Favorite kickstarter new feature?



  • PalamarTM
    Posts: 5
    _Calion - Hm. Your crowdsourced maps idea is an interesting one, but I’m not sure how it would work. Could you elaborate a little more?_

    Actually I am probably talking about crowd sourcing markers and information on maps, not the maps themselves. I am reasonably new to this, but I had assumed that if I invited players to my campaign that they had some ability to modify certain areas. I had seen the popular campaign "Gaming Music" and assumed that it was being kind of crowd sourced - either directly or through the comments section on the campaign.

    So onto map marker crowd sourcing - my thought was that if the mapping support was done well then I could run my idea past Paizo and then upload a large map of Galorian which may even link to other regional maps. The I would start dropping markers on the map that reference the Pathfinder material that pertains to that area. For example the city of Sandpoint is covered in the Jade Regent Adventure Path #49 so I would got to Varesia, find Sanpoint and drop a marker that references the name of the publication and maybe even a link back to Paizo's page where they sell it. So then I would search the ObsidianPortal and find other campaigns that are Pathfinder related and drop them a comment about what I am up to and invite them to help out. If I get a response, I add them as players. Hopefully they can drop markers too. If they are reading Masters of Devils they might drop a general marker on Tian Xia and then maybe markers in the specific towns where some of the action takes place.

    So I think features of maps that would be required for this
    * the larger the supported maps with more zoom levels the better
    * ability to link one map to another
    * markers - variety of different ones like single points for cities, castles, notes, etc... line markers for marking adventure paths or war trench lines, regions for marking whole areas
    * ability to define text and links associate with the markes
    * ability to enable whether characters can drop and edit markers
    * to track spam and abuse - the ability to see marker drops in an RSS feed or list sortable by date added Also would be great to see who added markers so I can remove from campaign if there are issues
    * ability to setup and limit one of the marker's fields to a drop down list so we do not get "Jade Regent #49", "JR #49", "Jade Regent Adventure Path #49" - essentially pulling from a list like the list of characters or the list of items.
    * ability to hide markers by different filters
    * ability to hide markers by zoom level - general regional markers could disappear as you zoom in and so the city specific markers could start to show up as a way to keep clutter down

    Just a few minutes of thought - most of the items above are probably useful for the average campaign as well

    And now that I am thinking about it, you may not be able to crowd source the physical map, but you sure as well could crowd source content to fill the map. Lets say you whip out your Campaign Cartographer and create a beautiful map of a new world - Mylandia Isyourlandia. You create some general guidelines about your thoughts for the different regions and then offer up your high definition map to anyone who wants to contribute content to the map. I suck at cartography but I have a city I have detailed for one of my campaigns so I enter all the text and data in the Wiki and drop a city-link marker on the map that points to the relevant data in the wiki. My friend is bored one night so he creates a background about what goes on in the Bustagut Forest, posts it to wiki and then drops a region-link marker on your map's Bustagut forest. A little collaboration and a couple GM's could hash out an adventure path that defines details in a small section of the world using the wiki, characters and items. May never work because GMs may have the "Not Invented Here" complex, but who knows - maybe the next Krynn, Galorian, or Middle Earth will evolve.
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