Uploading published maps?

edited May 2012 in Campaign Portal Building
I am beginning to run my first campaign and I want to post the general maps on the site so my players will have an idea of where they are in relation to the rest of the world. I am running a Pathfinder RPG campaign and I am using Paizo's content for the most part. Is there any problem with me uploading THEIR maps (such as the map of Golarion) for us on my Wiki? I'm sure this has come up, but I just thought someone might have a quick answer. Thanks!


  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    As long as your whole site is not only pathfinder images, and you acknowledge their copyright you should be ok

    Just trying to help out.

  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    So far, I don't think any users on OP have received a Cease and Desist notification from using copyrighted images. As long as you are just chronicling your groups adventure through an established setting/adventure and not constructing some sort of database of copyrighted material, I'm sure we're fine.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Yes, one did, right in the middle of his COTM... so do be careful.

    Just trying to help out.

  • RayFinkle
    Posts: 3
    Thanks for the heads up!
  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278
    If you purchased the material and are using it for non-profit means you have every right to. It is still a good idea to post an acknowledgement of copyright to be on the safe side. Also if you "use low-resolution images to illustrate the copyrighted character, group, item, or location depicted on the excerpted image in question when no free alternative exists or can be created" for a non-profit and informative situation qualifies as fair use under US copyright law. Plus they have to issue a Cease and Desist before they can take any other actions so at the very worse you will just receive a notification that you have to take it down.


    "Changing History":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/l5r-changing-history
  • Job
    Posts: 24
    I am very careful to properly credit the sources (whether text, paintings, or photos) on my portal, but I've begun taking it a step further by contacting the artists and creators, asking for permission. In reaching out to these folks, I have to tell you that I've had some fun correspondence! Not only do I get to interact with some folks that I respect and admire for their creative genius, but you just never know what interesting discussions might take place as a result.

    My recommendation: don't hesitate to politely contact the creators of the material. They enjoy hearing from fans and might be very interested in what you're doing and in having links on your page that would increase traffic to their own websites.

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