Play by post / Dice Roller

edited August 2011 in General Archive
Hello all. I'm looking to start a play-by-post game using the Runequest 2 system for a Deus Vult Campaign. I would like to know if something like this is supported by Obsidian Portal. I know that there are forums but is there a way to use the forums and dice roller together? In some forums I have seen in the past there is a dice feature that creates a random roll when a post is made. Do the forums here do this?


  • jujitsudave
    Posts: 3
    It would seem there is not. Nevermind.
  • HurstGM
    Posts: 205
    As an acended memeber you can have forums on your site and do it there.
  • jujitsudave
    Posts: 3
    Yes, but is there a kind of dice roller on the forum itself? For example, a player makes a post with a [dice]1d20{/dice] command and the result is a number generated between 1 and 20.
  • Rob_Ot
    Posts: 2
    For my PBP games, we just use and link to the rolls in our posts. Easy peasey. :)
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