Looking for an online game? We are an OWoD set in modern day Guildford, UK.

edited April 2011 in General Archive

We are an online Old World of Darkness 3rd Ed game set in Guildford UK. We are pretty much open 24 hours a day. Most of the time players are present as this is a multi time zone game. When the STs are working or asleep players are usually open for small character building scenes that don't require an ST present. The players are friendly and very helpful. We are a sheeted/dice moderated game. If you can handle a text based rp game come check us out, don't be intimidated we where all new to this at one stage and its easy to learn. We play on IRC and can be found on the channel #BurningBridge on irc.darkmyst.org

Look forward to seeing you.

If you wish for further information you can email us on [email protected]


  • Tyrskald
    Posts: 1
    Is there any way I could lurk and see how the game is played before attempting to join it? I have played various types of online RPGs, and sadly most haven't worked out well. No pressure either way, just let me know.

    Which supernatural culture does this WOD campaign focus on--vampires, etc.?

  • Avy
    Posts: 9
    Hey Novashtiri_Iluun

    Yes you ca lurk and see if you like what we see. We are currently going though a revamp of the channel to add more cultures. I currently have an ST that will be running a 3rd ED Mage game based around the setting. I am a VTM ST so you would have to talk to Tink. Later on in the year we are hoping to have other cultures open. To find us grab mIRC or Mibbit or another chat program and type irc.darkmyst.org to get on the server. Once you are on our channel is #BurningBridge

    We look forward to seeing you. If you arnt familiar with an IRC based game all STs are identified with an @ before their nickname. If you want to see play ask if you can watch. You cant however play unless you have a character approved.

    Thanks for you inquiry.
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