Buttons / pop-ups in Wiki pages

edited September 2012 in Campaign Portal Building
I've been recently using GM-only Wiki pages & Adventure logs as a sort of campaign notes / cheat-sheets for future sessions.
I complement the notes with maps, abridged NPC / monster stats and pictures that I can show my players during session.
After the session I use them as a starting point for Adventure Logs.

What I would like to do is have some links/buttons in the NPC / monster stats that can roll their attacks and damage, maybe perception checks and those sort of things. The results could show up in a simple pop-up window.

It doesn't need to be interactive/editable from the page, just as long as I can change the code when I edit the wiki, manually inserting the correct number of die and modifiers for each stat block.

I tried to cannibalize the d20srd.org dice roller script, (http://www.d20srd.org/scripts/diceRoller.js), but it seems like Obsidian Portal doesn't allow javascript.

Is there some way to do it? Or do you have other interactive code examples that I could use as a starting point?

Thanks in advance.


  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    You could do that with a custom DST - those allow javascript and addition of buttons and all that easy enough. But it'd mean coding it all yourself, most likely.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    You can't do anything with javascript, but you can use css to make things that "pop-up" as it were using the :hover selector.

    If you check this "map page":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/melekar-test/wikis/test-location5 I made, I have an example of what you can do with the :hover feature. You could make it so that when you mouse over a particular phrase, like "perception check" a small div appears above it. I have "another example":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/test-campaign-2/wikis/main-page here where I have divs appear when you mouse over an image. If either of those are helpful, i can make the code available to you.

    NOTE: Their appearance is the only thing interactive, you can't generate any dynamic content, like random numbers.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Gaaran, that's just sooo cool! You are leading the way here with your CSS magic.

  • TheDungeoneer
    Posts: 3
    Thanks for your tips.

    Langy, I suppose you mean a Dynamic Sheet Template.
    But can those be integrated into wiki pages? Or would I have to open the character in another tab to do it?
    Because what I really wanted is to have all the info in one page and roll from there.

    Gaaran: your map looks amazing, but unfortunately, what I really wanted was to roll on the spot.
    But keep up the good work, I look forward for seeing more from your campaign.

    Thanks for your help, I suppose there isn't an easy way of doing it right now, but I can always use the dice roller, its not exactly what I wanted, but its not a bad solution either.
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