Dead status for PCs

edited September 2010 in Feature Requests
I'd love to see a dead status for characters - PC or NPC. I'm running a Dark Sun game with a very high PC death rate (surprise, surprise) and the party list is going to be changing a lot over time. I don't really want to move these characters to the NPC section, because they're not NPCs, but I also don't want them showing up in the party list in the sidebar, because they're not really still in the party either. However, it's relevant to the game's history to know that they were there, and especially for NPCs, any info in their character page might be important later.

Here's what I'm envisioning:

1) Add a "Dead" checkbox on each character page
2) On the character list page, sort dead PCs to the bottom of the PC list (and dead NPCs to the bottom of the NPC list) with a [dead] tag or something similar next to their name
3) If the character was a PC, remove them from the party list in the sidebar


  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    You can add a "dead" tag manually, by changing the PC name, or by tagging them, I believe. If you change the name, be prepared for certain links to break, though. I think it changes the URL path, rather than just the display name.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    You can change a character's name without affecting the URL.
  • october
    Posts: 3
    I've already changed the characters' names to "[dead] Character Name" - however, they still show up in the party list in the sidebar. That's going to get really annoying after a certain point. It's maybe a minor issue, but some way to remove them from that sidebar would be nice, so we can more easily see who the active PCs are.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Here's an idea, it won't solve the side bar problem but might be a compromise.

    On your homepage or wiki main page have 2 tables or lists of PC's, those alive and those dead. One could say something like "Current Party" and the other "Fallen Comrades". If you don't know the coding theres a TON of helpful people here that could show you how, I even know a little.
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250 edited September 2010
    I moved my dead characters to a wiki page called "In Memoriam": That way, dead characters don't muck up the character page.

    But I agree, having a section for dead characters would be nice.
    Post edited by FrankSirmarco on
  • RSHipskind
    Posts: 2
    Uncheck the players as PC's and then tag them as dead.
  • CutGlass
    Posts: 10
    I see all of the workarounds mentioned here, and I've used a few myself. I would still echo the original poster's request though.

    My main campaign has about 125 characters listed at the moment though, some of whom are definitely departed. It would be nice if I could keep the Characters tab down to a more manageable length.
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