A Blog of D and possibly D

edited February 2012 in General Discussion
So, I know I haven't been the most active on the forums in recent years. Having spent a year in china, it was hard enough to even get onto OP sometimes to update my setting. However, I hope that it can bring you all some joy (and possibly anguish) to read a blog I've begun concerning AD&D and other such things over at frothingmug.blogspot.com.

I tend to deconstruct things a lot, and so many of my conversations with friends focusing on dismantling jokes, books, history, and the games we play. Since I feel like D&D has moved so far away from what I (and most of my friends) want it to be, I thought it might be neat to post some of those thoughts in essay form.

It doesn't hurt that I am also working on a Player's Guide to Arunë, a sort of digest of the massive campaign wiki and hand-written notes that are so overwhelming as to absolutely put off any new players. Hopefully I'm going to post it up on RPGnow for a few cents a download, making it available as a resource to whoever wants to read it, for whatever reason whether to mine it for ideas or actually to use it for themselves.

My original intention was to actually write an AD&D magazine and release it once every two months along the order of Kobold, but I couldn't get enough writers and artists involved to make it do-able. So here, instead, are some of the thoughts that would have gone into "The Grognard." Hope it is at least entertaining, even if it is hackle-raising in some of its assumptions!


  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    "Allow me to hyperlink that for you.":http://frothingmug.blogspot.com/
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    How gracious!
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    That seems snarky upon looking back at it, but my thanks is sincere.
  • AnthonyDluzak
    Posts: 69
    A bi monthly magazine sounds pretty awesome if you ask me....

    Was it going to be digital???

    Seems to me, if you searched around enough you could find plenty of past articles and discussions that you would be able to work in with author's permissions, rather than relying on deadlines.

    I for one would be interested in helping with graphics, if you were interested in creating a digital 'zine.

    Contact me if so!

  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    Followed and added to "my blogroll":http://black-vulmea.blogspot.com/ .

    Mike aka Black Vulmea
    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/le-ballet-de-l-acier - swashbuckling adventures in the age of the Three Musketeers and Captain Alatriste
    Featured Campaign of the Month - August 2011
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    Awesome, Vulmea. Gonna add yer own blog onto mine if you don't mind.

    The magazine was going to be digital with Print On Demand options, but instead I am just going to release a series of 10th Age books on RPGnow for cheep. I was going to primarily write 10th Age articles anyway. All of the non-10th Age stuff will eventually make its way up onto the Frothing Mug!
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