What's on your DM screen?

edited December 2011 in General Discussion
As my campaigns progress I find myself using Obsidian Portal more and more. Most recently I've found that I'm spending too much time looking up the same information from multiple sources when running an encounter or respond to players in the middle of a play session. I think the solution is to build a "Dungeon Master's Screen" wiki page. That should give me one browser tab with most of the tables and lists I need available at a glance. Have any of you done the same? If so I'm curious what you came up with and what you think the vital information for your DM screen is.

I'm focused on D&D 4e material but I think the set of data I work with is probably similar to what DMs of other game systems rely on. So far my list consists of:

h2. In combat

h3. General actions

* Easy/moderate/hard DC values per level. Handy for spur of the moment skill checks but I'll probably need to customize it to the party to reflect their trained skills. (DMG page 42)
* Low/medium/high damage values per level. What sort of damage should an improvised attack or trap do at this level?
* Common attack modifiers. (PHB page 279)
* Cost of actions in combat. Is dropping prone free or a minor? (PHB page 289)
* Stealth rules. I seem unable to remember these consistently. (PHB2 page 277)

h3. Environment and terrain

* Suggested DC values for breaking common items. (PHB page 262)
* Defenses and HP for common objects. My players apparently like to break stuff. (DMG page 65)
* Suggested DC values for skill checks to traverse challenging terrain. (DMG page 61)

h3. Skill challenges

* Successes/failures and different difficulty levels
* Suggested easy/medium/hard DC values. Given the state of 4e skill challenges I'll probably have to completely replace this with something tailored to the party.

h3. Exploration

* Perception check DC values to hear characters or detect hidden items. (DMG page 37)
* Links to NPC name and character trait lists to generate them on the fly.
* Links to lists of random loot and flavor items.

h2. Non-combat game sessions

h3. Civilization

* Settlement characteristics. How are different settlements organized? What goods and services can players expect to find? (DMG page 153)

h3. Travel

* Overland and mount/vehicle travel speeds. (PHB page 261)
* Links to the wiki pages of my campaign's major locations.

h2. Planning encounters

* Encounter XP budgets (DMG page 56 & 57)
* Treasure parcels (DMG page 126)
* Links to my favorite monsters and NPCs for the campaign.

What's on your screen?


  • TheMazeController
    Posts: 115
    Funny you should mention it I am making char sheets, player mats, tokens, cards, a "strike rank wheel" (think initiative tracker) and a GM screen for my campaign. I will let you guys have a look once I get it all done. Or more properly I will post and drive you back to "Bad Wrong Fun":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/bad-wrong-fun so you can see pictures and get downloads and stuff.
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277

    Mike aka Black Vulmea
    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/le-ballet-de-l-acier - swashbuckling adventures in the age of the Three Musketeers and Captain Alatriste
    Featured Campaign of the Month - August 2011
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    My DM's screen is a computer monitor running "Masterplan":http://www.habitualindolence.net/masterplan/ and a document featuring any notes I need for the campaign as well as perhaps a small notepad for scribbles.
    For my current game I've very much gone rather electronic and bring a laptop and a screen projector for the player view as well as a sound-scape program for ambient music and sounds. Most of the players bring laptops as well, so we've forgone the conventional clutter of miniatures, battle-maps and book stacks for piles of chords and power adapters.

    It was meant to be experimental, but the players love how it speeds up combat and I love how easy it is to prep sessions on the compy.

    _(This post may or may not have been paid by the creators of masterplan)_
  • HurstGM
    Posts: 205
    I must be weird because I dont use one. For some reason they always made me uncomfortable
  • Dungeon_Master_Loki
    Posts: 358
    I want a Pathfdinder version of Masterplan, looks like a great piece of software.

    Game Designer, Pro GM, multiple ENnie Award winner

    GM of Planejammer: The Spelljoined (Pathfinder 1e) Campaign of the Year 2011 and still going strong!

    GM of The Planewalker's Guild (Pathfinder 1e) 

    Need a GM? Book me today!

  • KenSee
    Posts: 93
    DMLoki, You probably could use it for Pathfinder. That's what I am considering doing at least.

    Some nifty software you got there Morrinn. Pretty cool.

    -Ken See
  • CuRoi
    Posts: 18
    I used to use my old 1e / 2e screens all the time but I think was only because the tables defied easy memorization and THACO was wierd. I got a laptop and a program to track combats for 3.0/3.5. Used DM Genie, good integrated program. You could even run combats from initiative order through nearly all dice roles, tracking effects, etc. I really just used it for an NPC database (I still recommend it for that...) Been playing DnD for years and I figure if myself or someone at the table doesn't know the answer - it isn't worth looking up.

    Long story short - no screen. I have a laptop on the side to pull open a book IF my wife is hogging my hardbacks :) I hate players bringing laptops - it's like driving and texting... Master plan looks good, but I have yet for a group to follow anything resembling a master plan, heh.
  • Gazoinks
    Posts: 1
    I've recently took up using Masterplan and it is indeed pretty awesome. Last campaign I used the jot pad for combat management and stuff, but I found a Pathfinder combat manager so I'll be using that next time. I also like to use a small whiteboard, which allows me to quickly sketch out the players' situation without having to make tile maps for every location they may or may not visit. I also recently found a couple other reference resources (such as the complete Pathfinder PRD in download form) from which I'll be using as reference as well.
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