Running a campaign using Skype

edited May 2012 in General Discussion
I'm planning on running my first campaign via Skype where all the players are in different states. I wanted to post this for general discussion in hopes of someone adding some input on ways to run a successful campaign via Skype. I could use some pointers, and some things I should do, or things I should keep away from while trying to GM in this atmosphere. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.


  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    I was very skeptical of using skype but when I started my "Star Trek Late Night campaign": , I realized that in order to get maximum attendance I needed to change the way we gamed. Skype has proven to be very successful Many of our games are run with me on skype and the players all at a table in someone's house. Other than the occassional connectivity issues, Skype is awesome. I would suggest looking into fantasy grounds or some other game aid for sharing maps and such. Good luck.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I have been running my game on Skype exclusively for over a year now! The most important thing for people to learn is to not talk over one another- as GM you will need to occasionally tell people to be quiet to let x talk... but it works well!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
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    Just trying to help out.

  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278 edited May 2012
    I run my L5R game and am a player in two games (one D&D 3.5 and one Pathfinder) via Skype and Xbox Live (we always gamed in the living room so the Xbox camera is a nice way to see everyone at once) with the rest of my gaming group back in California and have been for almost 3 years now. Here are a couple issues sugestions:

    * The biggest issue is laggy video with the sound ahead of the video (can be amusing at times) and occasional disconnections. These can be frustrating at first but you soon learn to deal with them easily.

    * OP is a handy tool for my game as it allows me to keep up to date on my player's character sheets and presents a place for me to post any information that they might need.

    * If you and your players are big Facebook users I recommend making a private Facebook group to post important game updates (game cancels,delays, etc.).

    * The program Maptools has also been very handy in our Pathfinder game as the DM connects her computer to the TV to show everyone her screen with maptools on it then shares the screen with me who is the only one not in the room (you can also set up a GM server and a Player server for long distance games!). The program is best used for D20 systems as it has rules for light, vision (dark, low light, etc.) and grid spacing (always know exactly who is in that fireball! and yes you can charge thru that spot!)

    * Lastly only ONE of you needs Skype Premium in order to do group video chat. So if you want to be able to see everyone (something that definitely helps) only one of you needs to pay money for the group chat.

    Hope that helps!


    "Changing History":
    Post edited by JaymesBolton on
  • Ebonblade
    Posts: 2
    I want to thank all of you for the combined info you provided in regards to the Skype D&D campaign. The info really helps; I need to make some decisions on what to do and work out the bugs. Thanks.
  • Invictus
    Posts: 54
    By the by if you pay for a premium service it cant hurt to ask your players to split the bill, enough pcs turns any monthly expense into pocket change.
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