Hello Friends

edited May 2008 in Player Lounge


  • MasterJohn
    Posts: 2
    Greetings my new acquaintances!

    I am MasterJohn, a new member of these fine boards. I have been roleplaying for about a year now. My experience is mostly with story-driven games, meaning little to no rules. I have a little familiarity with D&D 3.5 and basic D20 systems, but find the many books and complicated rules a bit disheartening. I am a capable DM of the previously described type of games, as well as an avid player. Living in Vermont has led to problems finding gaming groups, so I have taken to the internet to find like-minded friends. I would be happy to join any game played online, mostly regardless of system (im quite unfamiliar with 4th edition D&D, but have knowledge of D&D 3.5, D20 modern, and Vampire: The Requiem. Of course, i am willing to try others).

    And now for a short-yet-shameless plug of my new game (I apologize).

    My new campaign is story based, with very minimal rules. It takes place in 1918 Philadelphia, PA. I am currently searching for up to 10 players (less will do fine). Preferably the players would be mature and capable of regular online interaction. The actual gameplay will be on my forum, devoted entirely to this game. Please, if you wish to play something different, something less rigid, come on by and make a character!

    I almost forgot, the new game is called 'Regarding Your Future'.

    Anyway, thank you for reading through this mess. I do enjoy making friends with similar interests, and enjoy playing games with them even more!

    Have a wonderful day,

  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    I am intrigued, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter...

    Where is your forum (where the gameplay will occur) located? Will you also be posting write-ups here? When you refer to "regular online interaction," does that mean IM/chat/IRC, or simply periodic additions to an ever-developing story? Hmmm, that didn't make much sense... Here's what I mean -- many years ago, I got started via on-line "collaborative storytelling," on a USEnet group. One person would post one or more paragraphs describing what their character is doing, thinking, saying, etc. Someone else would then add to that with their character's interactions. But it wasn't done with the participants all on-line at the same time.

    What mechanism are you planning to use for developing the story?
  • darkliquid
    Posts: 21
    Well, I'd be interested in playing, heavy story, minimal rules are my kind of game. I play a lot of freeform/systemless games on RPoL.net
  • MasterJohn
    Posts: 2
    Thanks for the interest, ill explain:

    The gameplay doesnt require you all to be online at the same time. I believe the term is play-by-post. It's precisely what you said, where one person writes out a detailed paragraph of their character's actions, thoughts, everything they want their character to do. Then another person does the same, responding or just acting.

    There will be regular updates to the adventure log, wiki, NPC and maps sections of this website, mostly done when the group meets or locates something new.

    Here is the forum name: http://regardingyourfuture.freeforums.org/

    If it doesnt link, i apologize. Im having a bit of a problem with the linking. More instructions and information at the site.
  • darkliquid
    Posts: 21
    Sounds good, I'll whip up a character and PM you a link or something.
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