Can everyone see the GM only text on the wiki?

edited May 2011 in General Archive
Hi guys. Totally new here, and to wiki's in general. I'm in love with the idea right now, of writing everything for my campaign at home on my laptop, on my desktop or anywhere else from my phone, and then showing up to the gaming table with nothing but some dice and my phone. So I'm not sure if I'm using the site quite as intended, but I'm definantly using it.

So... Can everyone who views my content also view the GM only part of it? As I said above, I'm writing adventures on this thing that haven't yet been run, so obviously, I'm worried about one my my players happening across my wiki and seeing all the nasty little surprises I have dreamed up for them. Insert evil laugh here.

Great site guys, looking forward to using more and more of it in the future. Thanks.


  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277 edited May 2011
    Welcome to the Portal, *Troll*.

    As I understand it, content in the GM-only section of pages is visible only to you unless you designate another user to have gm-privileges.

    In addition to the GM-only section of pages, you can designate whole pages as GM-only as well. For example, I have a couple of dozen hidden pages where I store my notes for running the campaign, such as encounters and events, names for improvising npcs, a task library of sample skill tests, my list of things to do on the site, and so on. I also have more than a hundred npcs which are GM-only - I make them visible as they come up in the game.

    This is my favorite feature of the wiki as a tool for actually running the game at the table. For example, through the GM-only sections and pages I can link everything together for fast reference in play: an npc's hidden content may include links to allies and opponents, places where the npc may be found, events and encounters in which the character is involved, items the character possesses, and adventure logs in which the character appears. No fumbling through pages and pages of handwritten notes in a notebook or scrolling through documents and spreadsheets to find what I need.

    With the OP wiki and my .pdf game books, my laptop now takes the place of the pile of books and notebooks I used to have stacked on the table. It's amazingly convenient.

    Looking forward to seeing your content.

    Mike aka Black Vulmea
    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_": - swashbuckling adventure in the age of the Three Musketeers and Captain Alatriste
    Post edited by Black_Vulmea on
  • Troll
    Posts: 3
    Excellent. Thank you much. Next question..

    Do wiki's linked to a dm only page show up for any casual observer to see? Or do they stay top secret also?

    Example. I have written a quick little scenario involving a bit of a hack and slash to save an npc. I have the npc drawn up and linked. The Scenario is all in DM only, but the npc is in a public page, but the only link to the public page is on the DM only page. Can someone view all my pages from the tab on the right or can only I do that?
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    Pages, including character pages. that are marked as GM-only can't be accessed from the tabs on the Wiki or Characters pages, so if I understand you correctly. you should be fine.

  • Troll
    Posts: 3
    Most excellent. Again I thank you.
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