Bullywug friend

edited April 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
In my recent campaign my players came across a room with a bullywug intended for food for a dire wolf some hobgoblins were keeping as a pet. They killed the Hobgoblins and wolf and decided to keep the Bullywug as a companion. If they keep it with their party, which I find likely, I will let it fight as a member. This would help fill their party out as it is 3 dedicated players and one who pops in and out.

My question is, what kind of class would a Bullywug have? Options that seem obvious are Druid, and Shaman, due to the dex/wis and con options, but I have one problem with that. Bullywugs are the the red step child of nature, in fact, nature rewards you for even killing them with a free healing surge. So I do not believe that these should work being so close to nature. I also dont want to just go with fighter, as that would not be of any use to the players who already have cleric, rogue/bard, fighter, and swordmage.

Two ideas are Avenger of Avandra, due to her wayside shrines in the wild he could have came upon it and wishes to change the worlds view on his hated people and blighted lineage in hopes the intelligent Bullywugs can be accepted and not persecuted like their barbaric counterparts. An Invoker would work the same.

Another is a swamp like ranger, utilizing blowguns instead of bows and spears. This is slightly self explanatory.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    A friend of mine once played a Bullywug named Ribbert Drowning Jr.

    Hrm... I think a ranger sounds good. I'm not super familiar with 4E, but I would think that some sort of animistic holyman might also work. Could you reskin the druid as a sort of anti-druid? I'm playing a 4E druid in a Darksun campaign right now who turns into a maw demon. Perhaps bullywugs have somehow managed to forcibly bend nature to their will controlling it through compulsion rather than some sort of deeper understanding. That way you can justify the "natural" magic without having to sacrifice the red-headed stepchild-ness.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521 edited April 2011
    My sick sense of humor *really* likes the idea of this bullywug having a divine class (Avandra or Melora would work best in my universe). It'd be fun to have a sort of smackdown reminder to the "noble races" that *everything* is part of creation and thus the gods will take interest in it. Not to mention, it'd be very fitting with my notions of Avandra for her to work her will through something that would not normally be considered a candidate for divine investiture.

    And I like the idea of Avandra saying "This is my Bullywug! There are many Bullywugs like it, but this one is mine!"

    Second edit: Just to clarify that in the way I see this shaking out, this little froggy would never have needed to encounter a shrine to anybody. This would be one of the Wild Women saying "Hmm, need to shake things up, need to be sneaky about it...oooh, s/he'll do nicely."
    Post edited by FemmeLegion on
  • Schneidend
    Posts: 2
    All companions who don't have classes already should always become Paladins. It is the only rational option. It is also usually hilarious.
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