Easier to use character sheets

edited May 2013 in Feature Requests
This might be a plugin issue, but my players find it hard to enter items on the Pathfinder character sheets we're using in Obsidian Portal, particularly how you need to update each field and hit OK before proceeding. It'd be great if there was a global "Finished Editing" button that locks all fields and lets you work on the whole sheet at once.


  • Langy
    Posts: 364 edited May 2013
    I'm not sure what you mean - locking all fields would make it so you can't edit the sheet at all, not allow you to edit the whole thing.

    If you just mean 'I don't want the 'OK' button when editing fields', that's something the DST author can change if they wish. I posted instructions on how to do that "here":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=2608&page=1#Item_4 a long time ago; basically, they boil down to sticking this line in the javascript for the sheet somewhere, probably in the preload section:

    $.fn.editable.defaults[‘onblur’] = ‘submit’;

    (EDIT: To be clear, that's something the DST author will have to do - you can't do it on your end)
    Post edited by Langy on
  • mathewh
    Posts: 7
    hmm. maybe i didn't explain it properly.

    right now, when i edit the pathfinder sheet i edit each field one at a time, click ok and it "sets" the entry on the sheet. then i scroll down and click save. i need to do that for each text field entry.

    at first thought, i thought it would be better to be able to edit all of the fields i want and then click the save button but thinking about it the biggest problem would be that the sheet wouldn't auto-update bonus/modifier fields with numerical info as you go (you add str: 17 and the bonus gets to applied all over the sheet as soon as you hit ok).

    so maybe it's ok as it is - except that you can't print it easily. :)
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Er, what? Why do you have to save every time you edit each individual field? That's not how it's supposed to work. You should be able to edit *all* the fields on the entire sheet, then hit save, and have your character saved properly.

    It sounds like you're having an issue with some of the automatically-calculated stuff on that sheet not calculating properly when things are changed on the sheet. Not sure why the designer didn't make it so things are auto-calculated upon each field change; that's how I handled it in my DST for GURPS.
  • mathewh
    Posts: 7
    yeah. if i enter a number in a field and then click off the field it resets that field to null. same goes if i leave the page to go to another tab (srd, for example). it's annoying.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Sure, that's what I thought you were discussing first - that code I posted will remove that. It makes it so the field is saved if you just click off the field, rather than have any need for clicking an 'OK' box.

    However, what I was referring to in my previous post was the requirement you stated of having to scroll down and click 'save' on the character sheet. That really shouldn't be required every time you edit a field.
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