(PbP / Maptools, DnD 4E) Morwold: The Bridge - Looking for Players!

edited July 2011 in Player Lounge

I am going to be starting an online DnD 4th edition game. I want to start by explaining the specifics, and then a little bit about the setting. Please, if you are interested in this game, send me a PM indicating as such (and include an email addresss). My Campaign is up on the Obsidian Portal page, although it's light for now. You can find it either for searching the game's title ("Morwold: The Bridge"), or for my user name (zippercomics). While I might see the reply here, chances are I'm going to see the PM on the campaign first, and while this isn't a "First come, first served" scenario, being first in line never hurts.

Below is a long form of what I'm looking for. I know it's a lot to read, but here's a quick summary:

* Home brew world,
* Non-combat played over message board (not sure where yet),
* Combat scheduled and played over MapTools whenever possible,
* Looking for 4 dedicated players who will invest time in the world and the game,
* No rules layers,
* Combat will be a part of this game. Expect the occassional "dungeon crawl",
* Come to the table with a character you're interested in playing, and I'll give you a story.

As far as the more concrete stuff:

* 4th Edition,
* Using the character builder,
* Level 1 to start (I know, groan, but you'll grow ...),
* Point buy (witholding info on that until I get players),
* Limits on non-core material, but anything will be allowed if it can be reasonably justified.

The Game is officially called "Morwold: The Bridge". The game takes place in a very typical homebrew world. You can find details on the campaign site.


If you're interested, please PM me your user name, and an email I can use to get in touch with you! You can reply here, but I won't guarantee anything. PM first, forum second. I tend to be impatient, so the faster you reach out to me, the faster we can get started.

As I receive emails, I'll be taking the addresses and the conversation over to email, as that's a faster / better means of communicating at this stage. So be ready for emails, and more importantly, ready to answer them.

You CAN tell me what kind of character you WANT to play, but I won't be recording this information until I have the player base. Then, we'll all discuss it together.


Cheers, and thanks for reading. Long, I know, but I needed to make sure the ad was attractive (and hopefully, it was) ...




  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Welcome to the portal. I suggest you try "Pen and Paper Games":http://www.penandpapergames.com , Obsidian's partner to find players. I have found players for my game there myself.
    "A God...Rebuilt":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/a-god-rebuilt

    Just trying to help out.

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