ADDED - cuts and comments

edited January 2008 in Feature Requests


  • wyrmul
    Posts: 36
    It has been mentioned elsewhere but I couldn't find it in the feature request forum so I am officially requesting it. I would like some form of cutting mechanism. A tag or something that will cut off the test of an Adventure log on the adventure log page and in the removed text's place a link to the individual log's page. In a recent log the log was three screens long or so. With a few logs like this the front page will get pretty long in a short period.

    Also some way of limiting the amount of logs displayed would be nice. Even if you have short log entries, after a few dozen again you get the long load time.

    And the ability to comment would be nice. Right now the communication tends to be one way. I post an adventure log, you read it and maybe you send me a message on it. Or post an NPC or Item and perhaps you use it at some point. Unless you send me a private message I have no Idea if anyone has found my work valuable, or helpful, or anything. And it takes 3 clicks and a copy/paste before you can even begin typing the private message.

    I request the ability to comment on an adventure log or item or npc, similar to how one does on a site like livejournal or deviantart. On the adventure logs they would only visible on the log's individual page. Perhaps each entry on the Adventure log main page would have a comment counter similar to live journal tacked on the end of each entry.
  • wyrmul
    Posts: 36
    I thought up a simple'ish hack to get this working. Using div tags you could change the style of the front page so that tags of the "cut" class are hidden and on the style of the individual adventure logs the "cut" class does nothing.

    It looks like the editor already allows us to enter div class="cut" tags already all we need is the style on the adventure log to have .cut {display:none} somewhere in there. Just a thought.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Hmm, we don't want people to have to know tons of CSS in order to do things.

    The mostly likely solution will be something along the lines of showing the first paragraph or so. The other option would be to do something similar to Drupal, which allows specifying exactly where to break for the teaser section. Unfortunately, that's a little harder, and we like to take the easy route ;)
  • wyrmul
    Posts: 36
    Would you be able to create a textile tag that would insert the div tag? As long as the CSS to make it work is added into the page's template the user would not have to deal with any css.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Covered in "another thread":
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