Would LOVE a horizontal line between adventure log entries!

edited May 2010 in Feature Requests
*What does it do?*

It would more clearly separate Adventure Log Entries from one another on the main adventure log page, making it easier for long-absent players to easily get caught up on in-game occurrences.

*What does it look like?*

A simple blank line going the length of the content div would be adequate. 1, maybe 2 pixel depth. It might also look nice to just have a line that goes 85% across the div, centered?

I'm sure I could add this myself to my logs, but I like to use the "more" functionality, and it's my understanding that I can't put anything else in my post after the "more" tag and have it show on the multi-log view page?


  • Falchen
    Posts: 20
    Have you tried using the command
  • DowGM
    Posts: 3
    can I put that after the more tag and have it show up on the multi-log view?
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    I played around with this a bit, as I've never used the more tag. No, you can't use the command after the more tag. You can use it before, and it will place the "more" command under the separator line. I think it still looks nice and keeps your log clean and functional (although it is to note that the command will show up in the full view of the log entry, right in the middle of your post), but if you're hellbent on the line appearing after the "more" command you'd probably have to have a more robust set of code (which I totally couldn't help with "cuz I R code-dumb" ^.^).
  • DowGM
    Posts: 3
    Kinda what I figured, which is why I tossed this out in the Feature Requests forum. I'm not entirely code dumb, but I'm not uber code-smart, either. ;) It wouldn't be too difficult to put it in a loop so it showed after every post. However, it might be a little more of a pain to make it an option so people could turn it on or off. If they can't add it, so be it, but that won't stop me from requesting it. ;)

    Thinking about it, in my posts, it won't be too big a deal to have the hr before the "more", since I have a Summary of the session before the more, and the full text after...I don't just break it off mid-sentence or anything. At any rate, I think it'll have to do for now. :)
  • Farlingdale
    Posts: 6
    Yes, being able to add a horizontal line above each log entry's title would be excellent.

    Additionally, since quite a few campaigns are run in chapters, either allow the line type to be chosen to indicate either just an entry separator or a chapter separator.

    If an entry separator is hard-coded to a single horizontal line, the chapter separator could be two horizontal lines.

    This could be implemented on the "Edit Adventure Log Post" page as an additional choice at the top of the page under a "boundary" choice of either none, entry, section (defaults to None, or maybe defaults to an entry that is defined in the "edit campaign" page?) - alternatively, the choice could be a drop-down menu of line styles.


    But this then leads onto the Adventure Log allowing chapters to be defined more easily. I have already got a page in the Wiki that is splitting the log into separate groups of entries, but having this built into the main Adventure Log would be nice.
  • Calion
    Posts: 144

    Does Micah read these anymore, or are all feature requests supposed to go in the Help system?
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    You may want to add this to the stickied "How to Request a Feature" thread :)
  • Farlingdale
    Posts: 6
    Oh sorry, I didn't see anything at the start of that stickied thread that said we had to post our ideas to that same thread (it makes the rest of this "category" a bit redundant then?)
  • Farlingdale
    Posts: 6
    Ok, I've moved it across to the "Help" forums :-o
  • satyrkat
    Posts: 1
    Don't know it anyone found an answer to this in the help forums but if you add the following to the custom css box it kinda does the same thing.

    border:1px Black;
    border-style:solid none;
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    If you want just a line on the bottom, you can change "border" to "border-bottom."
    border-bottom: 1px solid black;

    You can get fancy with dotted, dashed, double borders too: "Border Style Property":http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_border-style.asp
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    Yep. Ditto the previous posters.

    This is exactly what my "Dresden Files Dallas":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/dfd page uses for the big fat dots I have at the end of each log entry.

    #campaign-content .adventure-log-page .post-footer { border-bottom:6px dotted #404040; margin:10px; }

    This is from my "Free Template - Innkeeper's Ledger":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/free-template-innkeeper-s-ledger/adventure-log

    #campaign-content .adventure-log-page .post-footer { border-bottom:1px dashed black; margin:10px; }

    The .post-footer area can be used to do lots of things graphically after a post, depending on what you're going for. If you want to experiment, paste the above into your Edit Settings -> Custom CSS text box.
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    Nice call on the post footer! I haven't played with that yet.
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