Edit Buttons

edited March 2013 in Campaign Portal Building
I've noticed during my many edits that in some places in the GM screen there is a little icon that means 'edit' for an entry. On other screens there a button that says something like 'Edit this Page'. Some times this second type of button is at the bottom and you have to scroll down for it.

I was wondering if there was a way to ensure that on every screen the buttons are up the top and look the same. Also useful would be the save button up the top. Is there a way to customize that through CSS?


  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    Hmm... Looks like the ones that are down below are in a div with the class "page-footer" and the buttons have a class called "button." You could probably use that to target the buttons and use some absolute positioning to move it where ever you like on the page.
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