Wiki Etiquette

edited October 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
Hi everyone. I'm a longtime user first time GM and find myself posting more content. I was wondering if there was a general etiquette guide somewhere. In particular I was wondering about what common practice is for linking. If one character or page is listed several time in a wiki do you typically link all instances or just the first? An article or guideline for similar practices would be appreciated.


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Well, there is an "Etiquette" guide for using the forums here, but there isn't really any established rules for how you choose to display your pages. However, regarding linking, I would go with only linking the first instance of a person/place/thing/event within any given log or wiki page. It keeps the page from becoming too cluttered, especially if you have allot of other items needing links withing that page.

  • Palantier
    Posts: 3
    Thanks. That was what I was leaning towards. Here is another specific question (and thee reason I was wondering if there is a list somewhere,) Is it expected to update old posts with new relevant links, or is that just preference, or is it just being excessive?
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113 edited October 2011
    Within your wiki it is really all up to you. If you want to take the time to go back and update old posts with up to date new links that is fine, but there is no _expectation_
    Post edited by libranchylde on
  • Palantier
    Posts: 3
    Cool thanks again. I'll just use this thread if I come up with other questions.
  • kingfrog368
    Posts: 4 edited October 2011
    Looking at other popular sites, including the ever-popular wikipedia, it appears that first occurrences are commonly linked, and others after that tend not to be unless there is a special reason to do so.

    On my own game I am going back to previous work and doing linking as more content gets loaded into my campaign, but I do it a little at a time, when the urge hits me. I don't want it to become drudgery, or overwhelming either, and in a campaign that's only had two sessions I can already see how much work it could be if I let it. Taken a half hour here, and another half-hour there, over the course of several weeks, it looks doable.
    Post edited by kingfrog368 on
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    bq. Looking at other popular sites, including the ever-popular wikipedia, it appears that first occurrences are commonly linked, and others after that tend not to be unless there is a special reason to do so.

    That's the guideline I use as well.

    bq. Is it expected to update old posts with new relevant links, or is that just preference, or is it just being excessive?

    For me, cross-referencing through hyperlinks is a key utility of the wiki format, so I update older pages with hyperlinks to new pages.

    Mike aka Black Vulmea
    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_": - swashbuckling adventure in the age of the Three Musketeers and Captain Alatriste
    Featured Campaign of the Month - August 2011
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