[Feature Requrest] Insert tag limited character lists in wiki pages

edited May 2010 in Feature Requests
What would it do?

I have wiki pages for major organizations in my world on my site. Currently when I add a new character, I add the character, then go to the wiki page for the organization(s) the character belongs to and insert a link to the character in a list of other character's associated with that organization. I'm imperfect at this, so it would be nice if I could enter some code in the wiki page and a miniature copy of the character page would be rendered.

So if I type:

The wiki would render that as:

Samuel Bryant


  • Beaumains
    Posts: 132
    Interesting idea; could definitely simplify and expand things. But what if someone wants a list of pinkerton mages and a list of fighters? Wouldn't that require both an 'or' and 'and'?
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May 2024
The World of Elurah

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