Using a DSF Variable

edited October 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
(I'm a newbie to this DST stuff)

Ok, so say I have a DSF span on a record sheet

From what I can tell, while that value is still blank, it automatically turns into an input field. "Click to Edit"

What if, for styling, I want to use that value later (I realize that it might not always be the input I expect, but assume for the moment that I know it will be a numeral between 1 and 10)?

How do I display that value "dsf dsf_prowess" elsewhere on the sheet? ????


  • cczernia
    Posts: 8
    You would probably have to use javascript/jquery.
  • Karelzarath
    Posts: 13
    Having multiple writable controls that hit the same data point might be dicey, but dropping other readonly spans like the example you have does work well. "My sheet here": uses many repeated data elements to great effect. You don't even need any javascript to make it work.

    Check out the code and let me know if you have any other questions. You can "see an example here.":
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