Savage Worlds Character Sheet


  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Since gh0st offered his, I'll offer mine. I tab things out so its a little easier on the eyes, the best way to use this code is to copy/paste it into Notepad (or like program) and turn off Word Wrap. In case its needed my Notepad's font is set to Lucida Console, Size 10pt, Regular. You can see it in action with Jonas Abraham. You'll also see Crew & Ship block, if you guys want those too let me know. Their 50 Fathoms specific but it wouldn't take much to convert them over to regular Savage Worlds.

    ************************* BEGIN *************************

    h1. Wild Card
    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |={background:#ddd}. *Race* | - |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. *Rank* | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. *Abilities* |={background:#ddd}. *Dice* |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. *Skills* |={background:#ddd}. *Dice* |
    | Agility | d4 |={background:#ddd}. - | Boating | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Driving | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Fighting | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Lockpicking | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Piloting | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Riding | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Shooting | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Stealth | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Swimming | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Throwing | d0 |
    | Smarts | d4 |={background:#ddd}. - | Gambling | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Healing | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Investigation | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Knowledge () | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Notice | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Repair | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Streetwise | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Survival | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Taunt | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Tracking | d0 |
    | Spirit | d4 |={background:#ddd}. - | Guts | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Intimidation | d0 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Persuasion | d0 |
    | Strength | d4 |={background:#ddd}. - | Climbing | d0 |
    | Vigor | d4 |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. *Derived Stats* |={background:#ddd}. *Score* |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. *Edges/Hindrances* |={background:#ddd}. *Page* |
    | Pace | 6' |={background:#ddd}. - | Edge | p.000 |
    | Parry | 2 |={background:#ddd}. - | Edge | p.000 |
    | Toughness | 4 |={background:#ddd}. - | Hinderance (Ma/Mi) | p.000 |
    | Charisma | 0 |={background:#ddd}. - | Hinderance (Ma/Mi) | p.000 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Hinderance (Ma/Mi) | p.000 |
    |={background:#ddd}. *Gear* |={background:#ddd}. *Weight* |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. *Special Abilities* |={background:#ddd}. *Page* |
    | Gear | Wgt |={background:#ddd}. - | Ability | p.000 |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | Ability | p.000 |
    | Gear | Wgt |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. *Armor Type* |={background:#ddd}. *Area Covered* |={background:#ddd}. *TN* |={background:#ddd}. *Cost* |={background:#ddd}. *Weight* |
    | - | - | - | - | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. *Weapon* |={background:#ddd}. *Range* |={background:#ddd}. *ROF* |={background:#ddd}. *Damage* |={background:#ddd}. *Weight* |
    | - | - | - |- | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. *Spell* |={background:#ddd}. *Skill* |={background:#ddd}. *Drain* |={background:#ddd}. *Range* |={background:#ddd}. *Speed* |
    | - | - | - | - | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. *Pieces o' Eight* |={background:#ddd}. *Weight Limit* |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. *Weight Carried* |={background:#ddd}. *Encumbrance Penalty* |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |

    h1. Advancement Chart
    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |={background:#ddd}. *XP* |={background:#ddd}. *Rank* |={background:#ddd}. *Choice Made* |
    |={background:#ddd}. 5 |={background:#ddd}. Novice | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 10 |={background:#ddd}. Novice | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 15 |={background:#ddd}. Novice | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 20 |={background:#ddd}. Seasoned | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 25 |={background:#ddd}. Seasoned | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 30 |={background:#ddd}. Seasoned | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 35 |={background:#ddd}. Seasoned | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 40 |={background:#ddd}. Veteran | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 45 |={background:#ddd}. Veteran | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 50 |={background:#ddd}. Veteran | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 55 |={background:#ddd}. Veteran | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 60 |={background:#ddd}. Heroic | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 65 |={background:#ddd}. Heroic | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 70 |={background:#ddd}. Heroic | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 75 |={background:#ddd}. Heroic | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 80 |={background:#ddd}. Legend | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 90 |={background:#ddd}. Legend | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 100 |={background:#ddd}. Legend | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 110 |={background:#ddd}. Legend | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 120 |={background:#ddd}. Legend | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 130 |={background:#ddd}. Legend | - |
    |\3={background:#ddd}. *Leveling* |
    |\3. * Gain a new Edge |
    |\3. * Increase 2 skills, less than it’s linked attribute |
    |\3. * Add a new skill at d4 |
    |\3. * Increase one attribute, once per Rank |
    |\3. * Increase a skill, equal to or greater than linked attribute |

    ************************* END *************************
  • dm_punks
    Posts: 18
    I tried copying and pasting this onto a character and I don't think it worked out as expected. I ended up having huge fonts and a strikethrough everything...
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    The only thing I can think of is if your using the WYSIWYG editor and not straight Textile. I'm not entirely sure how that works since I never enabled it.
  • dm_punks
    Posts: 18
    D'oh! You're right. I am using the WYSIWYG editor. Now that explains all those other weird behavior I'm getting from Textile previously.

    Thanks a lot, Rob!
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    No problemo. You might wanna check over my captions, that sheet was for a 50 Fathoms so there might be some differences (the one I know of is Pieces o' Eight)
  • dm_punks
    Posts: 18
    Hey, Rob. I hope you don't mind my taking liberties with your code. They're an excellent starting point for designing a Savage Worlds sheet! Here's what I have after a couple of hours' work (whew!): "Laire":

    Here's the code for anyone interested (I hope I don't mess this up):

    h3. [Wild Card]
    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |={background:#ddd}. *Rank* |={background:#ddd}. *Gender* |={background:#ddd}. *Age* |={background:#ddd}. *Profession* |={background:#ddd}. *EXP* |
    |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - |

    h3. Attributes and Derived Stats
    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |={background:#ddd}. *Attribute* |={background:#ddd}. *Dice* |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. *Derived Stat* |={background:#ddd}. *Score* |
    |=. Agility |=. d |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Pace |=. - |
    |=. Smarts |=. d |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Parry |=. - |
    |=. Spirit |=. d |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Toughness |=. - |
    |=. Strength |=. d |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Charisma |=. - |
    |=. Vigor |=. d |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. - |

    h3. Skills
    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |={background:#ddd}. *Skill* |={background:#ddd}. *Dice* |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. *Skill* |={background:#ddd}. *Dice* |
    |=. Boating (Agi) |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Notice (Sma) |=. - |
    |=. Climbing (Str) |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Persuasion (Spi) |=. - |
    |=. Driving (Agi) |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Piloting (Agi) |=. - |
    |=. Fighting (Agi) |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Repair (Sma) |=. - |
    |=. Gambling (Agi) |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Riding (Agi) |=. - |
    |=. Guts (Spi) |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Shooting (Agi) |=. - |
    |=. Healing (Sma) |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Stealth (Agi) |=. - |
    |=. Intimidation (Spi) |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Streetwise (Sma) |=. - |
    |=. Investigation (Sma) |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Survival (Sma) |=. - |
    |=. Knowledge (Sma) |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Swimming (Agi) |=. - |
    |=. - |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Taunt (Sma) |=. - |
    |=. - |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Throwing (Agi) |=. - |
    |=. - |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. Tracking (Sma) |=. - |
    |=. Lockpicking (Agi) |=. - |={background:#ddd}. - |=. - () |=. - |

    h3. Edges & Hindrances
    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |={background:#ddd}. *Edge* |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. *Hindrance* |={background:#ddd}. - |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |

    h3. Powers
    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |={background:#ddd}. *Power Points* |=. - |
    |={background:#ddd}. *Power* |={background:#ddd}. *Cost* |={background:#ddd}. *Range* |={background:#ddd}. *Duration* |={background:#ddd}. *Trapping* |={background:#ddd}. *Effect* |
    | - |=. - |=. - |=. - | - | - |
    | - |=. - |=. - |=. - | - | - |
    | - |=. - |=. - |=. - | - | - |
    | - |=. - |=. - |=. - | - | - |
    | - |=. - |=. - |=. - | - | - |

    h3. Equipment
    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |={background:#ddd}. *Weapons* |={background:#ddd}. *Range* |={background:#ddd}. *ROF* |={background:#ddd}. *Damage* |={background:#ddd}. *AP* |={background:#ddd}. *Weight* |={background:#ddd}. *Notes* |
    | - |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - | - |
    | - |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - | - |
    | - |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - | - |
    | - |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - | - |
    | - |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. *Armor* |={background:#ddd}. *Type* |={background:#ddd}. *Bonus* |={background:#ddd}. *Weight* |={background:#ddd}. *Notes* |
    | Head | - |=. - |=. - | - |
    | Torso | - |=. - |=. - | - |
    | Arms | - |=. - |=. - | - |
    | Legs | - |=. - |=. - | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. *Possessions* |={background:#ddd}. *Weight* |={background:#ddd}. - |={background:#ddd}. *Possessions* |={background:#ddd}. *Weight* |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |
    | - | - |={background:#ddd}. - | - | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. *Golden Suns* |={background:#ddd}. *Wt. Limit* |={background:#ddd}. *Enc.* |={background:#ddd}. *Total Wt.* |
    |=. - |=. - |=. - |=. - |

    h3. Advancement Track
    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |={background:#ddd}. *XP* |={background:#ddd}. *Rank* |={background:#ddd}. *Choice Made* |
    |={background:#ddd}. 5 |={background:#ddd}. Novice | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 10 |={background:#ddd}. Novice | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 15 |={background:#ddd}. Novice | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 20 |={background:#ddd}. Seasoned | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 25 |={background:#ddd}. Seasoned | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 30 |={background:#ddd}. Seasoned | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 35 |={background:#ddd}. Seasoned | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 40 |={background:#ddd}. Veteran | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 45 |={background:#ddd}. Veteran | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 50 |={background:#ddd}. Veteran | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 55 |={background:#ddd}. Veteran | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 60 |={background:#ddd}. Heroic | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 65 |={background:#ddd}. Heroic | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 70 |={background:#ddd}. Heroic | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 75 |={background:#ddd}. Heroic | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 80 |={background:#ddd}. Legendary | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 90 |={background:#ddd}. Legendary | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 100 |={background:#ddd}. Legendary | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 110 |={background:#ddd}. Legendary | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 120 |={background:#ddd}. Legendary | - |
    |={background:#ddd}. 130 |={background:#ddd}. Legendary | - |
    |\3={background:#ddd}. *Leveling* |
    |\3. * _Gain a new Edge_ |
    |\3. * _Increase 2 skills, less than it’s linked attribute_ |
    |\3. * _Add a new skill at d4_ |
    |\3. * _Increase one attribute, once per Rank_ |
    |\3. * _Increase a skill, equal to or greater than linked attribute_ |

    Once again, thank you very much, Rob.

    My Campaign: "Evernight - The Darkest Fantasy":
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Looks nice, its cool to see someone else use my code.

    On a bit of a side note, how is Evernight? I saw it and wondered as to its quality.
  • dm_punks
    Posts: 18
    It's alright, if you don't mind railroad tracks. ;) It's the first setting Pinnacle put out for Savage Worlds, from before the invented the plotpoint campaign. Only reason I'm running it is I converted my players to SW with the caveat that I'd run a fantasy game for them, and since I've already got Evernight, I figured, "why not?"

    IMHO, I think the storyline has enough twists to keep the players interested. Anyway it's the GM's job to make sure they don't notice the tracks, no?
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Ahh, I assumed it was a plotpoint campaign... I suppose thats what i get for assuming. I really liked the 50 Fathoms plotpoint but my players thought the encounters were far to difficult... of course they built a really weird group and has some pretty shit rolls.

    I'll have to keep an eye on your campaign page to see how things go for you :D
  • dm_punks
    Posts: 18
    They were off to a great start and thought the initial encounters (with orc Extras) were quite easy. That was because they were acing both fighting/spellcasting and damage rolls left and right.

    Last night though, they had this big skirmish against a Wild Card orc chieftain and 6 orc Extras, with a dozen more trying to climb the village's undefended rear wall. This time, their rolls weren't as good, and I think they suspected me of beefing up the orcs' stats. XD
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