New from Terre Haute, IN

edited July 2008 in Player Lounge


  • direweasel
    Posts: 1
    Just wanted to pop in and introduce myself. My name is Tad Wesley, and I am running a great group of guys through (my slightly modified) version of Paizo's Savage Tide Adventure Path is D&D 3.5. It's going well so far, we're in Chapter 7 of 12, and we've seen our PC's grow from humble beginnings at 2nd Level all the way up to 14th currently.

    I am going to make every effort to get the campaign caught up to the present time on here, but I've just gotten started so I have 6 chapters and months of gaming sessions to catch up with. So be patient with me as I play with the system and most just try to tell our story up to this point. It's a great story that's worth saving, so I'm grateful to Obsidian Portal for giving me the opportunity and the venue.

    Thanks! :)
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Oh man, oh man. I wish you all the best of luck and patience as you get stuff archived. I decided about seven months into a campaign to re-start my character's diary, and I had to abandon it because I got too overwhelmed.

    Admittedly, I was attempting to overdo it by actually writing it like a diary instead of simply jotting down character notes. And it's not the last time I'd try to overwork myself like that. If you check out "The Vale" campaign and read the adventure logs from the beginning, you'll see I started out doing full narratives and then just had to give up 'cause I hit a period of low energy.
  • Fivegears
    Posts: 42
    Yeah, I've tried to go back and painfully retro-fit old campaigns in the past, and, well, it's a task. I'm too easily distracted.
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