Link Colors

edited May 2013 in Campaign Portal Building
Guess I'll take this moment to jump into the forums.

Hello, I am Kalino Altes... Dungeons and Dragons DM and new Ascendant! (Hurray Kickstarter!)
I'd like to thank some people that I have been stealing code from off the forums:
arsheesh, ChainsawXIV, killervp, gnunn, and I'm sure I've forgotten someone... thank you, too.

Disclaimer: If the following has already been figured out... not trying to steal anyone's thunder... sorry.

I have been messing around with updating my campaign page now that I have Ascendant membership and was wanting to change the link color of all my links. I searched on the forums here and only came across the individual link changing color code:


I have so many links across so many pages though! Totally unacceptable to have to change them individually. How can I change them all at once?

Well after a little tinkering... put this in your Edit Settings > Custom CSS Section:

/*Changes the default wiki page links. I recommend specifying the create new page link color as well, or else they will all be the same.*/{color:maroon;}
a.create-wiki-page-link {color:red;}

/*Changes the default color of the href links... also known as the "DisplayText": links.
a:link {color:maroon;}
a:visited {color:maroon;}
a:hover {color:maroon;}
a:active {color:maroon;}

/*That section above also changes all your sidebar link colors, which you may not want.*/
/*This changes the default color of the links within a specified CSS Class, such as "sidebar".*/
.sidebar a:link {color:lightblue;}
.sidebar a:visited {color:lightblue;}
.sidebar a:hover {color:lightblue;}
.sidebar a:active {color:lightblue;}

If you want to be fancy, you could define different colors for visited, hover, etc... Haven't tried it myself (I'd rather they be the same all the time) but I believe it should work.


  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Welcome Kalino! Thanks for the shout-out!
    Colors have been dealt with in the original CSS forum page, but this is a far more complete reference- Thanks!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

  • KalinoAltes
    Posts: 7
    Ah, finding that may have saved me some tinkering time.
    Thank you for the welcome!

    An additional note to the code above... Just found out that the create-wiki-page-link should be defined after the other sections... or else the other sections overwrite it.
  • Savannah
    Posts: 188
    Nice. I've found you don't need to specify everything for all the links, as what you put first will carry over to what you put below. For example my code on one of my campaigns is:

    a:link {text-decoration: none; color:#0A700A;}
    a:visited {text-decoration: none; color:#135613;}
    a:hover, a:active {text-decoration: underline;}
    a.create-wiki-page-link {color: red;}

    So I've given the link and visited link different colors and no underline, and an underline appears when you move your mouse over or click on the link. However, I don't have to specify color again in those, as the regular/visited color carries over. That may be useful if you want to have different colors for visited and unvisited links like I have.
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