Dynamic sheets and images

edited March 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
I've made a foray into the DST system, as I find it fairly tedious to manage Mage: The Awakening sheets in Textile. My goal is to make something that looks as similar as possible to the sheet from the core book, and a big part of this is dots.

The way I've been doing this is through an image generator for dots I found some time ago, http://files.ihavenofriend.com/dots.php

Using this in Textile or HTML is fairly simple, respectively:

Now, if I have an attribute called dsf_intelligence, I'd want this to be slotted into the HTML code in the two places it says 5, the argument for the php file and the alternative text. The system actually doesn't complain, showing 5 empty circles as expected. However, I can't edit it directly, and referencing the attribute directly as text and changing it does not affect the picture.

Any suggestions wrt this? Or am I doomed to have numbers for attributes, skills and so on?


  • anarkitty
    Posts: 2 edited March 2011
    If you look at the character sheets for Exalted, the author managed to get the dots to work.
    I haven't looked at his code, but if you are looking for an example to start from, there you go!
    Post edited by anarkitty on
  • SimonPip
    Posts: 2
    Thank you for the tip. It looks like my fears are realized, this will take a whole lotta JS to do. I'll keep tinkering for now, I don't really need it anymore anyway, all the characters have been fixed properly in Textile. Maintenance shouldn't be too troublesome.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    You can copy and paste the pips code from my Exalted sheets if you like. It's designed to be as portable and easy to use as possible. Let me know if you want a breakdown of how to make it work for you.
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