Tag searching?

edited March 2008 in Feature Requests


  • rosignol
    Posts: 5
    How much trouble would it be to set up a slightly more user-friendly search function with some pre-defined options?

    What I have in mind is an 'advanced' search that worked something like

    Search for [noun] with [tag, tag, tag, tag, tag] for [system] .

    The advantage here is that it would not be doing a full text search of everything on the site (which I understand causes significant performance issues), just looking at the item type/tags and the campaign type, which sould be a much smaller data set.

    This would allow a gamemaster who wanted to find some pregenerated characters to use in an encounter could put [NPC] in the first field, [rogue, thug, bandit] in the second, and whatever game [D&D 3.5/GURPS/ShadowRun] their adventure used in the third.

    Depending on how much time GMs on the site have spent posting their NPCs, items, organizations, and the like, this could be a significant time-saver for other GMs (this is why the campaign type needs to be included, so you can search for stuff built for the same game mechanics)... and I have yet to see a GM who didn't love time-savers.
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