Made a table for hallucinations

edited March 2012 in General Discussion
Hey guys...

In our 2nd Edition AD&D game, one of my players has an Amulet of Sleep Protection. He also has a Death Curse on him that affects him while he sleeps - a witch tortures him in his dreams with various nightmares (a la Nightmare on Elm Street) and prevents him from getting proper sleep that effects his stats, healing rate and ability to level up (house rules).

So, the PC has recently learned the Amulet will prevent him from at least having his nightmares (they are growing in severity and he is losing hit points while sleeping) so he has put it on. On the third day of sleep deprivation, he will begin to have mild hallucinations. They will increase in severity till the 7th day in which I have to roll on an Insanity chart.

I could not find a chart for hallucinations, so I developed my own... Please let me know what you think, and what I may do to make it better!

Hallucination chart:

3rd Day (Level 1 Hallucinations) – DISTURBANCE.
ROLL 1d4 – Number of hallucinations for the day.
ROLL 1d6 for each hallucination.
1. Visual
2. Hearing
3. Smell
4. Taste
5. Touch
6. Perception
ROLL 2d12 for each hallucination to determine time of day for each one.

4th Day (Level 2 Hallucinations) – TROUBLE.
ROLL 1d6 – Number of hallucinations for the day.
ROLL 2d8 for each hallucination. Both rolls are combined into one hallucination, duplicate rolls are rerolled.
1. Visual
2. Hearing
3. Smell
4. Taste
5. Touch
6. Perception
7. Command
8. Somatic
ROLL 2d12 for each hallucination to determine time of day for each one.

5th Day (Level 2 Hallucinations) – ANGUISH.
ROLL 1d8 – Number of hallucinations for the day.
ROLL 3d8 for each hallucination. All rolls are combined into one hallucination, duplicate rolls are rerolled.
1. Visual
2. Hearing
3. Smell
4. Taste
5. Touch
6. Perception
7. Command
8. Somatic
ROLL 2d12 for each hallucination to determine time of day for each one.

Since the time is random, I have no idea what will be going on at that time during the game -- so I will be creating the hallucinations based upon the situation that comes up. I think that could get real interesting.

Let me know your thoughts, guys!

_May your die always roll high and your figures never topple_
"Legends of the Middle Ages":


  • AnthonyDluzak
    Posts: 69 edited March 2012
    Visual Hallucinations: The most common modality referred to when people speak of hallucinations. These include the phenomena of seeing things which are not present or visual perception which does not reconcile with the physical, consensus reality.

    Auditory Hallucinations: Is the perception of sound without outside stimulus. Auditory hallucinations can be divided into two categories: elementary and complex. Elementary hallucinations are the perception of sounds such as hissing, whistling, an extended tone, and more. Complex hallucinations are those of voices, music, or other sounds which may or may not be clear, may be familiar or completely unfamiliar, and friendly or aggressive, among other possibilities.

    Olfactory Hallucinations: is the phenomenon of smelling odors that aren't really present. The most common odors are unpleasant smells such as rotting flesh, vomit, urine, feces, smoke, or others.

    Gustatory Hallucinations: is a type of hallucination that is the perception of taste without a stimulus. It could be of food, or something not as pleasant such as urine, feces, vomit, or chalk.

    Tactile Hallucinations: are the illusion of tactile sensory input, simulating various types of pressure to the skin or other organs. One subtype of tactile hallucination is the sensation of insects crawling underneath the skin.

    Perception Hallucinations: affect the persons ability to recognize proper distances and locations of objects as well as where oneself is at – common hallucinations are a sense of being “out of body”, floating, feeling as though one is underwater and even the feeling of time slowing to a crawl or speeding around rapidly.

    Command Hallucinations: are hallucinations in the form of commands. The contents of the hallucinations can range from the innocuous to commands to cause harm to the self or others. People experiencing command hallucinations may or may not comply with the hallucinated commands, depending on circumstances. Compliance is more common for non-violent commands.

    Somatic Hallucinations : are experienced when an individual feels that his body is being mutilated i.e. twisted, torn, or disembowelled. Other reported cases are invasion by animals in the person's internal organs such as snakes in the stomach or frogs in the rectum. The general feeling that one's flesh is decomposing is also classified under this type of hallucination.
    Post edited by AnthonyDluzak on
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,011

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  • RobertBenton
    Posts: 46
    I love this. What are the stat alterations per hallucination for well,... a dude interested by math.
    -Rob (Pale)
  • magavendon
    Posts: 112
    Sounds really interesting. I too would like to know the stat alterations as well, if you've thought them up.
  • AnthonyDluzak
    Posts: 69
    I have not come up with any specific stat alterations. I should consider it though... I suppose it would all depend on which hallucination the character was suffering from. Visual would be a distraction, so perhaps penalties on attack and defense rolls. Hearing would give problems against any kind of listening checks. Smell I don't think would affect the stats. Taste wouldn't either, I think. Touch may affect attack rolls. Perception would definitely mess things up - I think that would inflict severe penalties.

    When the command hallucination comes up, I thought I would pass a note to a random player and have them come up with a command. Then roll to see if the victim is able to resist it or not, if he wants.

    Somatic hallucinations would affect attack and defense rolls as well.

    Maybe I'm not thinking these through enough - do you guys have any suggestions?

    What I did consider, is coming up with a random hallucination chart for each sensory...
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I love the concept, but you definitely need the stat alterations/penalties. Really great thoughts!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
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    Just trying to help out.

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,011
    ...and when you've finished that you might want to get started on an ACID CHAIR!

    "Shimring - The Faces of Divinity":
    (a multiplanar 3.5 D&D campaign)

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

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