Character Portrait Generator

edited March 2013 in General Discussion
I'm working on a character portrait generator, like Heromachine, but less cartoonish.
I made blog for development, examples, wips

All feedback is welcome

ps: if you make your character's description, im gladly do it for test, but please write on my blog, thank you


  • NinjaFlashX
    Posts: 94
    By chance the same artist that did a bunch of Earthdawn art work??? ;-)

    Your app looks to be awesome!

    "Heroes Unchained":

    Heroes Unchained: CotM 2013

  • sade
    Posts: 20
    Flash, your Name is also not unknow for me :) Yeah, it"s me :) Its not app yet, but i hope it will be in a month! for that time, im open for wishes, and demands :)
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Nice works- looking forward to seeing more!

    Just trying to help out.

  • sade
    Posts: 20
    thank you! If you have any special wishes about an item, or companion, or background, please, let me know :)
  • NinjaFlashX
    Posts: 94
    So how about some T'skrang and Obsidimen?!?!?!? ;-) (Sorry, you know I had to ask!!!)

    And since you asked for it, how about quick test with my Nethermancer "Vridich":

    "Heroes Unchained": - _Where Slaves Become Legends_

    Heroes Unchained: CotM 2013

  • sade
    Posts: 20
    The program onlycontains HUMANS, the first addon will be DWARFS..and i'll see :D

    But i will try make your elf with the current settings :)
  • sade
    Posts: 20

    I tried to make your character. I cant copy the armor since i think its from game, and im sure its copyrighted
    But i hope you like it :)
  • NinjaFlashX
    Posts: 94
    AWESOME!!! So how long did that take then?

    "Heroes Unchained": - _Where Slaves Become Legends_

    Heroes Unchained: CotM 2013

  • sade
    Posts: 20
    3 min make the character with generator
    i work on the generator 1.5 months
    if you have any human wishes, please let me know :) (or anybody else :)) would be nice testing the generator with lot of character
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Ok, if you would like some for practice/fun/experimentation
    "Overkill": the dwarven mariner.
    "Gavin": the boy mind mage. ("Another pic":
    "Cava": the ranger ("Another pic":
    "Tyvernos": the gnome air warlock.
    "Roggan": the troglodyte earth warlock. ("Another pic":

    Just trying to help out.

  • sade
    Posts: 20
    please, read the forum, or my blog: ONLY HUMANs..
    but i made for you Cava, i hope you like it
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Read the blog- thanks for Cava- can you do Gavin- he is human in appearance, just a boy...

    Just trying to help out.

  • sade
    Posts: 20
    i tried to do, if you want, i'm gladly send the result in private, but this generator know only adult men and women, its really doesnt looked like good :(

    but your wishes showed me, the cape is missed the wardrobe, so i made one:
  • Rada_Ion
    Posts: 6 edited March 2013
    If you want a fairly realistic human portrait maker, try out what I did. Make a free account for Eve Online, and whip up some portraits with their character creator, or just copy portraits in local chat. I gathered about 4500 images for my games. They may not look great for medieval games, but for contemporary, cyberpunk or sci fi they work great. Their lighting engine and various details tone, hair color, eye lashes etc etc. work really well. Some portraits I have seen are photo realistic f they lighting can be done in a certain way along with skin tones and poses.

    My forum icon was done for my character in Eve using the character creator system. There is also a way to view full body images in Eve Online, but I don't know much about saving those images or using them since I stopped playing Eve a while back and haven't bother to sub again.
    Post edited by Rada_Ion on
  • sade
    Posts: 20
    thank you, but im focused to fantasy :)
    and since i can draw for myself what i need, i make the program for helping others.
  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    Hi Sade.
    What a wonderful idea.
    I was looking through your blog and noticed most of the women's shirts were revealing/tight. Could you make more closed-neck shirts, rounded necks (instead of plunging v-necks), and maybe fancy collars? Looser shirts (and the option for smaller breasts) would also be appreciated. I appreciate that you're trying to present a lot of the more typical high-fantasy artwork, but since I'm running a low-fantasy game, I doubt the party will run into a woman bandit wearing only a single piece of fabric wrapped around her torso.

    And what about bigger and smaller models than those in your blog's screen captures. Is there a way to change the height of the character as well as their girth? Can I make overweight/out-of-shape characters? What about under-weight?
  • sade
    Posts: 20
    thank you.
    wrote to her todo list

    Sizes: because i have to do everything for model (it means around 500 images per model), at first sorry just this two model will be avaible. i plan to make more models and their wardrobe later, but now just this two.

    i try to make a woman bandit for you, from current settings:
  • Jayph
    Posts: 26
    So awesome! Are you going to make available to the public?
    If so, can't wait!
  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    Wow. Thanks sade. That bandit will definitely be showing up in a recent game. (Love the dreds!)
    I appreciate the limitations your under now that you've explained it.

    It's nice to hear you have such plans for your application.
  • sade
    Posts: 20
    Jayph: Yes, it will be a program for PC, android and iOS :D
    Ketherian: If you have more suggession for what should i add, it would be nice!
    even if im restless make more and more content, im sure i cant think everything
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Suggestion would be common fantasy races- just human is not enough.

    Just trying to help out.

  • sade
    Posts: 20

    here is the dwarf female base
    What do you think?
    is it ok, or i need some rework?
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    The changes that you have already made are an improvement.

    Just trying to help out.

  • sade
    Posts: 20
    thank you :) then i i keep that :)
    i made a poll, what race should be the next, please answer, thank you :)
  • sade
    Posts: 20
    My little project on indiegogo, please support if you can!
  • sade
    Posts: 20
  • bluesguy
    Posts: 127
    This is fantastic. Once I get paid I will be providing a donation.
  • sade
    Posts: 20
    bluesguy: thank you :D i'm making last strokes with the dwarf female, cant wait making the males :D
  • sade
    Posts: 20
    dwarf male
    what do you think?
  • NinjaFlashX
    Posts: 94
    That's on hairy dude! Natural AC of +2 at least!!! ;-)

    "Heroes Unchained": - _Where Slaves Become Legends_

    Heroes Unchained: CotM 2013

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