Just like a writer's group helps authors, do we have a plot group for GM's?

edited December 2011 in General Discussion
I'm in the early stages of a new campaign after a long spell as an infrequent player, not a GM. I have some really decent players who have made my first game back in the driver's seat much smoother than it might have been, and the plot worked out much better than I thought it would. At the end of the first game, they're in exactly the right place for the plot to advance, but I'm concerned about staying ahead of them and keeping things as epic as they deserve.

I could use some objective help, but I don't want to post details in a public place, since my efforts to get them involved in the campaign site here have resulted in a couple of signups and one guy telling me he's a long time member.

Do we have a place for GMs to share their campaign details privately with other GMs and offer/receive advice? I thought a little bit about hosting a campaign and inviting people in order to use the campaign resources to collaborate. Any thoughts?


  • TheMazeController
    Posts: 115
    I am the self appointed Idea Man, thus I will chime in.

    I would suggest making a campaign similar to the Music group for "Scheming GMs" I will join in and play the wildcard role and continue to contribute with my zany ideas as well. (Ideas that no one really wants or needs usually.)

    That is all for now.
  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278
    Although it is for D&D 3.5 the "Steal this hook":http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/arch/sh is useful for little things.

    But most GMs use just about everything for plot: movies, books, tv shows, news...I live in Washington D.C. and can see the National Cathedral from my window so I used it as a gothic Church in a Dark Heresy Game. One of my other players/GMs keeps a tiny notebook in his backpocket and writes down any ideas that come to him at random times.

    I would recommend going to the forums of whatever game system you are using since they usually have a specific forum for GMs looking for plot and stories. Also most of the people here on the OP forums would be happy to help you brainstorm if you post some sort of general outline, game system, and type of story that we can pick at and throw ideas at.


    "Changing History":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/l5r-changing-history
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    There are two campaigns currently that might fit the bill. There is my campaign page: "The Fantastinomicon":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/the-fantastinomicon and there is "Shared Creations":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shared-creations by vstraydogstrutv. Both "campaigns" have plot and other ideas for all. You could also tell your players NOT to read something, and then if they do, it just ruins it for them (unless they tell everyone in the group, that wouldn't be cool :P).
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