Attaching a PDF

edited April 2008 in Feature Requests


  • IceBob
    Posts: 98
    Perhaps one can already do this (by hosting a file on a separate site and linking it from here), but I'd eventually like to be able to post a decent .pdf file here (a moderately large one, in fact). The contents are copyright to me, so no worries about me trying to post someone else's work (i.e. sourcebooks). If I could just link it or embed it in the wiki that would be great (especially since I can set up hyperlinks in the .pdf).

    Obviously, this is not a priority request - just something I'd personally like the option to do.
  • DMaple
    Posts: 63
    I currently link offsite and store pdf's and the like at or pick your own storage space provider. I don't think Obsidian Portal wants to get the extra bandwidth that pdf's and the like would create, but I guess it might be an idea to offer it as a subscriber option.
  • JustinMason
    Posts: 36
    Re: Attaching a PDF

    I just thought I'd bring it back up since it's been about 4 years since I think it was last mentioned. It would be awesome to be able to upload PDF files to OP directly for linking. Maybe put a 2-5 MB Limit on them or something? I know compression ratios have become more efficient in the last few years. I can fit quite a lot of information into a 5MB PDF. I'm using PDF's to effectively "log" the player character progress in my current campaign. New level = New Character Sheet PDF. I suppose it's easy enough to link offsite, but I really hate having my digital campaign materials hosted by several different services.
  • Thosuncree
    Posts: 1
    This is a darn good idea. I've got some small pdf's I create for handouts, it's be easier to link and manage them all from one place.
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