
edited August 2011 in General Discussion
Hey folks, I have been slowly building up my new world "Verdenheim": these past few months.
It is slow going being a new father (my daughter Shaylee is 2 months old now), and sometimes it is hard to come up with ideas. I see you guys all posting on here and I have checked out many of your campaigns, so I value any input you may have.

Would any of you have any suggestions for my world? Story lines? NPCs? Nuances?

Any comments or criticisms appreciated


  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    Looks good so far - will you be adding a map of Verdenheim to the wiki?

    Mike aka Black Vulmea
    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_": - swashbuckling adventure in the age of the Three Musketeers and Captain Alatriste
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    Thanks for the favorite Vulmea!

    I will be adding a map eventually, but so far I have not yet made one or had the time to find an appropriate one.

    "Verdenheim": - a flat world where we live on one side, and magic lives on the other
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Love the front page pick!!!! good pics for races as well.
    I highly recommend a home button....
    "A God...Rebuilt":

    Just trying to help out.

  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hey there Libranchylde. Life has gotten busy for me of late and I wasn't able to give your wiki a thorough going over, but from what I did see, things are coming together quite nicely. Using images as tabs for your main wiki pages is a nice touch. I would suggest making a map sooner rather than later, as I have found that having a map really works well as a visual aid in helping you to think about the people and events of your world. You may have seen my other posts on this, but if you haven't already checked out the "Cartographers Guild": then I'd highly suggest doing so, you'll find the resources you need to create your own map there. Once you have a map, I'd recommend importing a copy of it to the Places section of your wiki so that you, your players, and those visiting your site can get a visual of the world.

  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113 edited August 2011
    Thanks killervp! I can't really take the credit for the art although I would like to. I am considering making some art for Verdenheim and uploading it to "My deviantART": page, most of the artwork i have used has come from either WotC or deviantART users who have approved the use of it.
    I never thought about an actual home button. That is a great idea, Thanks!

    Arsheesh, thanks! I will definitely take a look at that. I have tried using freeware map makers which work but come out crappy if you don't spend A LOT of time on them, which as previously stated it something I don't have time to do. lol. I am considering using a freeware map maker for a basis and actually making a hand made map that will be used as a handout.

    "Verdenheim": - a flat world where we live on one side, and magic lives on the other
    Post edited by libranchylde on
  • HurstGM
    Posts: 205 edited August 2011
    You asked for plot ideas what kind of plots do you have in mind something epic like breaking the world in half kinda thing or for something more individual

    "Uss Sanctuary":
    Post edited by HurstGM on
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    Hurst- I am looking for anything right now. the more ideas the better. more individual but epic ideas too
  • HurstGM
    Posts: 205
    Well shooting from the hip on plot ideas I like the flat world thing. I would have something the world above is doing effecting the world below. Perhaps not something catastrpic but perhaps something like We always have to clean that up that's you! Or something more dire causing the underworld to attack or get through to the top side. In Sanctuary my players have noted that ive done a really good job with aliens being well alien. I would have a very very diffrent culture on the underside. For the aliens I write it out before hand what the norms for them are (we drive on the right ect.) It helps when confusion or contact happens later. You could also have something both sides want for diffrent reasons (metal mineral something) and have both sides going for it then have the culture be the main part of contention and have the characters responsible for a conflict that they must now try and stop. Of course if they are anyhting like my players they will just want to fight the war so that could backfire.
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    That is ironic Hurst. That was one of the ideas i already had. I am planning on a queen witch character that will begin either siphoning the magic out of the under side of the world or polluting it. Either way it will be killing the inhabitants of the underside.
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    So I took your advice Killervp, and I made myself a button. In fact I have made myself a series of buttons to use throughout the wiki. So far I have only installed them on one page. Tell me what you think. "Places of Verdenheim": .
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Looks Awesome!! Nice style!!
    "A God...Rebuilt":

    Just trying to help out.

  • HurstGM
    Posts: 205
    looks good if you need help with banners side buttons or backgrounds hit view source on my pages or pm me and ill send you my coding
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001 edited August 2011
    Or, just use this...."Help & Tips FAQ": and this "Miscellanny":
    These are from the masters, Chainsaw & Arsheesh
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    Post edited by GamingMegaverse on

    Just trying to help out.

  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    Thanks guys, I will take a look at that.

    Just uploaded a very crappy quality map. Useful for visualizations, but not very good. I need to practice with Campaign Cartographer 3 and figure out how big I can make the maps.
    Any suggestions and tips with CC3 are welcome.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Go to the Cartographers guild...
    "A God...Rebuilt":

    Just trying to help out.

  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113 edited August 2011
    Do you guys all use Campaign Cartographer?

    Are there any other programs you could suggest for a neophyte cartographer?
    Kyle - "Verdenheim"
    Post edited by libranchylde on
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