Introductions and Shameless Plugs

edited February 2008 in Player Lounge


  • Noshmek
    Posts: 9
    Hello! I run a campaign called Marai: The Long Dark. I began gaming in my freshman year in college some nineteen years ago, and quickly moved over to the game mastering role soon thereafter - probably because I'm a control freak, but mostly because I just enjoy it. In addition to gaming, I also compose music for my games as a way of description. I use music to convey what I have difficulty showing through words. So far, I have two short pieces up for Marai, so feel free have a listen. I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism on both my campaign and my music.

    I am very appreciative of the service Obsidian Portal provides and am amazed that such a thing took so long to come to light... (I wish I had thought of it!) I'm glad to be here and look forward to discovering many other worlds.

  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Welcome to the group. I love your music by the way. Music can really push home an ambiance unachievable by any other means. I also use music to convey feeling in my games but I'm not composer... I just use songs already in existence.

    Its odd, most of the GMs I know are control freaks... I wonder if its some sort of subconscious psychological requirement. Oh, and anyone who says "I'm not a control freak" from here out are just exceptions that prove my new rule. So, I win.
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    I'm not a control freak, and I'll manipulate you into agreeing with me! ;)
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Dude! I have always been prone to finding "theme songs" for my characters, but ZOMG I have never been skilled enough to *write* anything. Envy!
  • Noshmek
    Posts: 9
    Thank you! I added two more arrangements of the Ariyillion piece. The first is Harp, English Horn, and Viola and the second as a String Quartet. The original was Flute, Oboe, and Bassoon.
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    taodon - cheers and welcome! I'm new here too, but i've liked what i've seen. great music and props for proving once again that pen-and-paper RPGs are the best creative outlets. period.

    robjustice - yeah it is a strange type of person that wants to be the eyes, ears, and thoughts of a group of people. while i don't think it is a requirement to be a control freak to DM, I do think control freak personalities are attracted to the role. I think of myself more as a conductor or a director in my games though then a god like figure.
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    GM's have what I call the "director's personality". They enjoy staging and organizing and managing the little details. I've met a LOT of DMs who would be categorized as ENTPs according to the Meyers-Briggs Personality sorter... anyway...

    Welcome to the site! I'm envious of your ability to compose, because I think music adds so much to a campaign and being able to create your own has got to be a great way to really perfect the experience. I'll be sure to look your campaign over as soon as I get the time, I'm always eager to see what people who really are into their games can come up with.
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    bq. I’m envious of your ability to compose, because I think music adds so much to a campaign and being able to create your own has got to be a great way to really perfect the experience.

    I managed to forget all about this for the last eighteen years, but one of my players wrote a theme for our spelljamming-heavy campaign that really crystallized the mood of the game. I never did get a copy of it.

    Oh, and I forgot before, but welcome to the site, taodon! I'm sure you'll find it an invaluable asset, and a real boost to your creative impulses, as I have.
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