something between GM-only & visible

edited October 2011 in Feature Requests
I'm running a Dresden files RPG game, in it your player characters already live in the local area & are likely to know and/or know of different people in town than players with different backgrounds. It would be nice to have a classification I could give characters that moves them in between GM-Only & fully visible that hides the character sheet & just shows description+Secrets so I could fill in details on the character sheet without giving that level of detail to the players.

I'm sure that similar situations exist in other games, using D&D/Pathfinder as an example... Just because the players know who the bigbad is & are doing individual investigations about him between games, doesn't necessarily mean the GM wants the players to know his stats, saving throws, class levels, etc.


  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278
    you could make the character visible but put the stats in the gm-only section of the character page. That way if they learn (D&D reference) that the big bad is a specialized necromancer wizard and has the forbidden school conjuration that could go in the visible part but his spell list, stats and other vitals could remain down below in the gm only section until you are ready to reveal that information. Hope that helps!
  • tetrasodium
    Posts: 26
    The problem with that is the GM can't use the charactersheet themselves :(
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    For my Dresden game I preferred a different/simplified structure for the NPC sheets. I completely ignored the "character" feature and just use basic wiki pages for NPCs. I do keep GM only info in the GM hidden area on those pages.

    "example npc":

    My PCs do use jbteller4's DST that's currently in the system (at least for now anyway, I'm trying to get "my own approved": but it's slow going).
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    You could create two character pages, one of which is gm-only, or a public wiki page and a private character page, for each character.

    It's a kludge, but at lest you can use the character sheet that way.

    Mike aka Black Vulmea
    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_": - swashbuckling adventure in the age of the Three Musketeers and Captain Alatriste
    Featured Campaign of the Month - August 2011
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I put the character sheet in the GM only section personally.

    "A God...Rebuilt":

    Just trying to help out.

  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    yeah that is what I do. It allows me to pull a character up on my phone that makes a Surprise appearance. It also helps if I forget something like a notebook or printout.

    "Star Trek Late Night":
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