New idea for page view permission

edited November 2011 in Feature Requests
This came to me on my drive to work this morning. Perhaps there is something you would like to add to your campaign wiki that is a secret to the players, but you would like for the campaign's regular visitors to be able to see it. In addition to the GM only check box, I propose a "hidden to players" option. The GM only option is nice for secrets you don't want _anyone_ to know, but it lacks versatility. I would like an option that makes a page invisible to anyone in the campaign, and visible to anyone not in the campaign or not logged in. Now I realize that players could circumvent it by just logging out, but I trust my players. I have the same trust that they aren't going to fudge rolls or add random gold to their sheets. Anyway, just a random idea. I don't know if it has been thought of before, or if it is even viable from a programming standpoint. I just thought I would share.


  • Beaumains
    Posts: 132
    Question: if you trust your players not to circumvent the system, why not simply put relevant content under clear labels in your site? e.g.:


    (h1. * _ + SECRET INFORMATION BELOW + _ *) - color and alignment options can also be added.
  • Deadseid
    Posts: 14
    I think its an out of sight, out of mind thing. If I am reading a wiki page and I see a giant headline that reads: DON'T LOOK AT ALL THIS SECRET STUFF, I'm a little more tempted to glance down and cheat. I don't think players would be as inclined to deliberately log out and go treasure hunting for subtle differences in pages. I'm sure that's someone's idea of a good time, but it seems pretty boring to me.
  • Beaumains
    Posts: 132
    Ah, well as it happens, AugustusGloop has started a project that may serve you; you should PM him about it.
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