Firedrake MacFie Reporting In

edited February 2008 in Player Lounge


  • FiredrakeMacFie
    Posts: 3
    Hello, everyone. I just found out about this site, and signed up yesterday.

    It seems that I am the first here to create a PARANOIA campaign. I suppose that could very well be because a lot of people still have trouble thinking of PARANOIA as being anything but a one-shot super-silly pressure release game. I hope I can prove some skeptics wrong or at least provide some entertainment in the attempt.

    I've created a campaign page for my Play By EMail PARANOIA game, "The Bot Murders":, that I've been running for almost a year and a half. It originally ran (and still does) on the PARANOIA Fan Site, "Paranoia Live":, and I've also been posting its turns simultaneously on "Livejournal": This place looks like it will be able to provide a few new tools to help me keep track of various things (a year and a half is a long time to have to remember everything about a campaign, and we're not even a fifth of the way through where I want to go).

    Anyway, I hope people enjoy our attempts to entertain. Happiness IS Mandatory, after all.
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    Welcome to the site, Firedrake!

    Sweet, an ongoing Paranoia game! I've always wanted to run one of those - I even had a transparently bogus rationale behind it - but there have always been other, higher-profile pitches that win out.

    Mark my words, though - one day Turkey Force is gonna saddle up.
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