Adventure Log 'Read More' breaks?

edited October 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
Hi there- newbie to OP and most coding. I'm trying to make my Adventure Log all pretty, but the last post I put up was 1300 words and is clogging out all the other entries.

Is there a way to insert a 'Read More' type of break that would show up on the main Adventure Log listing page but not the specific Adventure Log post?

Thanks in advance!


  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Yes, it is outlined here in the awesome "Help & Tips FAQ":
    It is a sticky on the main forum page, and is a great resource.

    "A God...Rebuilt":
    Duskreign's "COTM for November":

    Just trying to help out.

  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Basically, just add this line where you want the break to occur:
  • Genevieve
    Posts: 3
    I tried that last night and it wasn't working...
    Looked at it again this morning (ah, precious sleep!) and realized I was working under the Textile 4 still, by accident.
    Thanks very much!
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    It should work under either textile mode. The thing to watch out for in this case is that the forums have converted the two dashes (-) before and after the work more in the above example into a single m-dash. It's trying to help, I'm sure, but it's not... :p The version in the FAQ should copy and paste properly.
  • Genevieve
    Posts: 3
    Thanks- got it. And here I thought I was being clever with Textile 3/4. I'd tried a few things last night but none of them seemed to work, but once I went to the tips FAQ, it worked exactly as I was hoping!
    Thanks again- I really appreciate it. A GM from one of my games has offered a significant reward for prettifying his OP campaign and I mean to take him up on it!
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Wow, how did I not know this.
    I need to give the tips section more thoroughly.
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