Improvised Skill Challanges.

edited January 2012 in Campaign Portal Building
I have a method of improvising skill challanges that is really fun and simple! The main thing is to give the narrative to the players and let them tell me what they will try to do and how they will try to do it, any skill is alowed.
One way of doing this is to use what I like to call the montage. If a group is travelling in a storm or tracking in harsh terrain or even training for a dungeon, you can tell them you`d like them to describe a cinematic montage in skills.
I have also done bar fights as skill challanges a few times, those have been really fun, the characters have been free to swing from the chandelier, to throw mugs and chairs and even members the band or to play tricks, what ever they want...

A standard way of reward for sucsess can be temporary hp or a bonus on the next roll or maby an extra action point. Failure can mean loosing healing surges, action points... Or something more story driven for either result.

I would like to see other methods or ideas for improvising encounters and challanges. Thanks:)


  • KenSee
    Posts: 93
    The part about "training for a dungeon" caught my attention. What do you mean by that?
  • ninjazombie42
    Posts: 57
    Ok, KenSee, say the characters know they are going on a difficult mission or entering a dangerous dungeon in the nearest future. Let them describe a cinematic montage in a skill challange format, Rocky Balboa style.

    How you aproach this is up to you. Maby the npc who gave them the quest advices them to train for it, maby he even knows what might await them. Reward can be some bonus in a certain environment or against a certain enemy, on attack or defense,
    or getting to roll group skill checks in the entire dungeon or adventure, instead of induvidual checks, because they practiced team work.
    Failing should not give to much of a penalty in a training montage, I feel, not getting the bonus is good enough.

    Please, share your thoughts and ideas:)
  • KenSee
    Posts: 93
    Okay, I thought you meant by doing some skill challenges you would give the PC's XP and then they would level up.

    I don't know, the people I play with wouldn't like that. They would rather get straight to the dungeon. But whatever you and your players enjoys yall should do.
  • ninjazombie42
    Posts: 57
    It can be part of the adventure. They do get xp for the skill challange.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    That is really a cool idea- I don't think I would use it, as I play a very skill-laden system (Palladium) but for others, that is really cool.
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    Duskreign's "COTM for November 2011":

    Just trying to help out.

  • ninjazombie42
    Posts: 57
    Thanks:) I would like to see more suggestions for ways to do skill challanges and the likes!
  • kitgun
    Posts: 3
    perhaps give them a challenge that is completely optional and many ways to solve it, Ex. you see a sleeping elephant is laying on top of a pile of gold how do you get to the gold, or perhaps some sort of puzzle box that responds to skills used. sounds interesting keep on trucking
  • ninjazombie42
    Posts: 57
  • CuRoi
    Posts: 18
    FATE games are pretty flexible and the rules bendy enough to imply this sort of thing straight out of the box. It's one reason I'm not a fan of some systems "skill challenges" because those systems can present a rigid, boring structured things that are just "roll offs" - "make x rolls to win". The most imprtant thing for me is to keep everything a part of the narrative.

    The next most important thing I am doing is keeping an ear out for what players are saying. Often times they suggest using a skill either because it has a cool effect on the story -or- because they have interpreted things differently and think it will have an effect. Sometimes (mayeb lots) their ideas are better than mine so I scrap what I had and let their thing "work".

    In the FATE Dresden RPG players can say cast ritual magic in preparation for a fight with a bad guy and once completed it could add an Aspect to the scene / players which can be used later. Ritual uses both a player's magic skills (Lore and Conviction for example) along with player ingenuity through declarations (which can be any skill). So my players wanted to make a ritual to make them less vulnerable to possession by an ancient aztec priest. They decided to make amulets. I decide a Ritual target difficulty and they roll Lore skill and use other skills to add aspects. One can declare through Knowledge or Lore that a spanish afrtifact would be a good choice for the centerpiece. One can roll resources to get the coin. etc. etc.
  • ninjazombie42
    Posts: 57
    I like keeping it a part of the narrative, I often turn the narrative over to the players. It is a x numbers of rolls to win, but it is still a story thing. The most important thing is to have fun, it is a game after all..
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