Hallo Dar

edited July 2008 in Player Lounge


  • Amadameus
    Posts: 2
    Hello everyone, Amadameus here. I've been a tabletop RPG player for almost six years, and I'm quite experienced as a DM too, since I've been one for last three years.

    I'm suspicious of the 4.0 D&D release, I loathe Eberron and Forgotten Realms (both are havens for powergamers and teenyboppers IMHO) but I'm starting to like certain parts of the Unearthed Arcana. More than anything, I stick to the 3.5e Player's Handbook like it's a Bible.

    I'm very suspicious of powergamers and munchkingamers - I've gone through two forums now devoted to RPGs and found them to be filled with players who want nothing more than to give their lvl 2 Fighter a backstory involving royalty, a million gold pieces, and at least seven magical weapons that their character inherited from parents(which happen to be Gaia and Thor). Ugh.

    This looks like an awesome site for RPGs and I'm super pumped to start using it, however I'm sort of wondering if there is a Recruitment thing anywhere? Is this site geared toward users playing via the internet, or more for groups IRL to meet and collaborate?

    I guess the question is, could I find and join a game here, or is the site made more for groups that have already formed IRL?

    Either way this site will be getting plenty of use from me. Thanks for giving RPGers this option!
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    You know, if I were you, I'd probably think about revising this message after a night's sleep.

    I know you're coming in with the stink of other forums clinging to your nostrils, but I'm getting a very antagonistic vibe off you right now. I have plenty of confidence that you would be able to find people here that you consider more kindred of spirits, but right now the image I have is of you flailing your fists and saying "Raaah! So many gamers suck! Oh hey, can I join your game?" That's a little disconcerting, and I'd like to think that's *not* the image you wanted to send off.

    But to answer your question: I know that when people create campaigns, there is an option to check a box saying that you're seeking players. I have heard of some completely online games coming through here, and you may also be able to find "meatspace" games that are happening near where you live. Recruitment is going to be what people make of it - they may post something here or simply check the box and see who bites. Though I suspect in your case, you may want to insist on a player interview for *your* peace of mind if nobody else's. =)
  • Amadameus
    Posts: 2
    Apologies if I seemed antagonistic, I had just finished leaving a forum-based RPG site (for obvious reasons) and was quite aggravated. Editing previous posts makes me think of drama, though - and although the tone of the letter wasn't quite what I wanted to send, it still seems rather immature if I were to call a 'do-over' and rewrite it.

    Thanks for the info about recruiting - almost all the RPG sites I've seen had some kind of area specifically for game 'classifieds' - for picking up new players, starting games, or checking interest for games. I was looking for something like that, I suppose.

    I appreciate the help - and the empathetic response, instead of a "piss off," to my incendiary post.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    We want to eventually add a player-finder of some sort, but we also don't want to re-invent the wheel. As you've said, there are already several out there in the world, and we'd rather partner up with one of them than try to compete.

    In the spirit of partnership, try looking here:

    Those are the 2 that I know of.

    As always, be careful when dealing with people you meet online...there are some real nutzos out there...
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