[Smallville RPG] Considering running

edited December 2011 in Player Lounge
I've been wanting to run a game using the Smallville RPG for a while now. I will never be able to get my face to face group to try it though, so I'm forced to turn online for this. Was thinking of running it as a play-by-post.

I am more of a Marvel-fan than a DC one, but I have a few basic premises that I'd like to test out. If anyone else would like to play let me know.

X-Men: The players are all mutants at Xavier's school, where they are being pulled between the forces of Xavier and Magneto. Or the players could play humans that are tied to the mutant side of the marvel verse (Bolivar Trask, Senator Kelly)

Parkerville: Similiar to Smallville, only this game will be about a young Peter Parker coming to grips with his amazing powers. The players could play either Peter Parker or any of his friends or eventual villains (or any Marvel character really).

These are just the bare bones of my ideas and would develop together with the players. Perhaps we can change the premise to something more like Heroes where the game is about the birth of the age of Marvels and any character is up for grabs.


  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    First off, Welcome to the Portal, Leffa!

    I'm sure you'll find plenty of people, and I know KillerVP is going to be along in a minute to direct you to even awesomer places to look for players.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Welcome to the Portal- ok, longer than a minute.
    Here is a link to "find players":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1527&page=1
    I have had success using Pen & Paper myself.
    Good Luck!
    "A God...Rebuilt":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/a-god-rebuilt
    Duskreign's "COTM for November 2011":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/wyrmshadow/wiki_pages/112011

    Just trying to help out.

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