Also be lucky that we are playing in a non-aliegnment based system, because when I mentioned it was the point where you would have shifted alignments.
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